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Lecture 5 Communicating with Policymakers

Lecture 5 Communicating with Policymakers. Andy Schneider, J.D. Former Chief Health Counsel House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Why Should You Interact with Federal Policymakers. To establish a working relationship in which the Member or staffer seeks your advice

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Lecture 5 Communicating with Policymakers

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  1. Lecture 5Communicating with Policymakers Andy Schneider, J.D. Former Chief Health Counsel House Committee on Energy and Commerce

  2. Why Should You Interact with Federal Policymakers • To establish a working relationship in which the Member or staffer seeks your advice • To understand what Members or staffers are concerned about • To educate Members or staff about your research and your agenda

  3. Opportunities to Speak with Federal Policymakers Congress (Legislative Branch) Capitol Hill visits District Office visits Hearing Testimony Department of HHS (Executive Branch) Government Commissions (MedPAC, MACPAC, Long-Term Care Commission)

  4. Legislative Visits Typically initiated by you or an organization you work with Specified appointment (30 minutes) More likely with staff than Member Small groups (2-3) can work well Large groups tend not to be effective

  5. Whom Are You Representing? Generally not yourself unless it is a personal story Your university? Your professional organization? A community-based organization? A coalition of groups? Get explicit authorization

  6. Anticipating Your Audience Jurisdictional – How does your issue relate to the Member’s State, District and committees? Personal – Whatis the Member’s or staffer’s understanding of or commitment to your issue? Political – When is the Member’s next election? What is his/her voting record on your issue? Experience – How much legislative experience does the Member/staffer have?

  7. Resources • Websites • Legal - www.thomas.loc.gov;www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/ • Foundations and other knowledge brokers • RWJ Foundation, Commonwealth Fund, Kaiser Family Foundation • Members of Congress websites • Government relations experts (lobbyists) working for knowledge brokers can quickly get you up to speed

  8. Dress Formally and Be On Time Government is a formal place Business suits are the norm The pace is brisk Members and staff will act casual about time but they are not Be on time but not too early Stay on time (even though Members and staff likely will not)

  9. Setting the Stage to Deliver Your Message Briefly introduce yourself, what your organization does, and whom it serves Acknowledge anything constructive the Member/staffer has done on your issue To the degree possible, make a connection between your issue and how it affects the Member’s State or District

  10. Boiling Down Your Message You’ve got somewhere between 30 seconds and 3 minutes to introduce yourself, explain your issue, and make your ask Use one-pager to organize your presentation Avoid jargon/technical terms Do a dry run before the visit If it’s a small group visit, choreograph the presentations in advance

  11. The One Pager A brief synopsis of your issue, your solution and your ask Simply phrased bullet points with lots of white space on paper Include pointed examples that make it relevant for the particular Member Include contact information or card

  12. Telling a Story to Explain Your Issue A highly effective way to build a bond with a Member or staffer around your issue Focus on a person or a family and include a few special details to help make it real to the Member or staffer Bonus points if the affected party is from Member’s State or District

  13. The Ask Don’t just describe your issue, ask for specific help in resolving it Members like to help and want to say yes - tell them what you want them to do Your “ask” should be reasonable in relation to the Member/staffer’s power and jurisdiction

  14. Some Things You Can Ask of a Member or Staffer • Provide a letter of support • Attend a community meeting • Speak at a conference • Hold (or request) a hearing • Request an investigation • Support pending legislation • Introduce legislation

  15. The Follow Up Plan Figure out who is doing what next Make it clear how you think you can help move your issue forward Plan for the next interaction

  16. What to Leave Behind A business card A one-pager Possibly a research summary No gifts

  17. Executive Branch Visits • Similar objectives and techniques apply for meetings • Less need to emphasize State or District-specific details • Ask relates to flexibility agency has in issuing regulations within limits of law • Note ethical limits on Member/staff assistance

  18. Hearings • Congressional hearings can be on proposed legislation or to conduct oversight of Executive Branch or the private sector • Testifying at a hearing is more formal than a visit and is a public event open to the press with live webcasts • Witnesses usually testify as a part of a panel and legislators will often ask questions • You are either a majority or minority witness

  19. Government Commissions • Intended to formalize expert advice of stakeholders • Often include representation of key stakeholders • Generally bipartisan • Researchers often prepare background or summary papers and testify • Commission staff will provide guidance on protocol for visits or open meetings

  20. Be Strategic • In every interaction think about how you can use it to further your agenda • All talk is for a purpose; use it wisely to try to make a difference • In interacting with Membes and their staffs you are always “live”. Watch the jokes and “off the record” comments.

  21. One-Pager Homework Assignment • Your chance to practice boiling down your message to 1 page • Use bullet points • What is your policy issue • How does your research support a particular policy approach • What is your ask of the policymaker • Be prepared to share it in class next week

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