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Welcome. 7th-8th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Fender. Course Description:

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  1. Welcome 7th-8th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Fender • Course Description: • Seventh and eighth grade Language Arts involves reading, writing, thinking, planning, creating, listening and performing. The textbook used in this class is Prentice Hall Literature. This book contains many activities and stories and combines four main areas of language study: • Literature • Reading • Writing • Language. • Additionally, students are expected to read books within their reading level and interest areas as part of the Accelerated Reader program. Expectations Follow the GMS Code of Conduct & PBIS Framework • Being Respectful • Being Responsible • Being Ready

  2. What We Do Throughout the school year, students will be reading and writing. We will read multiple short stores, complete activities, papers, quizzes, test, and/or projects related to our readings. In addition to this, students will also learn about the Parts of Speech and Writing skills. Some of what we do will be completed individually and at other times students will work in pairs or small groups. Much of what we do will be completed in class, so students might not have homework in Language Arts. If they do not have an assignment to complete, they should be reading for their AR goal as homework each night. • Grades • You can monitor your student’s grades online through the Lumen Web page. You should have received an access code at registration. If not check with the office to obtain this. • Grades are updated at least once a week. Extra credit should not be relied on to boost grades as it is rarely, if ever, given. • Weighted Grades • Participation/Effort = 10% • Daily Work/Homework = 30% • Assessment = 35% • Accelerated Reader = 25%

  3. Absences If students are absent, it is their responsibility to find out what they missed while they were gone. They can check our class website, and they MUST look in the class folder for missing work and see me with any questions before school or before class starts. Homework Policy Students that have late work will have the homework assignment lowered 1 letter grade (1st quarter only) and work will not be accepted late after one day. No late work will be accepted after the 1st quarter of the school year, unless the student has an excused absence or has an IEP accommodation. Students that turn in late work will be issued a homework detention to be served at either lunch or after school on the same day with their teacher to complete the assignment. After the third occurrence of a student having late work, the student will be issued an office referral and will serve an hour detention where they will complete the homework assignment. Homework detentions are not cumulative, students will start each quarter with a "clean slate"

  4. Our Textbooks PH Literature Textbook. Each student will be assigned a book to use for this school year. They are responsible for keeping their assigned book in good condition. These textbooks are also available online. You can find this link on our class website to learn more. User names and passwords will be given to student in class. Quizzes, Tests & Papers • We have quizzes for each story we read. The quizzes are on the reading skill and lit. analysis we learned in each story, as well as comprehension and grammar presented in the story’s lesson. • We take benchmark tests at the end of each unit over all the skills presented. • We will take STAR Reading in the fall, winter, and again in spring. • Students are given class time to work on papers and will have deadlines for the paper’s completion throughout the writing process.

  5. Our Week • The following is an outline of our typical week. • Students should get in the habit of having their journals, textbook, paper pencil and AR books with them when they enter the classroom. • Monday— • Before we read activities • Get Connected Video • The Big Question • Meet the Author • Background Video • Vocabulary • Reading Skills • Literary Analysis • NOVEL STUDY • Tuesday— • While we read activities • Reading of story • Critical Thinking Activities • NOVEL STUDY • Wednesday— • After we read • Grammar tutorials and Practice • Writing Activities • Listening and Speaking Skills • Skills Questions • NOVEL STUDY • Thursday— • We will go to library the first half class to check out books and take the selection tests then focus on Novel Units and AR during the second half. • Friday— • We will focus on extension activities that correlate with our reading text and novel study.

  6. How to Contact Mrs. Fender • My typical day starts at 7:10 a.m. and goes through 3:00. Students are welcome to come early to work on homework in my room with advanced permission from me. • Email: lfender@dist102.org • Web Site: http://mrsfenderssite.yolasite.com/ • Phone: 309-382-3456 • Email is the best way to get in touch with me during the day and it is the least disruptive to my classes. Thank you!

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