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Tactical Science Course Establishing Relevance

Tactical Science Course Establishing Relevance. A Warrior’s mind is the ultimate weapon…. everything else is supplemental…. Tactical Science Course The Nature of War.

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Tactical Science Course Establishing Relevance

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  1. Tactical Science CourseEstablishing Relevance

  2. A Warrior’s mind is the ultimate weapon… everything else is supplemental…

  3. Tactical Science CourseThe Nature of War To understand the Marine Corp’s philosophy of warfighting, we first need an appreciation for the nature of war itself – its moral and physical characteristics and demands. A common view among Marines of the nature of war is a necessary base for the development of a cohesive doctrine. WARFIGHTING THE U.S. MARINE CORPS BOOK ON STRATEGY

  4. Tactical Science CourseDeveloping Leaders • …need to develop adaptive skills • Adaptive Proficiency is essential… • Dynamic environment • Increase in mission op tempo • Special Forces QC modified to provide more direct training for officers in area of adaptive performance

  5. Tactical Science CourseDeveloping Leaders • Leaders will be faced with: • Ambiguous, high risk situations for which no SOPs have been developed. • Will need to develop teams more rapidly to: • Resist stress • Adapt more quickly and effectively in complex, volatile and unstructured environments.

  6. Tactical Science CourseDeveloping Leaders • Leaders will require: • Versatile decision-making and critical thinking skills • But must also possess: • Creativity and the interpersonal skills to inform, persuade, and inspire confidence

  7. Information Anxiety Richard Saul Wurman • Chinese-dinner memory dysfunction …characterized by total memory loss one hour after learning something. The cramming of unnecessary information about unnecessary subjects for unnecessary examinations to get unnecessary grades. Cure – the key to learning is remembering what you are interested in and that through interest comes understanding.

  8. Information Anxiety Richard Saul Wurman • Sacred Bull Fighting – “If only everybody could read well and get high scores, everything would be fine.” • Education theorists have come to realize there are two kinds of learning: • Academic 2. Practical • They have found there is little to indicate that faring well in one will assure the same success in the other.

  9. Information Anxiety Richard Saul Wurman • Students should be stuffed with facts like sausages: • Facts are meaningful only when they can be attached to ideas. Unless students are taught a system for learning or processing information, facts are of little use to them. • Ideas precede our understanding of facts • A fact can be comprehended only within the context of an idea.

  10. The Survivor Personality Al Siebert, Psychologist • Mental Models: …the survivor (a category including people who avoid accidents) does not impose pre-existing patterns on new information, but rather allows new information to reshape [his mental models]. …the person who has the best chance of handling a situation well is usually the one with the best…mental pictures or images [bookmarks] of what is occurring outside of the body.

  11. “Kaleidoscope Thinking” Rosebeth Moss Kanter • Regular visits to other parts of the organization and exchange ideas • Trips to new places to experience things quite different from normal practice • Discussions with critics and challenges, or just those who hold a different world view, have different beliefs, make different assumptions

  12. “Kaleidoscope Thinking” Rosebeth Moss Kanter • Trend-tracking by asking everyone what’s new, what’s changing • Reading outside [your] field as well as in it • Attending conferences on subjects that are new and unfamiliar

  13. Information Anxiety Richard Saul Wurman • As managers we must be willing to underwrite our subordinates mistakes. • More learning is possible by studying the things that don’t work than by studying the things that do. Most of the great technological & scientific breakthroughs are made by examining the things that fail. • USMC / Strategic Corporal

  14. Tactical Science CourseEstablishing Relevance • Expectation of competence. • In law enforcement, the same conflict is often fought three times. • Fight it in the FIELD • Fight it in the court of PUBLIC OPINION • Fight it in a court of LAW

  15. Small Farm Town’s SWAT Team Leaves Costly Legacy • Posted: April 5, 1999, Posted Los Angeles Times. • July 11, 1997, Dinuba’s CA SET team served warrant at 0700 wearing dark utilities and balaclavas. Residents thought they were “robbers” - husband picked up knife to defend family and was shot 15 times. • SET team had three (3) training sessions prior to incident – Federal Jury awarded $12.5 million to family. • City insurance only covered $9.5 million – judgment. Annual budget was less than ½ of judgment

