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Ethics in Human Robot Interaction (HRI). Ethics in Human Robot Interaction (HRI). Evolution of robots (then) What can robots do? How do they fit into our lives? What are the possibilities? Dangers?. Ethics in Human Robot Interaction (HRI).
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Evolution of robots (then) • What can robots do? • How do they fit into our lives? • What are the possibilities? • Dangers?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction (HRI) • Asimov's laws (1942) (1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. (2) A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. (3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. (Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Laws_of_Robotics) 0th law (added later) : A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Impact of the robot evolution on roboethics What should we consider?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Roboethics is a young field – even less has been studied about roboethics applied to HRI • “Good” robotics • What does this mean? • What are the implications of more able robots? • Necessary paradigm shift • From : Design from the engineer's perspective • To : Design from the perspective of the end user What does this require?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Facts: • In 2006, there were 77 reported robot-related accidents in England alone, according to the Health and Safety Executive. (Robots: AI Methods in Robotics) • In 2007 a military robot used in the South African army killed nine soldiers after a malfunction • According to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's World Robotics Survey, in 2002 the number of domestic and service robots more than tripled, nearly outstripping their industrial counterparts. ... • If a robot is autonomous and capable of learning, can its owner/designer be held responsible for all its actions?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • A few basic questions to consider: • If someone is harmed by a robot or because of a robot's actions, who's to blame? If robot is a tool, could we blame the saw manufacturer if somone gets cut? • If someone is harmed because they use the robot for a purpose other than that intended, who is to blame? • If the robot experiences catastrophic failure, and someone is harmed by the robot's inaction, who's to blame?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • These are diffcult questions to answer definitively, but what about unpredictable behavior? • “Emergent behavior” is the sometimes unexpected behavior that results from interactions between the robots control system and the real world • Not uncommon! • How accountable is the designer for emergent robot behavior?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • “Open texture risk” • Risk occurring from unpredictable interactions in unstructured environments. • Example : getting robots to understand the nuances of natural (human) language. • Ambiguity resulting from interpretation that varies due to outside factors. • Asimov’s Three Laws do not specifically address these risks! • Ethics are embedded into robots • Through code designed to resolve issues
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Executing complex tasks in unstructured and dynamic worlds is an immensely challenging problem • The most efficient form is the humanoid robot form since the real world environment is designed to serve dual-armed bipeds (stairs, railings, etc...) • However, merely giving a robot the human shape does not make it friendly to humans. ** Present day humanoid robots instead of stepping over a person lying on the ground would most probably walk on the person without falling over ** What expectations does a humanoid inspire?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Key areas for emerging roboethics include: • Ensuring human control of robots • Preventing illegal use • Protecting data acquired by robots • Establishing clear identification and traceability of the machines
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Case study : Hospital delivery robot • What kinds of services could this robot provide? • Provide directions to specific hospital locations • Provide efficient delivery of meds, charts, food • Consult with patients' families regarding diagnosis, prognosis and treatment • Self care (charge battery, etc) • Stay out of the way! • What kinds of services should the robot provide? • How should the robot accomplish these tasks?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • Ethical issues for robots used in health care (carebots) • If the development and use of carebots is driven by management motivations will this be the only motivationand expected benefit? • Are carebots also meant to improve the care itself? • Will they actually improve care? • Will they enhance the quality of the lives of the patients? • Will they enhance values such as autonomy? • Is it ethically desirable or allowed to replace human-human interaction with human-robot interaction in this context? • What is ‘genuine’ social interaction? • The use of robots may allow more frequent contact with patients, but what is the value of that kind of contact desirable? And how can we evaluate this? • Will carebots enhance the quality of life of patients, given that human-human interaction will be substituted for human-robot interaction?
Ethics in Human Robot Interaction(HRI) • A few last thoughts • Robot use is becoming increasingly pervasive in society: • Assist ill and elderly people by monitoring them • Assist developmentally disabled adults and children • Helping stroke patients with rehabilitation • Deliver drugs, food, mail in hospitals • Robots in the home – assist with domestic tasks • How can we prepare? • Design, develop and test realistic scenarios and evaluate these scenarios as we focus on the ethical aspects of HRI • Design, develop and implement contingencies to handle potentially harmful robot behavior