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Research Paper Editing

Research Paper Editing. Check MLA formatting Page numbers with last name Works cited page 6 in-text citations properly formatted (no direct quotes stand alone as a sentence – pg 4 in research packet) Dialogue correctly formatted. Partner Editing. Switch papers with a classmate

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Research Paper Editing

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  1. Research Paper Editing

  2. Check MLA formatting • Page numbers with last name • Works cited page • 6 in-text citations properly formatted (no direct quotes stand alone as a sentence – pg 4 in research packet) • Dialogue correctly formatted

  3. Partner Editing • Switch papers with a classmate • Silently read your partner’s paper and make corrections/comments as you read • Circle any words you think can be more connotative (stronger)

  4. Staple your prewrite to your rough draft and turn it in • I DO NOT want any papers without a Works Cited page. You will have to turn in your paper late. Minus 10 points every day it is late without a homework extension slip.

  5. Partner editing directions • Read each paper out loud and stop to edit while you read • Circle any words that can be replaced with stronger connotative words • Help each other!! No mocking one another!

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