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Unveiling Leadership: Functions and Significance Discussion by Royal Presenters

Explore the essence of leadership and the vital role of a leader in achieving organizational goals. Learn the functions of a leader, significance of leadership, and various leadership styles.

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Unveiling Leadership: Functions and Significance Discussion by Royal Presenters

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  2. What is Leadership ? Discuss the Functions of a Leader and Significance of Leadership. DISCUSS BY: ROYAL PRESENTERS

  3. LEADERSHIP :- • Weihrich and Knootz : “Leadership is defined as the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of organizational goals.” READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  4. Peter Drucker : “Leadership is lifting of a man’s vision to higher sights, the raising of man’s performance to a higher standard, and the building of a man’s personality beyond its normal limitation.” READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  5. Theo Haimann : “Leadership can be defined as the process by which an executive imaginatively guides and influences the work of others on choosing and attaining specified goals by medicating between the individual and the organization in such a manner that both will obtain maximum satisfaction.” READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  6. FUNCTIONS OF A LEADER :- Following are the Functions that a Leader should perform: • TAKING THE INITIATIVE :- The first and foremost job of a Leader is to take the initiative in all activities. He should not depend upon other’s guidance and direction to do any work. He himself should present in the field, lay down the goals, commence its implications and see that the goals are achieved as per the predetermined targets. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  7. REPRESENTING THE ENTERPRISE :- As the leader is the true representative of the entire organization he should represent the enterprise and objectives not only to those serving for it but also to the others in the outside world. • INTERPRETING :- A Leader is expected to give reason to his every order. He has to instruct things in the easiest way. If his instructions are not clear, it must create problem for the subordinates. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  8. GUIDING & DIRECTING THE SUBORDINATES :- A Leader should guide and advice people and direct their behavior for the achievement of organizational goals. • ENCOURAGE TEAMWORK :- Without teamwork, a leader cannot succeed in his task of accomplishing organizational goals. Thus, he must try to win the confidence of his subordinates. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  9. MOTIVATES EMPLOYEES :- A good leader motivates the employees for higher and better performance. Motivation helps in getting the work done, realizing the objectives, inspiring group efforts, teamwork and getting cooperation and support from the employees for the accomplishment of the assigned tasks. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  10. SIGNIFICANCE OF LEADERSHIP :- • It is necessary for goal accomplishment. • It motivates employees to work to their utmost capacity and full enthusiasm towards the attainment of organizational goals. • It causes high performance, especially by building good employee relations. • It gives confidence to the followers by making them aware about their qualities and capacities and strengthening their emotions. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  11. Explain Leadership Styles in detail along with its merits and demerits. BY: FAHAD AHMED KHAN

