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Eye Movement Physiology Frank M. Marchak, Ph.D. Veridical Research and Design Corporation www.vradc.com

Eye Movement Physiology Frank M. Marchak, Ph.D. Veridical Research and Design Corporation www.vradc.com. Society for Psychophysiological Research September 14 2011. Eye Anatomy. webvision.med.utah.edu/imageswv/Sagschem.jpeg. www.skybrary.aero/images/thumb/Vis_Fig2.jpg/500px-Vis_Fig2.jpg.

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Eye Movement Physiology Frank M. Marchak, Ph.D. Veridical Research and Design Corporation www.vradc.com

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  1. Eye Movement PhysiologyFrank M. Marchak, Ph.D.Veridical Research and Design Corporationwww.vradc.com Society for Psychophysiological Research September 14 2011

  2. Eye Anatomy webvision.med.utah.edu/imageswv/Sagschem.jpeg www.skybrary.aero/images/thumb/Vis_Fig2.jpg/500px-Vis_Fig2.jpg

  3. Why do you move your eyes?

  4. Yarbus (1967) Task influences eye movement behavior

  5. Types of Eye Movements • Gaze Stabilization • Vestibulo-ocular • Optokinetic • Gaze shifting • Vergence • Smooth Pursuit • Saccade

  6. Gaze StabilizationVestibulo-Ocular Reflex commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vestibulo-ocular_reflex_lateroflexion _of_neck.svg www.youtube.com/user/mbolding#p/u/15/PeO6w_bCz8U • Stabilize eyes relative to external world • Compensate for head movements

  7. Gaze StabilizationOptokinetic Nystagmus www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSJksSA6Q-A&feature=related img.springerimages.com/Images/ImagesMD/ATOPH/01/66/WATER_ATOPH01-09-66-003B.jpg • Elicited by moving objects that produce illusion of head movement or slow head movements undetected by vestibular system • Visual-ocular response

  8. Gaze ShiftingVergence schorlab.berkeley.edu/vilis/vergence.htm www.youtube.com/user/mbolding#p/u/16/9kgi_Avr66I • Align fovea of each eye with targets at different distances from observer • Disconjugate

  9. Gaze ShiftingSmooth Pursuit www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEfz1fFjU78 Wetenbakerr,(1984). The Eye: Window on the World • Keep moving stimulus on fovea • Under voluntary control

  10. Gaze ShiftingSaccadic www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEJfAxJEP6E • Ballistic movements that abruptly change point of fixation

  11. How do you move your eyes?

  12. Extraocular Muscles eyeaerobics.com/program/

  13. IO SO SR IR IO/SR SO/IR SR/IO IR/SO IR SR IO SO LR MR MR LR MR MR CONVERGENCE emedicine.medscape.com/article/1189759-overview

  14. Ophthalmotrope (Ruete, 1857) bjo.bmj.com/content/93/5.cover-expansion

  15. Extraocular Muscle Innervation

  16. Extraocular Muscle InnervationOrigins

  17. Extraocular Muscle Innervation Ocular Motor Neuron Nuclei Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience

  18. Extraocular Muscle InnervationOcular Motor Neuron Nuclei

  19. Saccadic Eye Movements www.sharpsight.in/images/treatments/eye%20trackers.jpg express.howstuffworks.com/gif/body-saccidic-composite.jpg

  20. Time Course of Saccades Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience • Two components • Amplitude • Lower motor neurons within oculomotor nuclei • Direction • Premotor neurons in gaze centers in brainstem

  21. Neural Control of Saccades Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience • Discharge frequency directly proportional to position and velocity of eye

  22. Neural Control of SaccadesPulse-Step • Pulse • Tonic signal – eyes hold position • Height: speed of saccade • Duration: duration of saccade • Step • Phasic signal – eyes move • Height: amplitude of saccade brain.phgy.queensu.ca/pare/assets/Oculomotor%20lecture.pdf

  23. Neural Control of SaccadesGaze Centers • Horizontal • Paramedianpontine reticular formation (PPRF) • Vertical • Rostral interstitial nucleus (rostraliMLF) cueflash.com/decks/CONTROL_OF_EYE_MOVEMENTS_-_57

  24. Neural Control of SaccadesHorizontal Eye Movements Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience

  25. Horizontal SaccadesExcitatory Burst Neurons • PPRF • Phasic signal of abducens motor neurons brain.phgy.queensu.ca/pare/assets/Oculomotor%20lecture.pdf

  26. Horizontal SaccadesTonic Neurons • Nucleus prepositushypoglossi • Tonic signal of abducens motor neurons brain.phgy.queensu.ca/pare/assets/Oculomotor%20lecture.pdf

  27. Horizontal SaccadesInhibitory Burst Neurons • Paramedianpontine reticular formation (PPRF) • Inhibit contralateralabducensinternuclear and motor neurons brain.phgy.queensu.ca/pare/assets/Oculomotor%20lecture.pdf

  28. Horizontal SaccadesOmnipause Neurons • Inhibit burst neurons in PPRF • Prevent saccades • Activate saccade burst generator brain.phgy.queensu.ca/pare/assets/Oculomotor%20lecture.pdf

  29. Horizontal SaccadesSuperior Colliculus • Motor command • PPRF burst neurons • Trigger command • Omnipause neurons brain.phgy.queensu.ca/pare/assets/Oculomotor%20lecture.pdf

  30. Superior ColliculusTopographic Motor Map Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience

  31. Saccadic Eye MovementsHigher Saccadic Centers cueflash.com/decks/CONTROL_OF_EYE_MOVEMENTS_-_57

  32. Higher Saccadic CentersFrontal Eye Fields Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience

  33. Higher Saccadic CentersPosterior Parietal Cortex camelot.mssm.edu/~ygyu/clip_image016_0001.jpg

  34. Higher Saccadic CentersBasal Ganglia Purves, et al., (2004). Neuroscience

  35. Neural Control of VOR library.med.utah.edu/kw/animations/hyperbrain/oculo_reflex/oculocephalic2.html lsda.jsc.nasa.gov/lsda_data/dil_data/msci1083.jpg

  36. Neural Control of Smooth Pursuit cueflash.com/decks/CONTROL_OF_EYE_MOVEMENTS_-_57

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