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FY08 Motorcycle Agenda

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FY08 Motorcycle Agenda

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    1. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 1 FY08 Navy/Marine Motorcycle Safety Initiatives Update Don Borkoski, Motorcycle Program Manager Naval Safety Center 08/29/08

    2. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 2 Motor vehicle trends have been tracking down Cars are becoming safer More riders are wearing seat belts DUI�s have decreases Motorcycle trends have been tracking up Bikes are becoming more powerful More riders are on the road (more popular, higher gas prices, cheaper than cars) Military are returning from deployments with more ready cash Motor vehicle trends have been tracking down Cars are becoming safer More riders are wearing seat belts DUI�s have decreases Motorcycle trends have been tracking up Bikes are becoming more powerful More riders are on the road (more popular, higher gas prices, cheaper than cars) Military are returning from deployments with more ready cash

    3. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 3 DoD Motorcycle Service Comparisons Fatality rates follow the general age groups in the service. The Navy fatalities have generally decreased. The spike in FY06 was a result of one bad month, October 2006. There were 8 Navy fatalities in that single month. A combination of excellent weather conditions and a significant number of ships in port may have been factors. CNIC provided contract trainers in 2005 which may have helped lower the mishap rate. In 2006 following the October spike, training was further increased with a goal of providing classes within 30 days of a rider requesting the class USMC has the largest percentage of personnel under age 30, the highest risk population of all the services. Less than 10% of registered motorcycles accounted for more than 25% of fatalities in 2006 Training appear to have helped lower fatalities in all services.Fatality rates follow the general age groups in the service. The Navy fatalities have generally decreased. The spike in FY06 was a result of one bad month, October 2006. There were 8 Navy fatalities in that single month. A combination of excellent weather conditions and a significant number of ships in port may have been factors. CNIC provided contract trainers in 2005 which may have helped lower the mishap rate. In 2006 following the October spike, training was further increased with a goal of providing classes within 30 days of a rider requesting the class USMC has the largest percentage of personnel under age 30, the highest risk population of all the services. Less than 10% of registered motorcycles accounted for more than 25% of fatalities in 2006 Training appear to have helped lower fatalities in all services.

    4. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 4 FY07 Class A Mishaps by Type Motorcycle (national stats are for CY05) FY07 Class A Mishaps November 2008 NSC used the new data collected from PMV-MIR reports to isolate fatalities by type motorcycle. Military, sport bikes are involved in a significant number of motorcycle fatalities. National is not as pronounced but the National data is from 2005. The significance drove the need for a Sport Bike specific training plan. Next NextFY07 Class A Mishaps November 2008 NSC used the new data collected from PMV-MIR reports to isolate fatalities by type motorcycle. Military, sport bikes are involved in a significant number of motorcycle fatalities. National is not as pronounced but the National data is from 2005. The significance drove the need for a Sport Bike specific training plan. Next Next

    5. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 5 USN/USMC MC CENSUS

    6. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 6 Actions Completed Motorcycle Census (01/02/08) requested from Navy and Marine Corps OPNAVINST 5100.12H (03/07/08) Complete revision ALSAFE 08-030 (05/28/08) Military Sportbike Rider Course (MSRC) mandated MSRC Start date (06/01/08) Official Roll-out date (as directed in ALSAFE 08-030) OPNAVINST 5100.12H Change 1 (06/25/08) MSRC and 3-year recert mandated officially ALSAFE 08-040 (07/11/08) Motorcycle Training Requirements for Navy Personnel ALSAFE 08-048 (08/22/08) 30-day Temp Base Pass OPNAVINST 5100.12H Release Expected April 08 DODI 6055.4A is being routed for approval. No expected delivery date but 5100.12H is base on some of it�s recommendations. OPNAVINST 5100.12H change 1 Release expected May 08 for Sport Bike Course and 3-year update training. Regional Rider Coach Trainer Assignments expected May 08 New Traffic Safety Rods Contract may include USMC and USN Partnership Training Motorcycles expected as early as May 08 MSF-QA program to begin Oct 09 MSF-RC Updates to be enforced as of May 08 New RERP Agreements/Applications released and to be promulgated April 08 M/C Ranges are to be inspected and new photos/layouts submitted with RERP Application M/C Training simulators to be tested ESAMS/MSF-RES interconnectivity to be tested OPNAVINST 5100.xx being submitted for M/C mentorship program for command level authorization and management OPNAVINST 5100.12H Release Expected April 08 DODI 6055.4A is being routed for approval. No expected delivery date but 5100.12H is base on some of it�s recommendations. OPNAVINST 5100.12H change 1 Release expected May 08 for Sport Bike Course and 3-year update training. Regional Rider Coach Trainer Assignments expected May 08 New Traffic Safety Rods Contract may include USMC and USN Partnership Training Motorcycles expected as early as May 08 MSF-QA program to begin Oct 09 MSF-RC Updates to be enforced as of May 08 New RERP Agreements/Applications released and to be promulgated April 08 M/C Ranges are to be inspected and new photos/layouts submitted with RERP Application M/C Training simulators to be tested ESAMS/MSF-RES interconnectivity to be tested OPNAVINST 5100.xx being submitted for M/C mentorship program for command level authorization and management