  12. LEADERSHIP STYLES :- The term Leadership Stylerefers to the pattern of behavior, which a Leader adopts to guide his followers towards the attainment of organizational goals. The nature and form of Leadership Style also affected by existing circumstances, time period, personality of leader, his experience, attitude, nature of followers, external environment and so on. Basically and broadly there are three important Leadership Style. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  13. AUTOCRATIC OR AUTHORITARIAN STYLE :- It is also known as Directive Style. An Autocratic Leader possesses decision-making power and exercise complete control over the subordinates. He uses both positive and negative motivations. For Instance, reward, praise, fear of criticism or punishment. The Positive Motivation is called as Benevolent Autocratic Style and the Negative Motivation is called as Directional or Oppressive Autocratic Style. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  14. The Autocratic Leader himself decides all his policies. He gives orders to the subordinates and expects them to follow such orders completely without any question. This style may be appropriately used where subordinates are uneducated, unskilled, unwise and inexperienced. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  15. ADVANTAGES :- Main advantages of Autocratic Style of Leadership are: • It permits quick decisions as a single person takes most of the decisions. • There are many subordinates in the enterprises that prefer to work under centralized authority structure, a Strict Discipline. They get satisfaction from this style. • As there is no consultation with subordinates, confidential matters can be kept secret. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  16. DISADVANTAGES :- Main disadvantages of Autocratic Style of Leadership are: • Subordinates in the enterprise dislike it specially when it is strict and motivations are lacking. • Frustration, low morale and conflict develop in the enterprise which harms the organizational efficiency. • The success of this type of Leadership entirely depends upon the efficiency of the leader. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  17. DEMOCRATIC OR PARTICIPATIVE STYLE :- The Democratic Leader involves subordinates in the decision making. He encouraged subordinates to use their full capacities and assume greater responsibilities. The Democratic Leader keeps the subordinates well informed about the matters of their interest and concern, and gives them freedom to think, discuss, express and make decisions. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  18. Democratic Style is more appropriate where subordinates are educated, skilled, wise and creative. This will help the leader to be the part of a strong and capable force of followers. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  19. ADVANTAGES :- Main advantages of Democratic Style of Leadership are: • It is a successful style of leadership because it is based upon Positive assumption about human beings. • It encourages development of subordinates for better performance of their jobs. • Participation in decision making will lead to better leader-subordinates relations. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  20. DISADVANTAGES :- Main disadvantages of Democratic Style of Leadership are: • Decisions cannot be take quickly because the leader consults the subordinates before taking decisions. • It may fails when the communication pattern and the skills are not strong enough. • It is not workable when the subordinates do not want to take extra responsibilities of decision making and becoming part of every decision. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  21. FREE-REIGN OR LAISSEZ-FAIRE OR PERMISSIVE STYLE :- In Free-Reign Style the subordinates are given a goal to achieve in their own way or sometimes they themselves decide their group goals. In this style the leader behaves as the member of the group. He gives his opinion and suggestion only when it is demanded from him. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  22. The Free-Reign Style is appropriate where subordinates themselves are very well trained and highly knowledgeable about their tasks and ready to assume extra responsibilities. This style is valid when the company has an effective communication network acceptable to the subordinates and where the leader is ready to compromise with the status in the group and is interested in giving the whole authority to the subordinates. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  23. ADVANTAGES :- Main advantages of Free-Reign Style of Leadership are: • It provides complete freedom to the subordinates so that their motivation and morale can be improved. • There is a full scope for creativity on the part of the subordinates. It helps the subordinates to develop their own Personality. • There is a free flow of communication between the leader and the subordinates. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  24. DISADVANTAGES :- Main disadvantages of Free-Reign Style of Leadership are: • Leader’s contribution is completely ignored. • Members of the group do not get the guidance of the leader. • This type of Leadership Style is suitable where the organizational goals are communicated well in advance and are acceptable to subordinates. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  25. What are the factors that take part in Choosing a Leadership Style ? Explain different Theories of Leadership. BY: ANUM FAROOQ

  26. CHOOSING A LEADERSHIP STYLE :- In actual practice, it is difficult to suggest that which style is the best because all the three styles have their merits and demerits. Hence the choice of a style depends upon the following factors: • FORCES IN THE MANAGER :- A Manager/Leader must have confidence in his subordinates. He must feel secure in an uncertain situation. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  27. FORCES IN THE SUBORDINATES :- The subordinates must be independent, ready to assume responsibility for decision making. They must have the power of tolerance. They must be interested in solving the problems at hand. They must understand and identify the goals of organization. • FORCES IN SITUATION :- There may be critical situations in the organization like complex problems, pressure of time etc. The manager and his followers must be effective in this way, to deal with such crucial situations. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  28. LEADERSHIP THEORIES :- The following are different types of leadership theories. • TRAITS THEORY :- This theory gives the viewpoint of the ancient Romans and Greeks who believed that leaders are born, not made because their traits or qualities are gifted. The trait theory can be studied from the viewpoints of: READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  29. Physical Traits. • Mental Traits. • Personality Traits. • PHYSICAL TRAITS :- According to trait theory, Physical Traits play important role in being a leader. For the leader height, sturdiness, physical powers are essential characteristics. This theory held great importance only in per-civilization era and was discarded later. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  30. MENTAL TARAITS :- It explains that the person who has good judgment and communication skills can be a good leader. It also explains that intelligence is the major factor to be an effective leader. • PERSONALITY TRAITS :- It includes physical, mental and social attributes as an important ingredient to the Leadership. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  31. Keith Davis puts forward four important qualities necessary for the Leader. • INTELLIGENCE :- The intelligence level of Leader must be higher than his subordinate’s intelligence level. • HUMAN RELATIONS ATTITUDE :- A successful manager/leader must have good relations with his subordinates, he must understand their problems and give due importance to the self-respect of his followers. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  32. SOCIAL MATURITY :- Leaders are socially mature and sensitive, emotionally stable, able to bear shocks and pressures, and have a variety of interest and activities. • MOTIVATION & ACHIEVEMENT DRIVES :- Leaders must be interested in inner satisfaction and not in material rewards. The Leader must possess creativity, knowledge of his field, communication skill and ability to judge the situation. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  33. BEHAVIORAL THEORIES :- Following are the seven behavioral theories that explain the Leadership Qualities: • BENEVOLENT AUTOCRACY :- This type of behavior refers to the leadership where the manager invites opinions from his subordinates but makes his own decisions. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  34. CONTINUUM LEADERSHIP THEORY :- This theory suggests that the effective leadership falls, somewhere in the middle of continuum of autocratic and democratic leaders. Autocratic Leaders Democratic Leaders Best Leaders READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  35. TWO – DIMENSIONAL THEORY :- It is named Two-Dimensional Theory because it shows two significant behavioral aspects of leadership. • INITIATING DIMENSION :- This dimension works for the welfare of the organization. Managers falling in this category focus on Planning, Scheduling and Communicating. • CONSIDERATION DEMENSION :- This dimension of Leadership gives maximum importance to the employees. It explains that the leader must respect his followers. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  36. OHIO LEADERSHIP QUADRANTS THEORY :- This theory can be explained by the following quadrants: + Consideration High Consideration & Low Structure High Structure & High Consideration - Structure + Structure High Structure & Low Consideration Low Structure & Low Consideration - Consideration READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  37. Leadership Theories Continue …… BY: MARIA SAHER KHAN

