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Bacteria. B 1.1 Bacteria. Bacteria. Some types of bacteria live in extreme environments where few other organisms can survive. Bacteria normally have three basic shapes—spheres, rods, and spirals.

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  1. Bacteria B 1.1 Bacteria

  2. Bacteria • Some types of bacteria live in extreme environments where few other organisms can survive. • Bacteria normally have three basic shapes—spheres, rods, and spirals. • Sphere-shaped bacteria are called cocci (KAHK si), rod-shaped bacteria are called bacilli (bah SIH li), and spiral-shaped bacteria are called spirilla (spi RIH luh).

  3. Bacteria • Bacterial cells are classified as prokaryotic. • Some bacteria also have an outer coating called a slime layer. • A slime layer enables a bacterium to stick to surfaces and reduce water loss. • Many bacteria that live in moist conditions also have whiplike tails called flagella to help them move.

  4. Bacteria • Fission is a process that produces two new cells with genetic material identical to each other and that of the original cell • Most bacteria are consumers. • An organism that uses oxygen for respiration is called an aerobe (AY rohb). • In contrast, an organism that is adapted to live without oxygen is called an anaerobe (AN uh rohb).

  5. Bacteria • Bacteria are classified into two kingdoms—eubacteria (yew bak TIHR ee uh) and archaebacteria (arkeebak TIHR ee uh). • One important group of producer eubacteria is the cyanobacteria (si an oh bak TIHR ee uh). • Archaebacteria are divided into groups based on where they live or how they get energy.

  6. Bacteria • cocci • sprilla • bacilli • flagella • aerobe • anaerobe • Eubacteria • Archaebacteria

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