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HEALTHY LIFESTYLE THOUGHTS. American Red Cross. Preventing Cardiovascular Disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the US. Most are older adults, although becoming common in adults under 45. Heart disease can be prevented. Preventing Cardiovascular Disease.
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the US. • Most are older adults, although becoming common in adults under 45. • Heart disease can be prevented
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease • Exercise • Three times a week, 20-30 minutes • Blood Pressure • Uncontrolled BP is dangerous to heart and other organs • Weight • Obesity is defined as 20% more than your desirable weight. • Diet • Diets high in saturated fats and cholesterol increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
PREVENTION • Many emergencies occur as a result of unsafe actions or behaviors. • Most of these emergencies are preventable. • The first step in changing an unsafe behavior is recognizing that there is need for change.
DO YOU? Own a gun Do you keep it unloaded and locked in a safe place Are the bullets stored separately CONSIDER About 1000 people die each year of unintentional firearm-related deaths Deaths often result from improper handling, accessibility to children, and lack of safety mechanisms PREVENTION
DO YOU? Have handrails on the stairs where you live Use a stepladder or sturdy stool to reach high, out-of-reach items Have adequate lighting in halls and stairways CONSIDER Falls account for the largest number of preventable injuries for persons over 75 years of age PREVENTION
DO YOU? Use good lifting techniques when lifting objects CONSIDER Injuries to the back make up 27% of all disabling injuries in the workplace PREVENTION
DO YOU? Wear a helmet when using a bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, roller blades or skateboard CONSIDER About 22% of all motor vehicle fatalities are related to bicycle, pedestrian and motorcycle casualties Increasing helmet usage has reduced the number of fatalities PREVENTION
DO YOU? Wear a lifejacket when participating in activities on or near the water CONSIDER In 1997, there were about 4,000 deaths resulting from drowning Over 46% of drowning victims are between the ages of 15 and 44 Next Page PREVENTION
Drowning Statistics • In 2004, there were 3,308 unintentional fatal drownings in the United States, averaging nine people per day. This figure does not include the 676 fatalities, from drowning and other causes, due to boating-related incidents (CDC 2006; USCG 2006). • For every child 14 years and younger who dies from drowning in 2004, five receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries. More than half of these children were hospitalized or transferred to another facility for treatment (CDC 2006). • Nonfatal drownings can cause brain damage that result in long-term disabilities ranging from memory problems and learning disabilities to the permanent loss of basic functioning (i.e., permanent vegetative state).
Drowning Statistics • Males: In 2004, males accounted for 78% of fatal unintentional drownings in the United States (CDC 2006). • Children: In 2004, of all children 1-4 years old who died, 26% died from drowning (CDC 2006). Although drowning rates have slowly declined (Branche 1999), fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1 to 14 years (CDC 2005).
Drowning Risk Factors • Lack of supervision and barriers (such as pool fencing). Children under age one most often drown in bathtubs, buckets, or toilets (Brenner et al. 2001). Among children ages 1 to 4 years, most drownings occur in residential swimming pools (Brenner et al. 2001). Most young children who drowned in pools were last seen in the home, had been out of sight less than five minutes, and were in the care of one or both parents at the time (Present 1987).
Drowning Risk Factors • Recreation in natural water settings (such as lakes, rivers, or the ocean). The percent of drownings in natural water settings increases with age. These locations represent the majority of drownings in those over 15 years of age (Gilchrist et al. 2004).
Drowning Risk Factors • Recreation in natural water settings (such as lakes, rivers, or the ocean). The percent of drownings in natural water settings increases with age. These locations represent the majority of drownings in those over 15 years of age (Gilchrist et al. 2004).
Drowning Risk Factors • Alcohol use. Alcohol use is involved in about 25% to 50% of adolescent and adult deaths associated with water recreation (Howland et al. 1995; Howland and Hingson 1988). Alcohol influences balance, coordination, and judgment, and its effects are heightened by sun exposure and heat (Smith and Kraus 1988). Alcohol was involved in about one-third of all reported boating fatalities.