    7. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 7 Projects ALSAFE 08-xxx Moped and Scooter Safety Policy On Line motorcycle training enrollment system. Options: MSF- Rider Enrollment System ESAMS ALSAFE 08-xxx Motorcycles Mentorship Programs OPNAVINST 5100.12H Change 2 Navy & Marine Traffic Safety Contract (1 Oct 08) Trainer Motorcycles (1 Jan 09) Mobile Training to reach isolated commands Sailor to Sailor Safety (S2SS) Feedback Advance MC training course Keith Code AMOS course Lee Parks Total Control

    8. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 8 �Tow To Go� RESULTS: 47 people took advantage of the program 30 of that total occurred on New Year�s Eve Most calls for service came from downtown Norfolk & Va. Beach oceanfront �Tow To Go� RESULTS: 47 people took advantage of the program 30 of that total occurred on New Year�s Eve Most calls for service came from downtown Norfolk & Va. Beach oceanfront

    9. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 9 �Tow To Go� RESULTS: 47 people took advantage of the program 30 of that total occurred on New Year�s Eve Most calls for service came from downtown Norfolk & Va. Beach oceanfront �Tow To Go� RESULTS: 47 people took advantage of the program 30 of that total occurred on New Year�s Eve Most calls for service came from downtown Norfolk & Va. Beach oceanfront

    10. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 10 USN/USMC FY 06 � 07 Motorcycle Class A Profile DON figures parallel National figures as far as age of riders and fatalities. Speed or Loss of Control are leading factors, especially for Sport Bikes. Nationally in 2005 Speed was a factor in 57% of the Sport Bike fatal crashes. Training is either not documented or not complied with. The focus for the future will be to reach all riders with training! Priority will be first year riders who account for 48 Percent of the fatalities. Riding Experience 18-26 yrs old � Less than six months 27-34 yrs old � A little over 5 yrs. 35+ yrs old - Greater than 10 yrs. DON figures parallel National figures as far as age of riders and fatalities. Speed or Loss of Control are leading factors, especially for Sport Bikes. Nationally in 2005 Speed was a factor in 57% of the Sport Bike fatal crashes. Training is either not documented or not complied with. The focus for the future will be to reach all riders with training! Priority will be first year riders who account for 48 Percent of the fatalities. Riding Experience 18-26 yrs old � Less than six months 27-34 yrs old � A little over 5 yrs. 35+ yrs old - Greater than 10 yrs.

    11. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 11 2006 PMV Fatality Rates (Oct 1 2006 through October 16, 2006) 4-Wheel 2-Wheel Pedestrian Totals Navy 8 3 0 11 Marine Corps 6 5 1 12 Navy/Marine 14 8 1 23 You guys just aren�t getting it!!! The object is to keep you alive and you�re out there doing things that could either KILL you or cause you serious bodily injury.2006 PMV Fatality Rates (Oct 1 2006 through October 16, 2006) 4-Wheel 2-Wheel Pedestrian Totals Navy 8 3 0 11 Marine Corps 6 5 1 12 Navy/Marine 14 8 1 23 You guys just aren�t getting it!!! The object is to keep you alive and you�re out there doing things that could either KILL you or cause you serious bodily injury.

