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The Rise of Greece

The Rise of Greece. Citizenship and Government. Rise of the City State. For 300 years after the Dorians conquered Greece there was a dark age with few arts, writing, or travel Around 800 BC, Greece began to emerge out of this Dark Age Greek sailors once again set

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The Rise of Greece

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  1. The Rise of Greece Citizenship and Government

  2. Rise of the City State • For 300 years after the Dorians conquered Greece there was a dark age with few arts, writing, or travel • Around 800 BC, Greece began to emerge out of this Dark Age • Greek sailors once again set forth on the Mediterranean Sea • Small towns grew back into city-states

  3. City-States Cont. • The Greeks called their city-states a polis • A polis consisted of an acropolis or hill on which the temples stood and the surrounding flat land contained the houses, markets, and public buildings • Greeks became fiercely loyal to their city -state as they competed with other city- states for land and resources • As conflict increased, so did the importance of citizenship

  4. The Importance of Citizenship • Shared in the victories and good fortune of your state as well as to ensure you had a vested interest in defending your state • In many states only citizens could own land, run a business, or have any voice in govn. • Citizenship could be gained by being born a citizen or earned by serving your state

  5. Citizenship and Government • Citizenship led to many different forms of Greek government • Early governments consisted of a monarchy where the country is run by a King • Soon many wealthy citizens challenged the rule by one person and established an oligarchy or rule by the elite few • Eventually citizenship would lead to the development of the world’s first democracy in Athens where every citizen has a say in govnernment King Dorian- • 1st Civilization: Minoans and Mycenaeans • Homer blind poet writes Illiadand Odyssey – shows Greek culture and values

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