  16. Tactical Science CourseEstablishing Relevance • Published: Saturday, Dec 22, 2007 • Chief, Lieutenant face manslaughter charges for ordering SWAT raid • By Marcus Wohlsen, Associated Press • No one disputes that Cheri Lyn Moore died in a barrage of gunfire unleashed by police, and no one claims Eureka's former police chief or his lieutenant fired a single shot. • But they're the ones facing manslaughter charges over the mentally unstable woman's death in a case that has ensnared this coastal Northern California city in a bizarre legal tangle.The question to be ultimately settled in court by a jury is this: Should supervising officers in a police operation be held legally responsible for its outcome?

  17. Cheerleader was on Maui to perform at 2004 Hula BowlBy BRIAN PERRY, Assistant City Editor Posted: May 31, 2998 WAILUKU — A $1.15 million arbitrated award has been ordered for the family and estate of an 18-year-old New Jersey cheerleader who fell to her death from the ninth-floor balcony of a Kaanapali hotel in 2004.The May 23 award found Sixty percent of what Sekiya called“comparative causal negligence” fell on Susanne Sadler, a parent who oversaw her daughter, Crossan and another cheerleader. Krueger said his investigation of the case found that Sadler failed in her responsibility to watch out for the girl’s welfare. He said Sadler had promised the other girls’ parents that she would take care of them, and “the families relied on that.”Sadler denied seeing Crossan drinking and denied being aware that she was intoxicated. She did not impose a curfew, he said.“But for the negligence of the chaperon in letting these kids go out . . . the injury would never have occurred,” Krueger said.

  18. $2 Million Settlement Reached in Florida Deputy's Death • Posted: Friday, September 5, 2008, Jon Burstein, Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida). • “The Broward Sheriff's Office failed to follow its own policies in a botched 2004 raid that left Detective Todd Fatta dead, Sheriff Al Lamberti acknowledged Thursday as the agency reached a $2 million settlement with the late deputy's family.” • Jury selection in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Fatta's family had been set to begin Monday. If the case had gone to trial, a parade of former and current Sheriff's Office personnel could have been called to the witness stand, including former Sheriff Ken Jenne, who was in charge when Fatta was killed.

  19. Task Force to pay $575,000 after LE officers raided wrong house • Mendoza v. Multi-Agency Narcotics Enforcement Team • A multi-agency anti-narcotics task force agreed to pay $575,000 after raiding the wrong house and handcuffing innocent people. On March 23, 2005, eight law enforcers entered Adolfo Mendoza’s home and handcuffed him and his brother, while ordering Mendoza’s wife and three minor children into the living room at gunpoint. The officers then realized that their warrant was for the house next door. The Mendozas sued under the 4th Amendment, claiming emotional distress. Several defendants got out on motions for summary judgment on grounds of qualified immunity – they were simply following orders.

  20. County to pay $3.75 million to battered inmate • Ramirez v. County of Orange • An inmate who sustained traumatic brain injuries in a jailhouse attack recovered $3.75 million. In June 2006, Fernando Ramirez, then 21, an illegal alien from Mexico, who was accused of Child Molestation, was beaten at the Orange County Central Jail. He was in a coma for about three weeks and was left with the intellect of a four-year old. He asserted that the County and jail managers contributed to the attack because his classification informed jail inmates of his charge, and that their was a failure to protect.

  21. NYPD investigates two officers in Taser death of naked Brooklyn manBY ALISON GENDAR AND CORKY SIEMASZKO Thursday, September 25th 2008 • Two NYPD officers are under investigation in the death of a disturbed Brooklyn man who toppled from a ledge after he was shot with a Taser stun gun. • Instead of waiting for backup to arrive with an airbag that would have broken his fall, "an ESU lieutenant directed another ESU officer on the sidewalk to employ a Conducted Energy Device (CED), commonly known as a Taser, against Morales, who fell to the sidewalk, striking his head," Browne said.

  22. Here lie the bones of Ranger Jones a graduate of this institution He died last night in his first fire fight HE USED THE SCHOOL SOLUTION

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