    12. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 12 OPNAVINST 5100.12H 5100.12H releases 7 March 2008 Regions/Installations are required to provide training within 30 days of request. CO�s/OIC�s are to provide: Traffic safety Indoc within 2 weeks of reporting Traffic safety stand-downs prior to major Holidays, extended weekends or extended liberty periods Under 26 yr old riders must complete 4-hour Driver Safety Training within the first year, and refresher training every 2 years. Driver Improvement training has been expanded to include AAA, NSC training and Smith System driver improvement. 15 passenger van training is required. 3-year motorcycle re-training is mandated.

    13. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 13 OPNAVINST 5100.12H Cell Phone usage in a vehicle is restricted to hands-free operation. Motorcycle PPE: DOT/Snell head protection is required Eye protection is clarified to include wrap safety glasses Footwear expanded to: �sturdy over the ankle� Long sleeve top, long pants, full finger gloves Required. Motorcycle specific jacket �highly recommended�. Brightly colored upper garment has been dropped Reflective outer upper garment or vest shall be worn during nighttime hours. Maximum driving hours per day have been specified.

    14. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 14 OPNAVINST 5100.12H Change 1 Military Sportbike Rider Course (MSRC)will be mandated within 90 day of the BRC. BRC is a prerequisite. ERC is required for standard Motorcycles within 90 days of the BRC taken on a trainer motorcycle. Commands will be required to track their motorcycle riders and training. Training motorcycle will be encouraged for the BRC. Change 1 is expected to be approved in May 08. it�s primary purpose will be to mandate the MSRC and recommend usage of Trainer motorcycle. Trainer motorcycles are expected to be included in the FY09 Traffic safety contractChange 1 is expected to be approved in May 08. it�s primary purpose will be to mandate the MSRC and recommend usage of Trainer motorcycle. Trainer motorcycles are expected to be included in the FY09 Traffic safety contract

    15. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 15

    16. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 16 Sport Bike Training: Implementation Plan Military Sport Bike Course (MSBC) �Roll out� will be accomplished in 4 phases PHASE 1: Development Draft, Validation Testing PHASE 2: Beta Testing and Full classes to evaluate and adjust Video/graphic production Course material print/distribution Video�s, range cards, handbooks Rider Coach Trainer Class PHASE 3: Regional/Command Start-up Trainers qualify regional coaches to teach MSRC Prepare and certify ranges for the MSRC IOC: Begin teaching classes as soon as possible PHASE 4: Catch up and Sustain Reach all sport bike riders as soon as possible Sustain a viable training program with MSBC included 14 April to 2 May Rider Coach Trainers were qualified and will become Subject Matter Experts(SME) for their Regions. They will be the first qualified to teach their coaches the MSRC14 April to 2 May Rider Coach Trainers were qualified and will become Subject Matter Experts(SME) for their Regions. They will be the first qualified to teach their coaches the MSRC

    17. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 17 Sport Bike Training: Phase 4 Timeline PHASE 4: Catch-up and Sustain 05/09 -16 Trainers will be able to qualify their region/command Coaches 05/30 -176 Coaches will be able to teach the MSBC, and 51 Full size Navy and Marine ranges will be painted and certified 06/20 -Most riders with less than 1 year experience can be trained. (approx 3500) 06/30 -Averaging 1 class per week on 51 ranges and 9 students per class, 1836 students per month can be trained 09/30 -Most Sport Bike riders will have completed training by the end of the Fiscal Year (approx 12,200) 10/30 -Routine training schedule can be planned by the end of the riding season.

