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Disaster Response

Disaster Response. The Disaster is OUT there Not in the staging areas or in the field. And so it begins. You become aware of the event – phone, news, whatever. Gather your log book, change of clothes and necessaries. MEDICATION if you take any. 2 Gallons of water per person.

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Disaster Response

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  1. Disaster Response The Disaster is OUT there Not in the staging areas or in the field

  2. And so it begins • You become aware of the event – phone, news, whatever. • Gather your log book, change of clothes and necessaries. MEDICATION if you take any. 2 Gallons of water per person. • If you need to evacuate, DO SO before even thinking about responding. • WAIT for activation call. DO NOT SELF-DEPLOY • Report where directed • Depending on your function w/in the group, you may sit near the phone on stand-by, or be called out for field work.

  3. Do Not Self-Deploy • THE ACTIVIATION CALL: • Will tell us who is needed • Where to go • How to get there

  4. ALL JOBS are important • Field work • Shelter • Logistics support • ICP liaisons (incident command post) • EOC (emergency operations center) • Staging or • By your phone. • ALL ARE IMPORTANT!!!!

  5. First, nothing is written in stone… • Except following instructions which may conflict with outlines. If so, roll with it. We MUST follow IC directions. We are subordinate to all emergency response personnel • Stay calm, listen, do what needs done to assist anyone who needs help. Drink water, walk, read – BREATHE!!

  6. Which could mean • Trailer teams will report to Sclar, as directed, with a full tank of gas and trailer ready to roll. • Logistics volunteers will locate themselves near telephones so they can facilitate supplies procurement. • Telephone teams will be contacting and alerting membership • Communications members will set up HAM radios at the Sclar Staging or where designated.

  7. Sclar Staging Could Be • Any place the authorities want us to set up. It will probably NOT be the same place the fire personnel or the OES is set up. • At the Animal Control Staging • ANY PLACE they designate for us. Nothing is written in stone.

  8. 1st to Arrive isSclar Team Leader • If you arrive on scene 1st, you are the Team Leader for Sclar until relieved. • Set up whatever you have at designated area. • Set out & monitor sign-in for Sclar volunteers • Wait

  9. Check-in, Sign-in & Roll up your sleeves • Check in with Sclar Team Leader • SIGN-IN!! • Determine from Sclar Team Leader if there is an IC sign-in • YES!! It is possible you will be signing in twice.

  10. Sign-in is King • Make sure all volunteers reporting are signed in with Sclar Team Leader • Volunteers unknown to us must be referred to the ICP Volunteer Coordinator. At that point, they’re out of our hair. • WHERE IS YOUR LOG BOOK? Keep it handy, make sure your name is on it.

  11. Patience is Queen • Organize what you can with what you have. • Make sure your ready bag is complete. Don’t forget the 2 gal. of water. • Think & list what might be needed • Wait for instruction / deployment or task assignment. • To reiterate: DO NOT SELF DEPLOY

  12. None of us are Royalty • Stressful situations breed nervous energy which can sometimes create friction. • Be tolerant. • Be flexible. If you get conflicting orders or requests from someone, make them aware. Don’t get frustrated or angry. • Unless asked to delegate a job or project, please carry-through as requested. Any supervisor should know who is doing what job and with whom. • Is that log book in use?

  13. We are a citizen volunteer group • We can only do what we are capable of • Do not attempt something that is beyond your strength or ability. • Unsafe, dangerous, illegal or unsavory tasks should be discussed with the Sclar Team Leader or Supervisor before proceeding. We can and will go to bat for you if you need help. • Do not put yourself or others in danger • Do not put animals in a more dangerous situation than you find them in.

  14. SAFETY FIRST & ALWAYS • This rule needs no elaboration. • Your safety & and affiliated health issues are immutable. • Ultimately, you are the one responsible for your safety judgments.

  15. Sclar Site Protocols • Chain of Command: Any issues should be reported to the Command leader ONLY. In an emergency, taking it upon yourself to escalate to PIO, OES or AS is unacceptable as it clogs upper levels of command. Jumping chain of command is grounds for immediate dismissal.

  16. Sclar Site Protocols, Continued • Media: In the presence of any media, any information shared among SCLAR members and/or with leadership must be kept confidential at all times. ANY and ALL information – including but not limited to deployments, animals, owners, duties and evacuations needs to come from SCLAR command. There are NO exceptions.

  17. Sclar Site Protocols, Continued • Keep all exchanges professional.  Argumentative or rude behavior will be grounds for immediate relief of duty and/or subsequent termination of membership. • Search and Rescue is our sister organization and is NOT subordinate to Sclar. They have the duty of animal care so that Sclar is available for full deployment. They deserve our full respect and consideration at all times.

  18. Site Protocols, Continued • SCLAR command often has several items awaiting his/her attention. If you have a pressing issue, unless it is a situation that might endanger a person or animal, please write it down and discuss with command when they have a moment. Hovering is very distracting.

  19. Site Protocols, Continued • SCHEDULING: If you have agreed to work, show up for your shift on time and ready to work. Please make yourself as available as possible in an emergency. • Do NOT delegate assignments. If you are asked to do a task, be sure to complete it yourself. Do the assignment as assigned. If you have suggestions for other ways it can be done please write it down and discuss in a non-emergency setting..

  20. Site Protocols, Continued • LOGISTICS: when assigned an errand, you may be asked to wait while details are completed before you are deployed. STAND BY without interrupting. • Incident reports: Report all incidents involving animals, owners, other volunteers, media personnel or non-DSW people to command.

  21. Site Protocols, Continued • Break Area : The sign-in area needs to be kept at a professional level so that phone conversations can be heard and attention can be focused on keeping the animals and personal information secure. Take any animated conversations to the break area. • Personal calls:Take personal calls off speaker phone and/or in the break area.

  22. Site Protocols, Continued • While you are wearing a Sclar T-Shirt or ID, you are representing Sclar. Do not function in any other capacity while wearing Sclar identification or T-Shirt.

  23. Site Protocols, Continued • No Pets, No Family, No Children, No friends. No Exceptions. Please discuss with your family and friends ahead of time if necessary. • Photos: It is OK to take pictures of the animals, but it is your responsibility to be certain that NO personal or identifying information is included in your photos. No exceptions.

  24. Site Protocols, Continued • Social Media: Please be prudent in any postings. You may NOT post photos of others, confidential information, including names, addresses, or disaster conditions. No photos of any Sclar posting boards, log books, information sheets, etc. All Sclar information is to be held personal and confidential. It is not public information.

  25. SIGN-OUT is CRITICAL • Be sure you sign-out when you are through: • With Sclar and whomever else you may have signed in with • We don’t want to “miss” you and have to alert authorities that we have someone “missing”

  26. Debriefing • Closing up shop will entail exchanging information with authorities and w/in our organization. • The Sclar IC Liaison will collect all paperwork and provide copies to the appropriate authorities

  27. THANK YOU !! • For taking the time to be involved. • For taking the time to learn • For caring enough to put yourselves out for exercises, drills, and any disaster events as may arise. • We know your time is valuable, and your selfless acts do make a difference within the community and for the animals.

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