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Verbs 1. Irregular (must be memorized) a. sum esse - be 1. sum I am 1. sumus we are

Verbs 1. Irregular (must be memorized) a. sum esse - be 1. sum I am 1. sumus we are 2. es you are 2. estis you are 3. est he is 3. sunt they are 2. Regular (follow a regular set of rules) a. voco vocare - call

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Verbs 1. Irregular (must be memorized) a. sum esse - be 1. sum I am 1. sumus we are

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verbs 1. Irregular (must be memorized) a. sum esse - be 1. sumI am 1. sumuswe are 2. esyou are 2. estisyou are 3. esthe is 3. suntthey are 2. Regular (follow a regular set of rules) a. voco vocare - call 1st Principal Part - voco = Present Active Indicative = I call 2nd principal Part - vocare = Present Active Infinitive = to call Any regular verb which has a first principal part ending in o and a second principal part ending in are is said to be in the First Conjugation.

  2. 1st Principal 2nd Principal Meaning Part Part ambulo ambularewalk amo amarelove curo curaretake care of habito habitarelive, dwell laudo laudarepraise porto portarecarry specto spectarelook at, watch voco vocarecall 1st Conjugation Verbs found on page 22 “Words to Master”

  3. 1st Conjugation verbs use a present stem to conjugate their forms. Present Stem = Present Infinitive - re Present Infinitivevocare - re = Present stemvoca Rule for the Present Tense for 1st Conjugation Verbs Present Stem + Personal Endings (Pres. St. + P.E.) Active Voice Personal Endings Singular Subject Plural Subject 1. o/mI1.muswe 2. syou 2.tisyou 3. the, she, it3.ntthey, N.P.N. N.S.N

  4. Present Tense of voco vocare – call(Page 20) Rule = Present Stem + Personal Endings Singular 1. voca+o = vocoI call, am calling, do call 2. voca+s = vocasyou call, are calling, do call 3. voca+t = vocathe calls, is calling, does call Plural 1. voca+mus = vocamuswe call, are calling, do call 2. voca+tis = vocatisyou call, are calling, do call 3. voca+nt = vocantthey call, are calling, do call

  5. 1. I am I am = the verb “be” Verb Irregular Verb 1st Sing.sum esse - be Present Active Indicative sum 2. I am praising I am praising = the verb “praise” Verb Regular Verb 1st Sing. 1st Conjugation Present laudo laudare - praise Active Indicative laudo

  6. 3. You (sing.) are you are = the verb “be” Verb Irregular Verb 2nd Sing. sum esse - be Present Active Indicative es 4. You (sing.) are looking at you are looking at = the verb “look” Verb Regular Verb 2nd Sing. 1st Conjugation Present specto spectare - look at Active Indicative spectas

  7. 5. The ladylives.lady = domina dominae f. Noun Verblive = habito habitare Subject 3rd. Sing. Nom. Present Fem. Active Sing. Indic. Dominahabitat. 6. The sailorsdo praise. sailor = nauta nautae m. Noun Verb praise = laudo laudare Subject 3rd Pl. Nom. Present Masc. Active Pl. Indic. Nautaelaudant.

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