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Rachel Ley Learning and Teaching Strategy Development Assistant. Eileen Tilley Learning and Teaching Strategy Development Officer. Uned Datblygu Academaidd (UDA) Coleg Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes Academic Development Unit (ADU) College of Education and Lifelong Learning.
Rachel Ley Learning and Teaching Strategy Development Assistant Eileen TilleyLearning and Teaching Strategy Development Officer Uned Datblygu Academaidd (UDA) Coleg Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes Academic Development Unit (ADU) College of Education and Lifelong Learning
Professional Development in L&T for Academic Staff Implementation of L&T Strategy Academic Development Unit • Researcher Development • PhD students • Contract Researchers T&L Research and Innovation
Does dim angen strategaeth arall achos…We don’t need another strategy because… We’re research led anyway We don’t have time We’re OK the way we are
Dolen gyswllt Addysgu/YmchwilThe Research – Teaching Nexus in HE Taking a research-informed approach to learning and teaching will help create the researchers of the future
Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching can give us more time to spend on research We don’t have time for teaching and research T R
20 blaenoriaeth / priorities 1Increasing Student Satisfaction in Learning & Teaching 2Student participation in QA & quality enhancement 3 Widening Access/participation 4Internationalisation 5 Needs of Welsh language speakers 6First-year student experience 7Personal Development Planning (PDP) 8Sustainability and global citizenship
9 Research informed teaching 10 Assessment 11Teaching quality enhancement and innovation 12 Equality [Inclusivity] 13 Development of e-learning 14 Programme and subject reviews 15 Taught Master’s programmes 16Management of change
17Work-based learning /employability 18Foundation Degrees 19 Credits and Qualifications Frameworks 20Degree Classification and Achievement
L&T Strategy Development Rachel Foundation degrees Widening Access/ Participation Equality (Inclusivity) Work-based learning/ Employability Programme reviews Masters portfolio Datblygu’rStrategaeth A & D
Widening Access / Participation EhanguMynediad / Cyfranogiad Review the learning and support experiences of students as a basis for further enhancement • Review experience of students from under-represented groups • Staff awareness and training
Dysgu Cysylltiedig â’r Gweithle / Cyflogadwyedd Work-based Learning / Employability Ensure that, where relevant, students have opportunities to improve their transferable/employment-related skills • Review programmes at School level to re. opportunities for placement learning
Equality . Cydraddoldeb Develop strategies to improve awareness among teaching staff of equality issues and their implications • Integrate inclusivity into the activities of the ADU & tHE • Develop guidance/training/resources for teaching staff
Inclusive Learning and Teaching … teaching in an accessible manner to improve the learning experience of ALL students. ..the embedding of reasonable adjustments in all learning, teaching and assessment activities. Dysgu ac Addysgu Cynhwysol
Dysgu ac Addysgu Cynhwysol Inclusive Learning and Teaching Age Rce Race Arddull Addysgu Teaching Style Disability Gender
Inclusive Learning and Teaching Age Electronic resources Use of appropriate font sizes Race Arddull Addysgu Teaching Style Disability Podcasts Gender
Ten Top Tips • Check the accessibility of teaching rooms • 2. Make yourself aware of disabled students • 3. Provide module/course information in advance (e.g. via Blackboard) • 4. Face students and avoid covering your mouth when talking • 5. Provide outlines of teaching sessions in advance
6. Repeat any questions asked by students • particularly in front-facing/large teaching spaces • 7. Give clear instructions for any activities • verbally and visually if possible • 8. Use sans serif fonts such as Arial and Helvetica • handouts in 12pts (min.), Powerpoint 24pts (min.). • 9. Use light coloured/cream paper(hard copy documents) • 10. Use images to break up text
L&T Strategy Development Eileen Welsh medium Research Informed Teaching Assessment Teaching Quality Enhancement and Innovation E-learning Datblygu’rStrategaeth A & D
Cyfrwng Cymraeg • Dim digon o fyfyrwyr • Dim digon o ddarlithwyr • Dim digon o adnoddau • Mwy o gefnogaeth? • Dysgu ar-lein? • Cyrsiau dwyieithog?
E-ddysgu/E-learning • Importance for distance learning and p/t students • Do we use e-learning in pedagogically sound ways? • What support do we need to do so?
I failed to see how I needed to pay over one thousand pounds for a few hours listening to lecturers doing little more than reading aloud This (assessment) we’ve handed in is what our exam on Friday is based on. They said they’d give it back 2 weeks ago, and we still haven’t got it Even if we get it back on time, there’s no comments, just ticks on a tick sheet There was little concern as to whether I understood the lectures ..and a presumption that I understood the course matter before I began
Do we really listen to the feedback we get from students? How can we learn about innovative teaching methods and feed them into our practice? Do our QA processes really enhance our teaching practice?
Asesu – cwestiynau allweddolKey questions in assessment ? Do students know what is being assessed, and why? Is there an explicit link with the learning outcomes? Is it assessment OF learning, or assessment FOR learning? Does the assessment feedback we give really feed into student learning? Do we assess students too much? Is too much of it summative, not formative? Do we make the best use of the ARQUE software? Would using innovative methods, like group, peer, or self-assessment, bring advantages? What support would we need to make changes?
Research informed teaching/ Research based learning Outcomes: Research outcomes informing the curriculumProcess:Research-process based methods of learning Tools:Learning to use the tools of research Context:Developing an inclusive research culture
Addysgu sy’n seiliedig ar ymchwil –cwestiynau allweddolKey questions in research-based learning ? Are courses designed to integrate research both as content in the curriculum and as process? How, and to what extent, do students come into contact with the Department’s research? How do students learn research methods and develop research techniques? What opportunities are there for students to do their own research projects and self-directed work? Does research-based learning take place throughout all years of undergraduate degree programmes? If not, could this be further developed? What support would we need to make changes?
Staff development ADU guidelines ADU web pages ADU newsletter ADU events
Professional Development in L&T for Academic Staff Implementation of L&T Strategy D I S S E M I N A T E N R E V I E W Academic Development Unit • Researcher Development • PhD students • Contract Researchers T&L Research and Innovation