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SM Educational & Research Institute presents…

SM Educational & Research Institute presents…. Knowledge. العلم. كان الامام على يقول. Imam ‘Ali (‘a) used to say:. ياطالب العلم! ان العلم ذوفضائل كثيرة. O seeker of knowledge! Knowledge has many merits…. فرأسه التواضع. Thus, its head is humbleness. وعينه البراءة من الحسد.

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SM Educational & Research Institute presents…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SM Educational & Research Institute presents…

  2. Knowledge العلم

  3. كان الامام على يقول Imam ‘Ali (‘a) used to say:

  4. ياطالب العلم! ان العلم ذوفضائل كثيرة O seeker of knowledge! Knowledge has many merits…

  5. فرأسه التواضع Thus, its head is humbleness

  6. وعينه البراءة من الحسد And its eye is freedom from envy

  7. واذنه الفهم And its ear is understanding

  8. ولسانه الصدق And its tongue is truthfulness

  9. وحفظه الفحص And its memory is research

  10. وقلبه حسن النية And its heart is good intention

  11. وعقله معرفته الا شياء والامور And its intellect is the knowledge (gnosis) of things and matters

  12. ويده الرحمه And its hand is compassion

  13. ورجله زيارة العلماء And its foot is visiting the learned

  14. وهمته السلامة And its resolution is integrity

  15. وحكمته الورع And its wisdom is piety

  16. ومستقره النجاة And its abode is salvation

  17. وقائده العافيه And its helmsman is well-being

  18. ومركبه الوفاء And its mount is faithfulness

  19. وسلاحه لين الكلمه And its weapon is softness of speech

  20. وسيفه الرضا And its sword is satisfaction

  21. وقوسه المداراة And its bow is tolerance

  22. وجيشه محاورة العلماء And its army is discussion with the learned

  23. وماله الادب And its wealth are refined manners

  24. وذخيرته اجتناب الذنوب And its stock is abstinence from sins

  25. وزاده المعروف And its provision for journey is virtue

  26. وماء وه الموادعه And its drinking water is gentleness

  27. ودليله الهدى And its guide is divine guidance

  28. ورفيقه محبه الاخيار And its companion is the love of the elect [Al‑Kulayni, al-Kafi, kitab fadl al-‘ilm, bab al‑nawadir, hadith # 3]

  29. end of the presentation Education Department SM Educational & Research Institute (SMERI) P.O. Box 521 9600 Cotabato City Philippines smerinet@airpost.net www.smeri.cjb.net

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