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Aztec Education and Location

Aztec Education and Location. BY: Nour Ahmed, Razan Kahlout, Dania Hamid, and Farah Addam. Education.

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Aztec Education and Location

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  1. Aztec Education and Location BY: Nour Ahmed, Razan Kahlout, Dania Hamid, and Farah Addam

  2. Education All Aztec schools emphasized oral communication because Nahuatl, the Aztec language, was not written down phonetically until after the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century. In addition to their spoken language, the Aztecs used a system of hieroglyphics or picture writing. Specially trained scribes recorded many kinds of information in handmade folding books. The school for noble children was attached to the temple. Peasants attended a local school. There were two types of schools: the telpochcalli, for practical and military studies, and the calmecac, for advanced learning in writing, astronomy, statesmanship, theology, and other areas.

  3. Punishments of disobeying If anybody from 5 years old to 15 years old disobeyed their parents orders than they will put chili on top of a fire and then the children would inhale the spicy smoke. They would also get pinched on the ear or arm. They also get pricked with a maguey cactus.

  4. Separation of Schools Schools for girls and boys were strictly separated, and schools for commoners were separated from those for the nobility.

  5. Location The Aztec civilization is located in Mexico on Lake Toxcoco. The valley of Mexico.

  6. Bibliography "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://www.oliviasamson.com/OliviaSamson.html>. "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/aztecs.htm>. "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://www .aztec.com /page.php? page=education>. "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/A ztec#Education>. "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://www .bookrags. com/histor y/aztecs/0 4.html>. "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://www .aztec.com /page.php? page=education> "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://www.reformation.org/aztec-empire-map.jpg >. [11/9/10 8:39:59 AM] Razan Kahlout: "aztecs." N.p., nov 8 . Web. 8 Nov 2010. <http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_country_was_the_aztec_empire_located>.

  7. Thanks for Watching & Listening

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