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GPS Waypoint Navigation. Team M-2: Charles Norman (M2-1) Julio Segundo (M2-2) Nan Li (M2-3) Shanshan Ma (M2-4) Design Manager : Zack Menegakis. Presentation 4: Gate Level Design February 13, 2006. Overall Project Objective:
GPS Waypoint Navigation Team M-2: Charles Norman (M2-1) Julio Segundo (M2-2) Nan Li (M2-3) Shanshan Ma (M2-4) Design Manager: Zack Menegakis Presentation 4: Gate Level Design February 13, 2006 Overall Project Objective: Design a chip that navigates an aircraft to pre-determined waypoints.
Status • Design Proposal • Project chosen • Architecture Proposal • MATLAB simulated • Behavioral Verilog written • Behavioral Verilog simulated • Floorplan • Structural Verilog written • Structural Verilog simulated • Floorplan and more accurate transistor count • Schematic Design • Layout • Simulations
Design Decisions • Accuracy • Input in decimal format instead of Sexgasimal • GPS ~105 feet to 1 foot • Removed Sexgasimal module • Power • On/Off Power Control for Logic Modules • Clock Speed • Lowest Support Speed: 50 Knots • Highest Support Speed: 510 Knots • Average Crusting Speed: 70 – 100 Knots • 6 different clock speed • Ripple carry adder • Consume 60,000 less static power than dynamic power at 1.8V • Smallest in size • 14 transistors half adder • 16 transistors full adder
Clock Speed • Input –61.44 kHz for input –Reading series => 2048 Hz (61.44kHz/30) • Heading –8hz for clock before heading module –To observe change in both longitude and latitude instead of only one of them –Gives accurate direction and speed • Output to Black box –5 outputs in series/3 different size => 3 different clocks –80hz for output from heading –160hz for output from distance –240hz for output from waypoint comparator
Design Decisions • Inputs • Latitude & Longitude Coordinates : 1 bit each • Speed :1 bit • Altitude : 1bit • Mode : 2-bit unsigned • Input to Black box • Atan2 Calculator(2) : 2 bits each / 4 bits total • Square Root Calculator: 1 • Output from Black box • Atan2 Calculator(2) : 9 bits each / 18 bits total • Square Root Calculator: 9 bits • Output • Angle Correction : 9-bit 2’s complement • Speed Correction : 10-bit 2’s complement • Altitude Correction : 16-bit 2’s complement • Total • 72 bits
Overflow Case Problem : Flying over the border +180 to -180 Solution : if either longitude is negative and it’s close to the border, add 360 to the negative value
Behavior Verilog /* Current Latitude Register */ module curlat_reg (output reg [29:0] curlat, input lat, input [4:0] num, input clock); always @(posedge clock) begin curlat[num] <= lat; end endmodule // curlat_reg /* All inner registers */ module inputs (output reg [29:0] curlatrg, curlonrg, prelat, prelon, output reg [14:0] curaltrg, output reg [8:0] curspdrg, output clk, input [29:0] curlat, curlon, input [14:0] curalt, input [8:0] curspd, input [4:0] num); assign clk = (num[4]&num[3]&num[2]&num[1]); always @(posedge clk) begin curlatrg <= curlat; curlonrg <= curlon; prelat <= curlatrg; prelon <= curlonrg; curaltrg <= curalt; curspdrg <= curspd; end endmodule • /* Clock converter from 61.44KHz to 160Hz */ • module mclk • (output clkm, • input clock); • reg [8:0] s384; • always @(posedge clock) begin • if(s384 < 383) • s384 <= s384 + 1; • else • s384 <= 0; • end • assign clkm = (s384 == 383); • endmodule • /* Clock converter from 240Hz to 80Hz */ • module lclk • (output clkl, • input clock); • reg [9:0] s3; • always @(posedge clock) begin • if(s3 < 767) • s3 <= s3 + 1; • else • s3 <= 0; • end • assign clkl = (s3 == 767); • endmodule
Structural Verilog module wp_comp ( output result, output [29:0] lon_change, lat_change, input [29:0] curlonin, curlatin, wplatin, wplonin, input control); wire [29:0] rcurlat, rcurlon, rprelat, rprelon, lat, lon, curlat, curlon, prelat, prelon, wplat, wplon, preresult; wire [29:0] S, S2, S3, S4; wire w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7; and c1[29:0](curlat[29:0], curlatin[29:0], control); and c2[29:0](curlon[29:0], curlonin[29:0], control); and c3[29:0](wplat[29:0], wplatin[29:0], control); and c4[29:0](wplon[29:0], wplonin[29:0], control); and g1(w1, curlon[29], curlon[28], curlon[26]), g2(w2, ~curlon[27], ~curlon[25]), g3(w3, ~wplon[29], ~wplon[28], ~wplon[26]), g4(w4, wplon[27], wplon[25]), g5(w5, w1, w2), g6(w6, w3, w4), g7(w7, w5, w6);//if w7 is high, our current long is neg and g8(w8, ~curlon[29], ~curlon[28], ~curlon[26]), g9(w9, curlon[27], curlon[25]), g10(w10, wplon[29], wplon[28], wplon[26]), g11(w11, ~wplon[27], ~wplon[25]), g12(w12, w8, w9), g13(w13, w10, w11), g14(w14, w12, w13);//if w14 is high, our previous longitude is neg TwosCompAdder a(30'b010101011101010010101000000000, curlon, 1'b0, S), b(30'b010101011101010010101000000000, wplon, 1'b0, S2); //this can be OPTIMIZED by ANDing the select line with the 360 right before it is added to the number thirtybitmux2to1 p(curlon, S,w7,rcurlon), q(wplon, S2, w14, rprelon); TwosCompAdder c(wplat, curlat, 1'b1, lat_change); TwosCompAdder d(rprelon, rcurlon, 1'b1, lon_change); //This logic checks to see if the change in lat and lon are both zero (if we are at waypoint, 'result' is high) nor n1[29:0](preresult[29:0], lat_change[29:0], lon_change[29:0]); and a1(ppreresult0, preresult[3], preresult[2], preresult[1], preresult[0]), a2(ppreresult1, preresult[7], preresult[6], preresult[5], preresult[4]), a3(ppreresult2, preresult[11], preresult[10], preresult[9], preresult[8]), a4(ppreresult3, preresult[15], preresult[14], preresult[13], preresult[12]), a5(ppreresult4, preresult[19], preresult[18], preresult[17], preresult[16]), a6(ppreresult5, preresult[23], preresult[22], preresult[21], preresult[20]), a7(ppreresult6, preresult[27], preresult[26], preresult[25], preresult[24]), a8(ppreresult7, preresult[29], preresult[28]), a9(ppreresult8, ppreresult0, ppreresult1, ppreresult2, ppreresult3), a10(ppreresult9, ppreresult4, ppreresult5, ppreresult6, ppreresult7), a11(result, ppreresult8, ppreresult9); // assign result= ( (lat_change == 0) && (lon_change == 0)); endmodule // wp_comp
Metal Directions Vdd, Gnd, Local Interconnect Metal 1: Horizontal Metal 2: Vertical Clk, Global Interconnect Metal 3: Horizontal Metal 4: Vertical
Problems • Pins -> buffers -> clock -> transistor counts increased!! • Over flow cases = transistor counts BOOM!
What’s Next… Here’s what’s on our agenda for next week… • Finish Module Schematics • Creating Module Layout