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MIAN DJANGONE Rachelle , UNFPA (djangone@unfpa)

Côte d'Ivoire Office. Data collection in Emergency and humanitarian settings  : Living Conditions of Internally Displaced Persons and Host Families  in Côte d’Ivoire. MIAN DJANGONE Rachelle , UNFPA (djangone@unfpa.org) SIKA Glebelho Lazare, ENSEA (sika@ensea.ed.ci ). Côte d'Ivoire

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MIAN DJANGONE Rachelle , UNFPA (djangone@unfpa)

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  1. Côte d'Ivoire Office Data collection in Emergency and humanitarian settings  : Living Conditions of Internally Displaced Persons and Host Families in Côte d’Ivoire MIAN DJANGONE Rachelle , UNFPA (djangone@unfpa.org) SIKA Glebelho Lazare, ENSEA (sika@ensea.ed.ci )

  2. Côte d'Ivoire Office Context and Objectives

  3. Country Context • At the political level • Political and armed crisis occurred since September 2002, witch divided the country into North and South sides, with 3 zones (Gvt, Forces Nouvelles, Confidence°). • Regional and international mediations matched resolutions 1633 and 1721 in July 2006. • End of the war since November 2004 but existence of disorders with especially demonstrations in the West • At the socio economic level • Increase of the poverty; • Lower of schooling ; • Dysfunction of the medical system; • Increase GBV victims cases; • Displacement of the populations towards the governmental zone • Hosting of « IDP » in families • Settlement of « displaced households ».

  4. Map of the Current Division

  5. Crisis impact on the data • Data collected before the crisis no longer adequate: case of the DHS and the general census of population and the habitat 1998; • Projections resulting from these data are not valid any more: important changes in the configuration of the population (displacement, death, unemployment, etc); • Emergence of new problems generated by the crisis; • Need to set a strategy of data-collection during all the crisis steps

  6. Survey Objectives • Find out IDP socio-demographic characteristics; • Analyze IDP living conditions (health, education, employment, living quarters, etc...); • Evaluate the ‘‘burden’’ of IDP on host families; • Evaluate the level of solidarity surrounding IDP and the current level of social cohesion ; • Analyze IDP desire and condition for returning to their hometowns or previous dwelling places.

  7. Partnership: • Seven (7) UN Agencies were Mobilized to set up the project: UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF, HCR, OCHA, FAO, PAM, OIM; • ENSEA was selected to collect and analyze data, with the technical support of the UNFPA; • Methodology and tools of the study have been developed by UNFPA and agreed by the thematic group "protection" of UN; • The Ministry of Solidarity and war victims was identified to implement the project

  8. Methodology

  9. Definition of concepts • Displaced Persons: IDP are persons or group of persons who were forced to run away from their home or usual residence because of the war, the generalized violence and the violation of human rights in Ivory Coast, and who do not cross the recognized international borders of the ivorian government • Hosting Household : Household hosting at least one displaced person at the time of the survey ; • Displaced Household : household in which the head is himself an IDP • Non Displaced Household : household without any IDP at the time of the survey.

  10. Survey Area • Survey was conducted in the rural and urban areas of the following departments : • Abidjan ; • Daloa ; • Duékoué ; • Toulepleu ; • Yamoussoukro. Considered as hosting high concentration of IDPs.

  11. Methodology: • Field of the study constituted by housekeeping of the departments of: Abidjan, Daloa, Duékoué Toulepleu, Yamoussoukro considered as zones where IDPs are numerous; • These 5 regions represent 43 % of the total populations of governmental zone; • Extrapolation of results for the number of IDPs in 5 departments based on their weight in DR samples and the number of DR in these departments; • Extrapolation of results to the whole country based on the weight of each zone and the number of IDPs in gouvernemental zone

  12. Côte d'Ivoire Office presentation of data UNFPA, because everyone counts

  13. In the 5 departments of study, they are 709 377 IDPs and 495 783 (69%) of them are from AbidjanDont 51 037 enfants nés après le déplacement des parents (7,2%) IDPS number in the country should be 1 738 363 and 1625 369IDPs are from governmental zone and 112 994 IDPs are from occupied zone; Korhogo Odienné Bouaké Bondoukou Toulepleu Yamoussoukro Daloa 1% 8% 12% Duekoue Abengourou 10% San-Pédro Abidjan 69% Estimation of number of IDPs

  14. Key findings 1: Household characteristics - 18% - 5% proportion of housekeepers leaders occupied decreased of 12 % : Most important among host families (18% of the proportion of CM occupied for the families of reception 18 % against 5 % of no host families

  15. Key findings 2: Return perspectives Perspective of return: 72 % of the IDPs are expected to return; 8/10 IDPs never be in touch with their initial locality

  16. Key findings: Host families’ size

  17. Social cohesion (3) contrary to expectations, the end of the war (0,4 %), disarmament (0,7 %) are not mentioned by IDPs as solutions for peace • Importqnvce to consider the culturel approch in the resolution of conflict

  18. Côte d'Ivoire Office Use of data UNFPA, because everyone counts

  19. Use of these data • Reference document for decision making about IDPs and host family in the country; • Used to elaborate programs and implement actions: • For the Government: national program of Repatriation grant of IDPs • UN, NGOs: elaboration of program to submit to the CERF for supporting the return of an estimated 709 000 IDPs • Elaboration of a program of assistance and reintegration of the displaced women / girls who are numerous among IDPs; • Support increased and harmonized in the schooling of displaced girls; • Key information to support advocacy Programme for mobilizing resources to address IDPs and host families needs; • Better formalization of actions for social cohesion, protection and the social insertion • Source data to evaluate interventions for IDPs in the country

  20. Objectifs: Réparation/ Restitution des Habitations /Aide au retour Communauté internationale Gouvernement Local collectivity ONG Reconstruction Sensibilisation

  21. Côte d'Ivoire Office THANKS UNFPA, because everyone counts

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