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www.ASPO-Australia.org.au An Australia-wide network of professionals working to reduce oil vulnerability. ASPO-Australia Working groups Finance Sector Health Sector Social Services Sector Remote indigenous communities Active transport (bicycle & walking) Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
www.ASPO-Australia.org.au An Australia-wide network of professionals working to reduce oil vulnerability ASPO-Australia Working groups Finance Sector Health Sector Social Services Sector Remote indigenous communities Active transport (bicycle & walking) Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Biofuels Urban and transport planning Oil & Gas industry Behavioural change Local Government sector Regional and city working groups Construction Industry Freight sector Public transport sector Defence and Security Economics Tourism Young Professionals working group Senate inquiry submission Senate Inquiry into Australia's future oil supply and alternative transport fuels ASPO-Australia is part of the international ASPO movement
Peak Oil Outline What is Peak Oil ? the time when global oil production stops rising and starts its final decline We will never "run out of oil" When is the most probable forecast date ? perhaps 2010-2015 (or earlier) Will market forces solve our Peak Oil problems ?no, sorry! Why is there no sign that anyone is taking Peak Oil risks seriously? don't know Should local Government be helping prepare the community for Petrol Droughts and Peak Oil ? YES, indeed ! Can WALGA and regional council groupings help to nudge State and Federal Govts into action ? please ! but when? 2050 2010 1970 1930
Unexpected transport pattern changes, and infrastructure Passengers p.a. Fremantle Port 1961-2001 Fremantle Passenger Terminal opened
Unexpected transport pattern changes, and infrastructure Passengers p.a. Fremantle Port 1961-2001 Fremantle Passenger Terminal opened World Air travel 1950-2001
APPEA April 2005 Perth Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association conference • Please put your hand up if you thinkthat we have crossed the Hubbert Peak and we are entering a demand driven pricing era, • and hands up those who don’t? • Undecided • 1/3rd • 1/3rd Eric Streitberg Executive Director ARC Energy Limited • 1/3rd
US oil production: Peak in 1970 2007 Mb/d Jeremy Gilbert, ex BP www.PeakOil.net
Prof. Aleklett, ASPO Sweden
The world needs oil production flows • Reserves are only useful as flows • Worry aboutflows not reserves • "Deliverability" "40 years reserves left at current production rates" ....This is a very misleading statement
A simple observation -- or why peak will be earlier than most people expect ‘Global production falls when loss of output from countries in decline exceeds gains in output from those that are expanding.’
Why are oil supplies peaking? • We are not finding oil fast enough • We are not developing fields fast enough • Too many fields are old and declining
The real oil discovery trend Longwell, 2002
1000 Barrel/day Indonesia Consumption Export Quelle: BP; Analyse: LBST, ß
Consumption 1000 Barrel/day China Production 2020 Imports Data: BP. Analyse: Zittel LBST, ß, Pang Xiongqi
Lord Ron Oxburgh Former Chairman, Shell UK Chairman, House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Honorary Professor, Cambridge University Fellow of the Royal Society
Australia uses 45,000,000,000 litres of oil each year a cube of about 360 metres size 80% of Australia’s oil usage is in transport If Australia’s 20 M tpa wheat crop → ethanol = 9% Perth’s Central Park building is 249 m high, to top of tower
Million barrels/ day 2005 BP Statistical Review, 2006 Australia uses 0.9 China 7.0 US 20.6 World 82.5 US 1 cubic km oil / year 1 km l l China Australia United States
"Federal agency efforts that could reduce uncertainty about the timing of peak oil production or mitigate its consequences are spread across multiple agencies and are generally not focused explicitly on peak oil. ....there is no coordinated federal strategy for reducing uncertainty about the peak’s timing or mitigating its consequences".
PEAKING OF WORLD OIL PRODUCTION: IMPACTS, MITIGATION, & RISK MANAGEMENT Robert L. Hirsch, Roger Bezdek & Robert Wendling February 2005 for US Dept of Energy "The peaking of world oil production presents the U.S. and the world with an unprecedented risk management problem. Without timely mitigation, the economic, social, and political costs will be unprecedented. Viable mitigation options exist on both the supply and demand sides, but to have substantial impact, they must be initiated more than a decade in advance of peaking." "The world has never faced a problem like this. .. oil peaking will be abrupt and revolutionary".
COST AS A FUNCTION OF START TIME (Notional) Cost of Error Premature Start “It is also certain that the cost of preparing too early is nowhere near the cost of not being ready on time.” Alannah MacTiernan, 2004 Time - 20 Years Scenario III - 10 Years Scenario II Peaking Scenario I
$10 PER LITRE PETROL: A SCENARIO David Rice, Senior WA Transport Planner But why $10/l? Simple memorable an illustration of ‘expensive’ see www.aspo-australia.org.au in "bibliography"
{ If 25% of car users change to public transport We need both petrol rationing plans and public transport rationing plans in place in case of fuel emergencies. There must be public transport input into State and Federal fuel emergency planning.
Bicycles are powered by biofuel, renewable energy, either Weetbix or abdominal fat No shortage of either www.ASPO-Australia.org.Au
a few more slides follow, in case they are needed for questions
Australian Government Policy and Action Options 1: “Talk about it, Talk about it” 2. Engage people, “Participatory democracy” 3. Dismantle the "perverse policies" that subsidise heavy car use and excessive freight transport. 4. Encourage frugal use of fuel, and disadvantage profligate users. Fuel taxes should be incrementally raised to European levels to reduce usage. 5: SmartCard tradable personal fuel allocation system. A flexible mechanism for short-term oil shocks, as well for encouraging people to reduce their fuel usage.. 8. Railways, cyclepaths and public transport are better investments than more roads. 11 Promote through the United Nations an Intergovernmental Panel on Oil Depletion, and a Kyoto-like protocol to allocate equitably the declining oil among nations. An international tradable sliding scale allocation mechanism is one hypothetical option.
We need both petrol rationing plans and public transport rationing plans in place in case of fuel emergencies. Bicycle transport is one substantial opportunity for public transport load-shedding in the event of a liquid fuel emergency. PTA must have more input into Liquid Fuel Shortage planning
The UK Fuel Tax Escalator Margaret Thatcher pence Nominal tax per litre (pence) 50 Real tax 40 30 20 10 0 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Australian fuel taxes should be raised to European levels on a fuel tax escalator
60 NGL Polar 50 Deepwater Heavy etc 40 Regular Oil Gboe 30 20 } 10 Oil 2007 0 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 Gboe/pa World All Oil www.PeakOil.net ASPO 2006
60 Non-Con Gas Gas 50 NGL Polar 40 Deepwater } Heavy etc Gboe 30 Regular Oil Gas 20 } 10 Oil 2007 0 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 Gboe/pa World All Oil & Gas (gas at 10,000 cft=1bbl) www.PeakOil.net ASPO 2006
Gb/year 50 Demand Trend World oil shortfall scenarios 40 Shortfall Past Production of Oil 30 20 Forecast Production 10 2007 2030 0 By 2030, the gap is equivalent to 6,000 nuclear reactors
Urban passenger mode shares Australia Car High automobile-dependence Public transport share is very low Potterton BTRE 2003