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Philanthropy in the Classroom using Microsoft Excel. KySTE Session #5 Thursday, March 8th Stephanie Lee Robert Lightning Emily Mills Abby Watkins. Math & Technology Leadership Academy.
Philanthropy in the Classroom using Microsoft Excel KySTE Session #5 Thursday, March 8th Stephanie Lee Robert Lightning Emily Mills Abby Watkins
Math & Technology Leadership Academy WKU’s Math and Technology Leadership Academy (MTLA) aims to increase K-5 student interest and achievement in math and technology among high risk youth in the Bowling Green Enterprise Community, as well as other areas of Warren County. With a focus on student learning, this initiative has provided opportunities for educators to enhance their knowledge and skills relative to mathematics and technology as they develop and implement learning experiences for elementary age students.
Technology and Philanthropy…. The Perfect Match Widespread use of technology is changing the way we work, learn, and communicate-even the way we carry out our regular, daily activities. In education, technology has had a dramatic impact on teaching and learning, including philanthropy or service-learning projects. These projects can be augmented through the use of technology to provide more effective experiences for students and participants.
Mathematics service-learning or philanthropy projects can be a mechanism for effectively integrating technology and translating seemingly abstract principles and classroom based concepts into practice. Through service-learning experiences, students are able to see renewed value in their education by meeting community needs, applying technology and academic knowledge to real-world situations and effectively 'making a difference'.
Ways that Excel and other technology can enhance Philanthropy programs Excel databases can help students track quantitative data, store contact information and graph progress toward goals. Google sites can describe the project, provide easy access to information about the project, and highlight stories of positive community partner experiences. Can provide face-to-face interaction between students and community partners. Electronic discussion groups can enable students to regularly communicate, share their experiences and respond to reflective questions posed by the teacher and one another. Online surveys can enable students and community partners to respond to questions about their experiences and the impact of the project.
These guides will help you help your students to implement a well-organized project: Allow them to choose a philanthropic project that is meaningful and relevant to them; Link the project to your state’s curriculum framework and citizenship and social-emotional learning goals; Develop and share our assessment plan; Plan before Implementing; Assist students in obtain resources and/or contacts; Design reflection activities; Organize a demonstration/celebration culminating event.
Ask Yourself….??? What is the overall purpose of the philanthropy project? What impacts do you hope the project will have on students and the community they serve? How will you facilitate student choice of the “problem” they want to serve? What activities and resources will you provide to assist students in assessing community needs? How will you use the criteria of relevance to academic learning; urgency and importance; student interest/engagement; and efficacy to help students select the problem for the project? What content and technology standards and benchmarks will working on this problem allow students to meet?
The neighborhoods that we serve are very diverse, and this diversity is reflected in our population. The student body population is comprised of students from over 34 countries. There are 19 languages spoken at Parker Bennett Curry which include: English, Spanish, Albanian, Bosnian, Vietnamese, French, Swaiili Burmese, and many African dialects. Parker-Bennett-Curry Elementary
Five Student Components of a Philanthropy project: Investigation Planning and preparation Action Reflection Demonstration of results and celebration
Investigation: Teachers and students investigate the community problems that they might potentially address. Investigation typically involves some sort of research and mapping activity. http://commonwealth.wkupj.net/giving-hope/ Pascali, the community center director, Skype with students.
Planning and Preparation: Teachers, students, and community members plan the learning and service activities, and address the administrative issues needed for a successful project. Students are planning their philanthropy projects in their groups with the advice of Betty Meriwether, who works to organize philanthropies.
Students used Excel to chart price comparison of popsicles from different stores, and to track and graph daily and week sale totals.
Action (Implementing the Service Activity): The “heart” of the project: engaging in the meaningful service experience that will help your students develop important academic and technological knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will benefit the community and the larger society.
Reflection: Activities that help students understand the academic knowledge being applied, the technological skills being used, and the service-learning experience being gained and to think about its meaning and connection to them, their society, and what they have learned in school.
Demonstration/Celebration: The final experience when students, community participants and others publicly share what they have learned, celebrate the results of the service project, and look ahead to the future.
Questions Given to Students 1) Which item has the smallest UNIT COST? 2) Which two items’ UNIT PRICE total $7.30? 3) What item has to closest UNIT PRICE to the mini rawhides 4) What item did we buy the most of and how much did we buy? 5) How much more money did we spend on canned dog food than canned cat food? 6) What item did we buy the least amount of and how much did we buy? 7) Why do you think we didn’t buy as many of the above item as everything else? 8) List at least three other items that should be considered to purchase for the humane Society that are not already included on the spreadsheet. 9) What two items did we spend about $600 on? 10) Change only the AMOUNT COLUMN to try to spend every penny of our $1,000 donation for the humane society. How much money did you have left over?
Questions to Extend Learning • Pretend the organization that was donating the $1,000 decided to double their donation. How many individuals would The Salvation Army now be able to assist with these basic items? • Using the spreadsheet, change the amount of toothpaste to 2 cases. What is the amount of this order? (Make sure to change the data back to the original number before moving to the next question) • Suppose you were to order 7 cases of combs. How does that increase change your pie graph? (Make sure to change the data back to the original number before moving to the next question) • When ordering soap, you learn that the manufacturer has included a 10% bonus in each box. How many extra bars of soap will you get? • Use the spreadsheet to change the amount in Units/Case. How many total units will you now receive? (Make sure to change the data back to the original number before moving to the next question) • Use the ‘auto sum’ tool to figure out the total number of products you will have once your order is placed. • Based on the graph titled, “Cost per Unit”, what item costs the most? Which costs the least? • What would the total cost be if you accidently ordered 3 times the amount of wash cloths? • How much over $1,000 would you be if you ordered 3 cases of Band-aids, instead of 1? • What would be the cost of deodorant if the case of deodorant went up to $75.99? How much would this put you over budget?
Questions to Extend Learning • Which item is the most expensive? • Which item is the least expensive? • About how many paper towel packages could you buy with $100? • About how much bleach could you buy with $100? • About how many Clorox wipes could you buy with $100? • About how much dish soap could you buy with $100? • About how much laundry detergent could you buy with $100? • About how many blankets could you buy with $100? • About how much cleaning spray could you buy with $100? • If you bought one of each item, would $100 be enough money? • Modify the spreadsheet so the total spent on the items matches $100.
Google Forms How to Create a Google Form