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Healthy Lifestyle Lecture at Tashkent Medical Academy

Learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle for disease prevention and the role of general practitioners in promoting wellness. Understand the fundamental components such as balanced diet, exercise, and hygiene to lead a healthier life.

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Healthy Lifestyle Lecture at Tashkent Medical Academy

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  2. The lecture purpose: • To bring students to understanding of the importance of a healthy way of life as bases of preventive maintenance of the most widespread diseases in modern conditions. • The characteristic of indicators of disease of the population and their dynamics in the Republic of Uzbekistan, last years is given, is specified in more and more wide circulation of the diseases caused by negative influence of environment and non-observance by the majority of people of principles of a healthy way of life.

  3. It is underlined that the given circumstances are connected with low sanitary literacy of people more often. • The concept «A healthy way of life» is considered, specified that formation of bases of a healthy way of life of the population is one of the main tasks of the general practitioner.

  4. The characteristic of the basic components of a healthy way of life (a balanced diet, a mode of day, work and rest, hygiene of dwelling, hygiene of a body, clothes, footwear, hardness, employment by physical culture and sports, refusal of bad habits, observance of principles of psycho hygiene at education of children, in a family, on work, in mutual relations with others, including with elderly and old, people) is given. • Problems of the general practitioner concerning each component of a healthy way of life are specified at work with patients, in families, in the organized collectives.

  5. Hygienic and healthy life

  6. Plan of the lecture  1.Meaning of healthy lifestyle (HLS) for health  2.Specifications main components of healthy lifestyles.  3.Rol GPs in laying the foundation of healthy lifestyles

  7. Decree of the President of Uzbekistan 19.09.07g № UP-3923 "Organization of preventive work to improve the culture of health in the family, healthy lifestyle (HLS)" recognizes the important focus of regional health authorities

  8. Leading forms of pathology in the structure of morbidity Uzbekistan (2001 to 2010) •  Adults: diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (IDA), respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the nervous system and sense organs, cancer, injuries and poisoning, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue infections •  Children and adolescents under 14 years: respiratory diseases, IDA, endocrine disorders and eating disorders, diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the nervous system and sense organs, injury and poisoning, infectious diseases

  9. The structure of the total incidence

  10. Social-hygienic factors determining morbidity Uzbekistan •  The economic well-being of society •  Level of care •  The quality of habitat (food, living conditions, working conditions, terms of education and training, environmental pollution) •  the way people

  11. The share of the factors contributing to health (in%)

  12. What is - a healthy lifestyle (HLS)? •  HLS - the ability to manage their health through hygiene rules, regulations and requirements of daily life •  The main task of HLS - the preservation of health, physical and mental activity, increased life

  13. The main components of a healthy lifestyle •  good nutrition •  rational mode of the day, conditions of work and leisure •  hardening and physical education •  eudiotics body, clothes, shoes •  Care homes •  favorable conditions of work and leisure •  avoiding harmful habits •  create a favorable psychological climate in the family and at work •  optimization of relations between people

  14. Tasks GPs in the formation of food culture •  1. Bring to each person the basic principles of healthy eating: • Correspondence to the physiological needs • -Balance • -Rational diet • -Diversity with a wide range of fruits and vegetables • Accounting-season and national dietary habits • The restriction of using only refined products • , Food safety and prepared food • 2.Supportive advice on issues streamline supply

  15. Mode value of the day (RD) •  physiological basis RD - dynamic stereotype physiological reactions to certain elements of the sequence and duration of human activities within a day •  The main elements of RD, depending on the person: • -Adequate sleep • -Lift at a certain time • -Morning exercise and hydrotherapy • - Meals at certain hours • -Allocation of time for physical education and sports • -Compulsory exposure to fresh air • , Going to bed early

  16. Principles of tempering •  • 1. The earlier (by age) started hardening of the body, so it is efficient. •  2. Should adhere to the principle of continuity, ie smooth transition from the soft influence of tempering their more rigid parameters. •  3. Hardening should be carried out continuously, break tempering procedures means that all you need to start from the beginning. •  4. The most effective hardening would be the case if the funds are used hardening complex.