    18. Sport Bike Training: Inception to IOC Slide 5 Sport Bike Training Progression Sport Bike Riders and Coaches are being taught from the first day of testing. Training increases in Phases: Phase 1: Training focus on students to field test the curriculum Phase 2: Training focus on coaches to increase the instructor base Phase 3: Training focus on �Train the Trainers� to provide an increased ability to train instructors. 2. Each location that tested the SBRC will be certified to continue teaching the course. At the Completion of the Rider Coach Trainer Class (Pensacola), There will be at least one Trainer in each CNIC region. By 9 May, Rider Coach Trainers will be able to certify their own Regional Coaches to teach the SBRC. The Rider Coach Trainer Class should graduate: 6 Navy, 5 Marine, 1 Army The SBRC Coach Certification will take 3 days initially The SBRC course is 8 hours 3. Certifications: Rider Coach Trainers �train the trainers� (and manage the Motorcycle training program) Rider Coaches �teach the students� Each region will be on line to teach all of their coaches and consequently start teaching all of their riders after 9 May. At that time the regions will be able to implement the program based on the availability of full size ranges and the number of Rider Coaches availible. NextSlide 5 Sport Bike Training Progression Sport Bike Riders and Coaches are being taught from the first day of testing. Training increases in Phases: Phase 1: Training focus on students to field test the curriculum Phase 2: Training focus on coaches to increase the instructor base Phase 3: Training focus on �Train the Trainers� to provide an increased ability to train instructors. 2. Each location that tested the SBRC will be certified to continue teaching the course. At the Completion of the Rider Coach Trainer Class (Pensacola), There will be at least one Trainer in each CNIC region. By 9 May, Rider Coach Trainers will be able to certify their own Regional Coaches to teach the SBRC. The Rider Coach Trainer Class should graduate: 6 Navy, 5 Marine, 1 Army The SBRC Coach Certification will take 3 days initially The SBRC course is 8 hours 3. Certifications: Rider Coach Trainers �train the trainers� (and manage the Motorcycle training program) Rider Coaches �teach the students� Each region will be on line to teach all of their coaches and consequently start teaching all of their riders after 9 May. At that time the regions will be able to implement the program based on the availability of full size ranges and the number of Rider Coaches availible. Next

    19. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 19 Member Companies We were founded in 1973 by the five leading motorcycle manufacturers in the United States. Since that time we�ve grown to 11 member manufacturers. We were founded in 1973 by the five leading motorcycle manufacturers in the United States. Since that time we�ve grown to 11 member manufacturers.

    20. Questions ?

    21. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 21 Motorcycle Types BASES WITH KNOWN TRAINING MOTORCYCLES 4 @ MCAS Yuma (2-200cc & 2-250cc) Camp Pendleton MCAS Miramar 15 @ MCB Quantico (donated by Virginia Motorcycle League) 11 @ NAS Pensacola 2 @ NOB Norfolk TRAINING BIKES: BASES WITH KNOWN TRAINING MOTORCYCLES 4 @ MCAS Yuma (2-200cc & 2-250cc) Camp Pendleton MCAS Miramar 15 @ MCB Quantico (donated by Virginia Motorcycle League) 11 @ NAS Pensacola 2 @ NOB Norfolk TRAINING BIKES:

    22. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 22 USN/USMC Motorcycle Fatalities FY07/08 by Service Marine Fatalities are highest in California, and North California Camp Pendleton, CA and Cherry Point, NC have been selected to lead the Sport Bike Rider Course. (Pendleton start: December) (Cherry Point start: March) Navy Fatalities are highest in California, Florida and Virginia Camp Pendleton and San Diego have joined forces to provide the Sport Bike Rider Course. Florida and Virginia are also early to begin. (Jacksonville start: February) (Virginia start: March) Navy and Marine Key rider coaches from the high risk states have been selected to become Rider Coach Train-the-Trainers. (April) They will become qualified to teach Rider Coaches in their area, and the Sport Bike Course so that it can be implemented as soon as possible. Currently California and Jacksonville are teaching the Sport bike class on a regular basis.Marine Fatalities are highest in California, and North California Camp Pendleton, CA and Cherry Point, NC have been selected to lead the Sport Bike Rider Course. (Pendleton start: December) (Cherry Point start: March) Navy Fatalities are highest in California, Florida and Virginia Camp Pendleton and San Diego have joined forces to provide the Sport Bike Rider Course. Florida and Virginia are also early to begin. (Jacksonville start: February) (Virginia start: March) Navy and Marine Key rider coaches from the high risk states have been selected to become Rider Coach Train-the-Trainers. (April) They will become qualified to teach Rider Coaches in their area, and the Sport Bike Course so that it can be implemented as soon as possible. Currently California and Jacksonville are teaching the Sport bike class on a regular basis.