DO YOU? Wear safety protection (e.g., goggles and hearing protection) and follow equipment safety recommendations when operating power tools CONSIDER Death rates for unintentional injuries have dropped for almost all age groups in the last decade in the US; however, the rate has increased by 7% for those 75 years of age and older. PREVENTION
DO YOU? Wear a seat belt when driving or riding in a car? Refrain from driving after drinking alcoholic beverages CONSIDER 42% of all deaths from unintentional injuries result from automobiles Alcohol is a factor in 38% of all motor vehicle fatalities PREVENTION
PREVENTION • A BAC of 0.10 is considered DUI in all states • For a 140 pound person, reaching this level takes about three drinks in one hour. • One drink equals • 12 oz. of beer • 5 oz. of wine • 1 ½ oz. of hard liquor
THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK • Exercise your right to say “no thanks” to the first drink or any other drink • Be honest with yourself - realize that even one drink can increase your risk of injuring yourself or someone else • Switch to nonalcoholic beverages like juice or soda when you have reached your limit • Never drink and drive – choose a non-drinking designated driver, take public transportation or stay overnight
I plan my day off for recreation. I get enough sleep I express feelings of anger and worry I make decisions with little or no worry I set realistic goals I accept responsibility for my actions I manage stress so that it does not affect my physical well-being I discuss problems with friends and relatives. Healthy Lifestyle Stress
I eat a balanced diet I have regular medical checkups I have regular dental checkups I have regular eye exams I avoid using illegal substances I have fewer than 5 alcoholic drinks/week I avoid using alcoholic beverages when taking medications When taking medications, I follow the label directions I avoid tobacco use I avoid exposure to sun by using protection for skin and eyes Healthy Lifestyle Physical Health
I keep my vehicle in good working condition I obey traffic laws I wear safety belts when operating or riding in a vehicle I keep recreational equipment in good working condition I wear life jackets when participating in water sports I swim only when others are present I wear a helmet when using a bicycle, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, scooter, skateboard or roller blades. Healthy Lifestyle Personal Safety
I post local emergency numbers by the phone I have working smoke alarms I keep medications safely stored I keep cleansers and poisonous materials securely stored I turn off the oven and otherappliances after use I keep a working fire extinguisher in my home I have carbon monoxide detectors I have an emergency plan for sudden injury, illness or disaster I practice this planwith family Healthy Lifestyle Home Safety
CHILD SAFETY IQ • Do you buckle your child into an approved automobile safety seat in the back seat even when making short trips • Do you teach your child safety by behaving safely in your own everyday activities • Do you supervise your child whenever he or she is around water and maintain fences and gates around water • Have you checked your home for potential fire hazards • Do you have a working smoke and CO detector
CHILD SAFETY IQ • Are all poisonous substances, such as cleaning supplies, medicines and plants, kept out of reach of children • Are foods and small items that can choke a child kept out of reach • Are tools kept out of child’s reach • Have you inspected your home, day-care ceneter, school, babysitter’s home or wherever your child spends time for potential safety and health hazards • Do you keep guns and ammunition stored separately and locked up
CHILD SAFETY IQ • Are safety gates installed at top and bottoms of stairs • Are sharp edges of furniture guarded • Are curtain cords and shade pulls kept out of reach. • Is water kept at a safe temperature? • 120°F or less prevents scalding in tub or sinks • Let water run for three minutes before testing it • Are purses, hand bags, brief cases, including visitors, kept out of child’s reach • Are toilet seats kept down when not in use • Are cabinets equipped with safety latches • Is the child always watched when in the bathroom
CHILD SAFETY IQ • Are razors, razor blades and other sharp objects kept out of child’s reach • Are all medicines kept in child proof containers and locked in medicine cabinets • Are crib slats no more than 2 3/8 inches apart • Does the crib mattress fit the sides of crib snugly • Is all paint surfaces non-toxic • Is the child’s clothing, especially sleepwear, flame resistant • Are toys in good repair • Are toys appropriate for the age of the child • Does the toy box have safe closing hinges
CHILD SAFETY IQ • Do you cook on back stove burners and turn pot handles to the back of the stove • Are hot dishes kept away from the edge of the table • Are hot liquids and foods kept out of child’s reach • Are matches and lighters kept our of child’s reach • Are appliance cords kept out of child’s reach • Do you test the temperature of child’s food before feeding the child • Are cosmetics, perfumes and breakable items stored out of child’s reach
CHILD SAFETY IQ • Are small objects such as jewelry, buttons, and safety pins kept out of child’s reach • Is trash kept in tightly covered containers • Are sandboxes and wading pools covered when not in use • Are nearby swimming pools enclosed with a fence and gate that is closed • Is playground equipment safe? Is it assembled according to the manufacturer’s instructions?
Poisoning • In 2003, 19,457 (67.8%) of the 28,700 poisoning deaths in the United States were unintentional, and 3,700 (12.9%) were of undetermined intent (CDC 2005). • Unintentional poisoning was second only to motor vehicle crashes as a cause of unintentional injury death that same year (CDC 2005). • In 2004, unintentional poisoning caused about 577,886 emergency department (ED) visits (CDC 2005). • Almost 25% of these unintentional ED visits resulted in hospitalization or transfer to another facility (CDC 2005). • In 2004, poison control centers reported about two million unintentional poisoning or poison exposure cases (Watson et al. 2005).
Poisoning • In 2003, drugs caused 94.3% of the unintentional and undetermined poisoning deaths (WONDER 2006). Opioid pain medications were most commonly involved, followed by cocaine and heroin (Paulozzi et al. 2006). • Nonfatal poisonings treated in emergency departments that involve “accidentally” taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs primarily affect children. Among such incidents in 2004, pain and cardiovascular medications, antidepressants, and sedative/hypnotics were most commonly ingested. Acetaminophen-containing drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opioids were the leading types of pain medications (SAMHSA 2006). • Among those treated in EDs for nonfatal poisonings involving intentional, nonmedical use (such as misuse or abuse) of prescription or over-the-counter drugs in 2004, benzodiazepines and opioid pain medications were used most frequently (SAMHSA 2006).
Reducing Your Risk of Injury • Take measures that can decrease the risk of injury for you and others • THINK SAFETY – be alert & avoid potentially harmful conditions or activities that increase your injury risk. • TAKE PRECAUTIONS such as wearing protective helmets, padding & eyewear for appropriate recreational activities • ALWAYS BUCKLE your seatbelt when driving or riding in motor vehicles • Let your government representatives know you SUPPORT LEGISLATION that ensures a safer environment for us all