  17. Physical Education and Sport •  • Physical Education - physical exercise, the nature and duration of which depends on the age, physical condition, season, living conditions (morning exercise, walking, jogging, industrial gymnastics, gymnastics). Physical education is accessible to all! •  Sports - characterized by high (or higher) of the physical and mental stress, and therefore recommend sports activities necessary given the state of health!

  18. The role of GPs in laying the foundation body hygiene, clothing and footwear •  • Formation of public knowledge about the physiological role of the skin, hair, mucous membranes and the role of the elements of personal hygiene in the prevention of diseases •  Training in personal hygiene from an early age •  Advice on the selection and use of body care, hair care, oral •  Advice on the correct selection and use of clothing and footwear

  19. Hygiene factors of the home and the workplace, depending on the person •  HOUSING: • Rational-interior decoration • -Clean housing • - Good ventilation • -Proper use of plumbing, electrical and gas appliances • - Efficient Lighting • -Compliance with silence •  jobs: • -Convenience of placing production • host • -Purity workplace • PPE-

  20. The role of GPs in shaping the aspirations of people to give up bad habits •  Bad habits: •  The typical and most important: smoking, alcohol, drugs •  Other: abuse of strong tea or coffee, sodas, long watching TV or using a computer, lack of sleep, avoiding breakfast, and passive recreation •  The role of GPs: • -daily work (individual • ] and in organized groups) •  to explain the harmful effects of •  habits •  Provide maximum possible •  the credibility and visibility of the work

  21. The most important aspects of Mental Health age •  an optimal psychological climate in the family • -ensuring optimal psychological pressure • -forming positive relationships with children and young people to learn • -reducing, and ideally - the complete absence of factors that contribute to a negative properties of the psyche • -providing optimal day classes, a rest • -spiritual interests of education, the creation of a family and a school climate of enthusiasm and high creativity.

  22. The main aspects of mental health work • nutrition, outdoor activities, including exposure to fresh air and exercise of medium intensity; • -rational organization of the jobs: good lighting, optimal design of the workplace, more convenient location "nodes" reference books, file cabinet, etc. • -clear definition of the objectives of the work, focusing on the main assembly; • -the psychological features of personality in choosing a profession • -use of industrial design; • -creation Thinking • -management of the holiday period.

  23. The main problems Mental Health, Family and Marriage • misunderstanding spouses individual characteristics of each other • -failure to comply with equality between men and women, poor distribution of household work •  - inability to fully use spare time • -generational conflict • -ignorance of the conditions of mutual sexual satisfaction of husband and wife • -impact remnants bans outdated notions, etc., in the sphere of intimate relationships •  - lack of candor and tact in sexual relationships.

  24. The role of GPs in training people to aging •  • When working with older people need to focus their attention not following aspects: • -Old age is inevitable for everyone, and everyone should be aware that aging - an objective process • -One should learn to grow old: • - Mental attitude, indoor and willingness to aging justifies optimism across this phenomenon • -To internally prepare for retirement • -In the aging process should be able to reduce their requirements, to reduce the activity or attempt to forcibly restrain aging; • -Premise healthy and active aging is a high intelligence, active sports •  - human aging in the team is not as fast as in the solitude

  25. Performance benchmarks for a healthy lifestyle • 1.Information of characterizing changes in health • Reducing the incidence or recurrence of chronic disease due to behavioral factors (cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, cancer).

  26. 2.Information of health behavior of the population: •  • Smoking cessation •  Reducing alcohol consumption •  Reduced body mass index (BMI) •  Reducing Hypertension •  Increasing medical activity (changing the timing in seeking medical care, the change in activity in prophylactic examinations).

  27. 3.Indicators methodological level of propaganda: •  • The level of preparedness of the medical and teaching staff, providing training •  The provision of manuals and technical means.

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