    23. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 23 Slide 9: Motorcycle Initiatives COMNAVSAFECEN working with MSF has developed the Sport Bike Rider Course and will continue to research, adopt and implement effective motorcycle programs to reduce the number of single and multi-vehicle crashes involving motorcycle riders. The Navy�s training Continuum will include: Focused training Interval training to combat complacency (3-year renewal mandated) Rider Enrollment System to close the gap on training documentation Media blitz including 1st edition of Motorcycle Safety Magazine M/C safety pocket guide Agreements with MSF, Industry and Sport bike author Nick Ienosch to produce, TV/Video spots, News articles, Pamphlets and Posters advocating safe riding and personal risk management M/C mentorship program focused toward individual commands to provide a more beneficial tool for CO/OIC oversight. NextSlide 9: Motorcycle Initiatives COMNAVSAFECEN working with MSF has developed the Sport Bike Rider Course and will continue to research, adopt and implement effective motorcycle programs to reduce the number of single and multi-vehicle crashes involving motorcycle riders. The Navy�s training Continuum will include: Focused training Interval training to combat complacency (3-year renewal mandated) Rider Enrollment System to close the gap on training documentation Media blitz including 1st edition of Motorcycle Safety Magazine M/C safety pocket guide Agreements with MSF, Industry and Sport bike author Nick Ienosch to produce, TV/Video spots, News articles, Pamphlets and Posters advocating safe riding and personal risk management M/C mentorship program focused toward individual commands to provide a more beneficial tool for CO/OIC oversight. Next

    24. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 24 Reaching �Critical Mass� MSBC requires a full size range Priority will be fleet concentration facilities Riders with less than 1 year since BRC completion will complete the MSBC before 30 June All sport bike riders will be required to complete the training prior to Oct 08 MSBC will be �caught up� and provided routinely with the BRC by Oct 08

    25. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 25 Service age comparisons

    26. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 26 Baseline December 07 FY07: 37 Fatalities 57% Sport Bikes FY08: 10 Fatalities 100% Sport Bikes No Sport Bike Training February 08 Introduced Sport Bike Training 45 SBRC students trained Met with Key Partners Motorcycle Census Simulator Evaluation Slide 3: BASELINE Even before last brief, Naval Safety Center and Marine Corps Safety Division were working with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation on a Sports Bike Training course to address the rise in motorcycle fatalities experienced by the younger sailors and Marines. The Motorcycle Safety foundation agreed to develop a course in cooperation with the Navy and Marine Corps. Recently the Navy and Marine Corps and MSF have Introduced Sport Bike Training into the curriculum and so far we have 45 SBRC students trained with final release and full training available by mid-May. We�ve Met with Key Partners We�ve conducted a Motorcycle Census We�re conducting Simulator Evaluation NextSlide 3: BASELINE Even before last brief, Naval Safety Center and Marine Corps Safety Division were working with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation on a Sports Bike Training course to address the rise in motorcycle fatalities experienced by the younger sailors and Marines. The Motorcycle Safety foundation agreed to develop a course in cooperation with the Navy and Marine Corps. Recently the Navy and Marine Corps and MSF have Introduced Sport Bike Training into the curriculum and so far we have 45 SBRC students trained with final release and full training available by mid-May. We�ve Met with Key Partners We�ve conducted a Motorcycle Census We�re conducting Simulator Evaluation Next

    27. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 27 USN/USMC Motorcycle Fatalities By FY07/08 California, Florida and Virginia are our highest fatality regions. Additionally: All three states are fleet concentration areas California and Florida have riding seasons that last almost the full year. All three states have concentrations of both Navy and Marines North and South Carolina have the next highest fatalities. They are home to a high concentration of Marine units.California, Florida and Virginia are our highest fatality regions. Additionally: All three states are fleet concentration areas California and Florida have riding seasons that last almost the full year. All three states have concentrations of both Navy and Marines North and South Carolina have the next highest fatalities. They are home to a high concentration of Marine units.

    28. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 28

    29. FY08 Motorcycle Agenda 29 Training and Stand down focus areas should be focused on historical high fatality time frames.Training and Stand down focus areas should be focused on historical high fatality time frames.

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