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Co-operative University Studies in Finland: Roots, Present and Future. Ruralia Institute, Mikkeli Coordinator of the Co-op Network Studies University network. CONTENTS. Co-operative Studies in Finnish universities , historical notes Co-op Network Studies – University network 2005-09
Co-operative University Studies in Finland:Roots, Present and Future Ruralia Institute, Mikkeli Coordinator of the Co-op Network Studies University network
CONTENTS • Co-operativeStudies in Finnishuniversities, historicalnotes • Co-opNetworkStudies –Universitynetwork 2005-09 • Main aims of Co-opNetworkStudiesprogramme (2010-2014) • Socio-polito-economicalcontext of the Co-opNetworkStudiesProgramme • Organisation and main tasks of Co-opNetworkStudiesprogramme (2010-2014) • Themes of co-operative courses, examples • Recognisedaddedvalues of Co-opNetworkStudies
CO-OPERATIVE STUDIES IN FINNISH UNIVERSITIES, HISTORICAL NOTES • Late 1890s: lectures by Hannes and Hedvig Gebhard at the summer courses of the University of Helsinki. • 1920-30´s: Teaching of co-operative studies at the People´s College in Helsinki (later High School of Social Sciences and from 1960’s University of Tampere). • 1957: Building of the Fund for Co-operative Studies and beginning regular teaching of co-operative studies at the University of Helsinki . • 1967: Donation of funds by the Finnish co-operative societies for permanent professorship in ”social policy, especially co-operative studies” in the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Helsinki. • 1978: Closing down the Fund for Co-operative Studies and donating its assets to establish permanent office of lecturer of co-operative studies to the University. • 1990: Cutting down the funding of the professorship by the University of Helsinki • 1991: Building of a separate Institute for Co-operative Studies to continue research, education and especially promotion of co-operative entrepreneurship as a multidisciplinary coordinator belonging to the Faculty of Political Sciences /Department of Social Policy. Turning heavily towards project funding for activities. • 2001: Affiliating the Institute for Co-operative Studies to the University of Helsinki Rural Research and Training Centre, Mikkeli. Including Co-operative Studies as a field of research and education into the programme of so-called Eco University • 2003-05: Establishing a new multidisciplinary concept for co-operative studies to be learned in internet, based on partnership with Universities of Helsinki and Kuopio
CO-OP NETWORK STUDIES UNIVERSITY NETWORK 2005-2014 • 2005- 2007: Establishment and membership agreements, pilotting of study modules in the web and starting regular e-learning programmes • 2006-2009: Ongoing study programme funded by the government (Ministry of Education), University of Helsinki and Mikkeli University Consortium • 2010-2014: Network continuing re-organised, • participation of the member universities through membership fees and • contract with the Finnish Co-operatives through annual fee • UNIVERSITY OF OULU 2006- • UNIVERSITY OF EAST FINLAND (KUOPIO 2003-) 2005- • UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ 2006- • UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Ruralia-institute, COORDINATOR 2003- • UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE 2007- • LAPPEENRANTA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2006- • UNIVERSITY OF TURKU 2006- • UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI 1957- • AALTO UNIVERSITY School of Economics 2005-
MAIN AIMS OF CO-OP NETWORK STUDIES PROGRAMME (2010-2014) • To establish permanent presence for co-operative studies at university curricula and create open access to co-operative studies for the students. • To transfer the results of co-operative studies through research, education and promotion activities from universities to co-operatives and promote the provision of research needs from co-operatives to universities. • To make co-operative distinction visible, understood and recognised as an institution and distinctive model of entrepreneurship in the society at large.
SOCIO-POLITO-ECONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THECO-OP NETWORK STUDIES PROGRAMME Research and education in the universities Regional and local impact Social impact Practical experience and know-how in the co-operative societies and enterprises
ORGANISATION AND MAIN TASKS OF CO-OP NETWORK STUDIES (2010-2014) • ORGANISATION • Co-ordinator and administrator: University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute • Board composed of the members nominated by the member universities and Finnish Co-operative Delegation • TASKS • Production and coordination of multidisciplinaryuniversitydegreestudies • in co-operativestudies • 25credits (basicstudies) + 35-40 credits (intermediatestudies), • 100 % universityeducationthrougheLearning • Dissemination of experiences and know-how • Searching for international partnerships • Applications to adulteducation and training • Annualresearch, exchange and innovationseminars
THEMES OF CO-OPERATIVE COURSES, EXAMPLES • Co-operative principles and practices • Juridical grounds of co-operative societies and enterprises • History of co-operative movement in Finland and abroad • Planning and building of co-operative enterprises • Sustainable development of local economy • Business economics, management and leadership in co-operatives • Social economy, social responsibility and business ethics • …and several other themes to learn intellectual and professional skills needed in working life, trusteeship positions and personal life of the students
RECOGNISED ADDED VALUES OF CO-OP NETWORK STUDIES MODEL • The new model corresponds to the guidelines of the new Finnish law of universities in e.g. promoting continuing development of working life connections and looking actively for partnerships in fund raising. • Co-op Network Studies courses create, in addition to study qualifications, useful information for further elaboration, e.g. comprehensive collection of co-operative case presentations. • Learning Co-op Network Studies is a truly interdisciplinary exercise based on teachers, experts and students entering from different universities, faculties and disciplines.