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Clients For MIS-2040-100

Clients For MIS-2040-100. SalesForce as a learning tool. Groups & Available Clients. ADROP's Unity Health Clinic (confirmed – returning client). Elise Pizzi – primary contact

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Clients For MIS-2040-100

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  1. Clients For MIS-2040-100 SalesForce as a learning tool

  2. Groups & Available Clients

  3. ADROP's Unity Health Clinic (confirmed – returning client) Elise Pizzi – primary contact The Unity Health Clinic is a free clinic open to the public that provides basic medical care and screening by appointment. This ever expanding clinic is located at Philadelphia's Health Center #1. The medical care and screening at ADROP'S Unity Clinic are provided free of charge by volunteer Nurse Practitioners who hold prescriptive privileges. The Nurse Practitioners administer a limited amount of medication on-site and then encourage patients to utilize area pharmacies, which provide a month's supply of medicines at minimal cost. http://www.rightsofthepoor.org/UnityHealthClinic/

  4. Clery Center for Security on Campus (confirmed) Samantha Z. Koch - Director of Development The Clery Center for Security On Campus is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) dedicated to preventing violence, substance abuse and other crimes on college and university campuses across the United States, and to compassionately assist the victims of these crimes. http://clerycenter.org/

  5. Jane Stern Dorado Community Library (confirmed – returning client) Lina Pérez-Lammot- Board Member & local representative The Jane Stern Dorado Community Library was established in 1974 as the island or Puerto Rico’s first community library. From its earliest days, the goals set forth by the library included engaging the population in activities and services, matching resources to users, offering education and training, and providing diverse materials for the community’s education and enjoyment. The library became known for its story hour programs, English and Spanish classes and its summer workshops for kids, which continue to this day with programs on art, photography, tae kwon do, drama and more. http://www.jsdcl.org/

  6. MusicWorks(confirmed) Lori A. O’Leary – Cofounder Jerry O’Leary - Cofounder MusicWorks provides music therapy services to restore, improve and maintain the quality of life of all individuals throughout the Delaware Valley who face hardships everyday. The family of a child with autism is pleasantly surprised when their normally withdrawn daughter reaches out and communicates with others around her during a music therapy session. Or a distracted boy focuses and plays a musical instrument. These are some of the little miracles we see everyday through music therapy. http://musicworkswonders.org/

  7. Orchids of Light (confirmed – returning client) Rich Geisel – Founder The Orchids of Light Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the causes of injustice and poverty. We believe that present in every community are the assets and strengths necessary to develop a path to improving the lives of the exploited and oppressed. ‘Orchids’ acts as a bridge connecting small NGO’s dedicated to fostering self-sufficiency to the global donor community. Our focus is raising funds, encouraging and supporting volunteerism and providing moral leadership all while guaranteeing accountability, transparency and integrity in each relationship. Orchid’s priority is to establish a personal relationship with all of its supported partners and their projects. Each initiative shares dynamic local leadership, strong community support and is a tested model ready for expansion and donor involvement. http://orchidsoflight.org/

  8. Project Home (confirmed) Project HOME empowers people to break the cycle of homelessness, address the structural causes of poverty, and attain their fullest potential as members of society. The mission of the Project HOME community is to empower adults, children, and families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, to alleviate the underlying causes of poverty, and to enable all of us to attain our fullest potential as individuals and as members of the broader society. We strive to create a safe and respectful environment where we support each other in our struggles for self-esteem, recovery, and the confidence to move toward self-actualization. http://www.projecthome.org/

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