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Lesson 12. Juana Fabiola Amezqita, Jonte Angle, Valeria Guevara. Agon - contest,struggle. Agony: Agon (struggle) y (result of) Antagonist: anti (against) agon (struggle) ist (one who) Protagonist: proto (first) agon (struggle) ist (one who). Baro- weight pressure.
Lesson 12 Juana Fabiola Amezqita, Jonte Angle, Valeria Guevara
Agon - contest,struggle • Agony: Agon (struggle) y (result of) • Antagonist: anti (against) agon (struggle) ist (one who) • Protagonist: proto (first) agon (struggle) ist (one who)
Baro- weight pressure • Barometer- baro (pressure) meter (measure) • Barograph- baro (pressure) graph (write,record) • Baritone- baro (weight heavy) ton(sound)
Cereb - brain • Cerebellum: cereb(brain)-part that controls voluntary movement,posture,equilibruim • Cerebral:cereb (brain)al (related or pertaining to) • Cerebrate:cereb (brain) ate (make,cause)-to think
Claim (claim)-shout,cry out • Clamor: clam (shout) or (state, quality) • Exclamatory: ex (out) clam (shout) ory (pertaining to) • Proclamation: por (forth,forward) clam (shout) ation(act of)
Clar - clear • Clarify:clar (clear) fy (make) • Declare:de (down,from) clar (clear) • Clairvoyant: clair (clear) voy (see) ant (one who)
Cosm-world, universe,order • Cosmic: cosm(universe) ic (related to) • Cosmonaut:cosm (universe) naut (sail) • Cosmopolitan:cosm (cosm) polit (city) an (pertaining to)- having international sophistication and experience;common to the world; not local or limited
Doc (doct)- teach • Doctor: doct(teach) or (one who) • Docile: doc (teach) ile (capable of being) • Indoctrinate:in (in,into) doct(teach) ate (make, cause)
Err-wander stray • Error: err (wander,stray) or (that which) • Erratic: err (stray) ic (related to) - having no fixed course • Aberration: ab (away,from) err (wander,stray) ation (act of )-abnormality
Foli-leaf • Foliage: foli (leaf) age ( result,process) • Exfoliate: ex (out) foli (leaf) ate(make cause)-to peel in small flakes like bark or skin • Portfolio: port (carry) foli (leaf)- device for carring “leaves”of work,materials
Gest- carry,bear • Gestation: gest (carry) ation (act of) • Digest: di ( through) gest (carry) • Gesticulate: gest (bear) ate (make,cause)-producing movement
Holo-Whole • Holistic: Holo (whole) ic (related to) • Holocaust: Holo (whole) caust (burn) • Holograph: Holo (whole) graph (write)
Idio: Peculiar, Private, Distinct • Idiot: Idio (Private)-Originally a private citizen; one unaware of public events. • Idiom: Idio (Peculiar)-An expression that is peculiar to a language and cannot be translated literally, such as “kick the bucket.” • Idiosyncrasy: idio (peculiar) syn (together) krasis (mix) y (result of)-Mental or physical characteristics which are peculiar to an individual.
Lex: Word, Law • Lexicology: Lex (word) logy (study of) • Lexophobia: Lex (word) phobia (fear of)-Fear of reading • Lex Non Scripta: Lex (law) non (not) script (written)-unwritten law; common law.
Mar: Sea • Mariner: Mar (sea) Er (one who) • Submarine: Sub (under) Mar (sea) Ine (pertaining to) • Martime: Martimus (sea)-Located near the sea; concerned with navigation or shipping.
Oste (Osteo): Bone • Osteoarthritis: Osteo (bone) arthr (joint) itis(inflammation) • Osteoperosis: Osteo (bone) por (pore, opening) osis (disease) • Osteotomy: Osteo (bone) tomy (cut)
Petr: Stone, Rock • Petroleum: Petr (rock) oleum (oil) • Petrify: Petr(rock) fy(make) • Peter: Petr (Rock)
Ple (plen, plet): Fill, full • Plenty: plen (full) y (result of) • Complement: Com (together, with) ple (fill) ment (result) • Deplete: De (dow, from) plet (fill)
Popul: People • Popular: Popul (people)ar (pertaining to) • Depopulate: De (down, from) popul (people) ate (make, cause) • Vox populi: Vox (voice) populi (people) “Voice of the people” Popular Opinion
Pyro: Fire • Pyre: pyr (fire) • Pyrogenic: Pyro (fire) gen (start, begin) ic (related to) • Pyrophobia: pyro (fire) phobia (fear of)
Schiz: Split, Divide • Schism: Schiz (split)-Division of a church because of differences in doctrine • Schizophrenia: Schiz (split) Phrenia (mind)-mental illness • Schizogenesis: Schiz (split) Gen (start) Sis (process)-Reproduction by fission.
Sol: Alone • Solo: Sol (alone) • Desolate: De (down, from) sol (alone) ate (characterized by) • Soliloquy: Sol (alone) loquy (talk)
Sol: Sun • Solar: Sol (sun) ar (related to) • Solarium Sol (sun) arium (place where) • Parasol: Para (near, beside) sol (sun)
Ten (tenu): Thin • Tenuous: Tenu (thin) ous (full of)-having little substance, or weak • Attenuate: At (very) Tenu (thin) ate (make)-To reduce or weaken • Extenuate: Ex (out) tenu (thin) ate (make)-To reduce in seriousness with excuses
Tom (tomy): Cut • Atom: a (not) tom (cut) • Anatomy: Ana (apart, through) tomy (cut) • Dichotomy: Dicho (two) tomy (cut)
Vict (Vinc): Conquer, show conclusively • Victor: Vict (conquer) or (one who) • Convince: Con (together, with) vinc (show conclusively) • Invincible: In (not) vinc (conquer) ible (able)