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One Hot State Machine vs Binary/Gray Code State Machine. Danny Mok Altera HK FAE (dmok@altera.com). One Hot State Machine. What is One Hot each state within the State Machine is represent by ONE BIT e.g. Four State Machine : state0, state1, state2, state3 can be represented by
One Hot State Machine vsBinary/Gray Code State Machine Danny Mok Altera HK FAE (dmok@altera.com)
One Hot State Machine • What is One Hot • each state within the State Machine is represent by ONE BIT • e.g. Four State Machine : state0, state1, state2, state3 can be represented by • 4 bits : 1000 0100 0010 0001 (One Hot) • One Hot State Machine • mainly gives us performance • but it consume more logic
Binary State Machine • What is Binary State Machine • each state within the State Machine is encode by bits • e.g. Four State Machine : state0, state1, state2, state3 can be represented by • 2 bits : 00 01 10 11 (Binary) • Binary State Machine • mainly consume less logic • but the performance usually is slower • can be more than one bit change from state to state • (01 -> 10) both bits changed
Gray Code State Machine • What is Grey Code State Machine • each state within the State Machine is encode by bits • e.g. Four State Machine : state0, state1, state2, state3 can be represented by • 2 bits : 00 01 11 10 (Grey Code) • Gray Code State Machine • mainly consume less logic • but the performance usually is slower • ONLY one bit change from state to state • (01 -> 11) one bit changed
Default in Max+Plus II • In Max+Plus II, the State Machine will be coding as • AHDL/VHDL Input • One Hot for FLEX (no option to turn on or off) • because FLEX having a lot of LC(DFF) • so LC is not a problem • most likely is performance problem • Binary Encoding for MAX (option to change to One Hot) • because MAX having limited MC (DFF) • so MC is a problem • most likely the performance is not a problem
AHDL Example subdesign state_machine ( clk, rst, go : input; q : output;) variable hold_bg:MACHINE OF BITS (hh[1..0]) WITH STATES(h0,h1,h2,h3); begin hold_bg.clk = CLK; hold_bg.reset = RST; hold_bg.ena = VCC; case hold_bg is when h0 => if (go) then hold_bg = h1; else hold_bg = h0; end if; when h1 => hold_bg = h2; when h2 => hold_bg = h3; when h3 => hold_bg = h0; end case; q = (hold_bg == h1); end;
Altera Max+Plus II VHDL Compiler • MAX the State Machine can be • BINARY CODING • ONE HOT • FLEX the State Machine always • ONE HOT (no option to select) • There is no option to direct Max+Plus II to do One Hot Coding in FLEX under Altera Max+Plus II VHDL Compiler
Solution • Work around solution • use 3rd compiler to generate EDIF • Binary, Gray Code, One Hot or Random • import the EDIF to Max+Plus II • now Max+Plus II doesn’t know it is State Machine, then it will do what EDIF is
Sample State Machine library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; package your_own_type is type t_state is (idle,state0,state01,state011, state0110,state01101, state011011, dummy0, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5, dummy6, dummy7, dummy8, dummy9, dummy10); end your_own_type; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.your_own_type.all; Entity stmh is port (clk, serial_in, reset : in std_logic; match : out std_logic); end stmh; architecture body_stmh of stmh is signal present_state : t_state; begin process(clk,serial_in, present_state) begin if (reset = '1') then present_state <= idle; elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then case present_state is when idle => if (serial_in = '0') then present_state <= state0; else present_state <= idle; end if; when state0 => if (serial_in = '1') then present_state <= state01; else present_state <= idle; end if; when state01 => if (serial_in = '1') then present_state <= state011; else present_state <= idle; end if; when state011 => if (serial_in = '0') then present_state <= state0110; else present_state <= idle; end if; when state0110 => if (serial_in = '1') then present_state <= state01101; else present_state <= idle; end if; when state01101 => if (serial_in = '1') then present_state <= state011011; else present_state <= idle; end if; when state011011 => present_state <= dummy0; when dummy0 => present_state <= dummy1; when dummy1 => present_state <= dummy2; when dummy2 => present_state <= dummy3; when dummy3 => present_state <= dummy4; when dummy4 => present_state <= dummy5; when dummy5 => present_state <= dummy6; when dummy6 => present_state <= dummy7; when dummy7 => present_state <= dummy8; when dummy8 => present_state <= dummy9; when dummy9 => present_state <= dummy10; when dummy10 => present_state <= idle; when others => present_state <= idle; end case; end if; end process; process(present_state) begin if (present_state = state011011) then match <= '1'; else match <= '0'; end if; end process; end body_stmh;
Altera Max+Plus II VHDL Compiler For all MAX Devices in default
For FLEX devices in default For all FLEX devices in default
MAX/FLEX - 3rd Compiler One Hot
Cont... Sequential
Cont... Gray Code
Conclusion • Select what kind of State Machine encoding • FLEX Device • you want Performance : One Hot (Default) • you want min LC : Binary/Gray Code (to be Smart) • MAX Device • you want min MC : Binary (Default) • you want Performance : One Hot (may help) • Entry • Altera AHDL/VHDL compiler • Binary for MAX (Default, but can changed) • One Hot for FLEX (no option to change) • if VHDL : can work around with 3rd VHDL compiler for different kind of coding