  38. MANAGERIAL GRID THEORY :- Managerial Grid Theory explains the Leader’s qualities into five particular styles: • IMPROVERISHED MANAGEMENT :- The leader must do work as minimum as possible but look busy to keep the boss happy. ii. COUNTRY CLUB STYLE :- Managers greatly trust their subordinates but almost ignore company’s goals and objectives. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  39. iii. MIDDLE OF THE ROAD POLICY :- People & Production are equally important for the managers. iv. TASK-ORIENTED MANAGERS :- In this style the leaders have greatest concern for organization and almost no concern for subordinates. v. TEAMWORK MANAGEMENT :- The leader must give his full attention to the workers and towards the organization’s goal. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  40. GROUP DYNAMICS THEORY :- Group Dynamics Theory gives two leadership qualities. The first quality is focused on the concern for organization and the second is group-oriented. The Leader who has concern for organization and guides his people about goals of the organization falls in the first category. Leaders who are group-oriented establishes good relations with their subordinates, solving their disputes and listening to minority groups. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  41. SYSTEM THEORY :- Rensis Likert introduced system theory and suggested four system approaches towards leadership. • SYSTEM “1” :- In this approach the leader/manager is extremely autocratic. He does not allow employee-participation. His style of motivating employees includes threats and punishments. This system is also known as “Exploitive-Authoritative”. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  42. SYSTEM “2” :- It is known as “Benevolent-Authoritative System”. In this approach managers have confidence in subordinates but up to some extent. He motivates them with rewards, fear and punishment. Subordinates also participate in decision-making but in a particular limit. • SYSTEM “3” :- It is referred to as “Consultative System”. Managers belonging to it have sizeable trust in their subordinates, invite suggestions and opinions, and motivate with rewards although using little threat and punishment. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  43. SYSTEM “4” :- It is known as “Participative-Group System”. Managers fall in this category believe in full employee participation, two-way communication and have trust in subordinates. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  44. SITUATION THEORY :- Situation Theory explains that the leadership quality is associated with person’s ability to act accordingly to the situation or environment. A leader must be able to understand and analyze the situation. There are the three main Situation Approaches: READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  45. LEADER-MEMBER RELATIONS :- Leader-member relations are good or bad depending upon the leader being liked or disliked by the subordinates. Good relations include the confidence of the subordinates in the leader and the loyalty of the leader for his subordinates. • TASK STRUCTURE :- Task Structure is said to be high or low depending on the work, done by the leader. Successful leadership requires well defined jobs. • POWER POSITION :- Power is the ability to influence others. Such powers in the leader give him success in the organization. READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  46. Leader VS Manager BY: ROYAL PRESENTERS


  48. REFERENCES :- The material was collected from the following sources: • Book:‘Principles of Management’ by Naveed Nawab. • Book:‘New Management’ by Prof. Mohammad Amin Khalid. • Book:‘Management’ by Richard L. Deft. • Internet:All the relevant pictures were searched from ‘Google Search Engine.’ READERS ARE THE LEADERS

  49. ENDOFPRESENTATION Thank you so much • Our honorable teacher Sir Hassan Raza. • The students of BS Commerce (3rd Semester) to cooperate with us. We wish you all the very best for your future. • Please pardon us if we hurt you throughout the Presentation.

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