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My ACGKNW Dictionary. By: K. Smith Block : 5B. Auschwitz- Birkeneau.
My ACGKNW Dictionary By: K. Smith Block: 5B
Auschwitz- Birkeneau Auschwitz- Birkeneau is now for their mass murder of Jews. The camp was opened in September 1942. Birkeneau was known as Auschwitz 2. Birkeneau could hold 100,000 people. Jews would work until death or until weakened. If they became sick they would be sent to death. On May 15th deportation began, and on July 8th 437,402 Jews were sent to Auschwitz on 148 trains. If they could work the men\boys would shave their heads and were tattooed. All together about 1.25 million Jews and 20,000 Gypsies were killed in these camps. Wigoder, Geoffrey. The Holocaust. Danbury: Grolier education,1997. Print. http://www.ushmm.org/outreach/en/media_ph.php? ModuleId=10007718&MediaId=6970 View of the main entrance to the Auschwitz camp: "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work makes one free). Auschwitz, Poland
Chelmno Chelmno was one of many concentration camps. This camp opened on December 8th. Chelmno was the very first concentration camp to start blobel and gassing. This was also one of the main gassing camps. At Chelmno they had mobile gas vans where they would kill the Jews. Before the mobile gassing vans 200,00 Jews were already dead. When they finally closed the concentration camp 3.5 million Jews were counted dead. Rogasky, Barbara. Smokes and Ashes. Ney York: HolidayHouse, 2007. Print. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/gallery_ph.php? ModuleId=10005194 Site at which the SS shot and burned the last 45 of 48 prisoners at Chelmno. The other three prisoners escaped. Chelmno, Poland, 1945
Gas Chambers Gas Chambers were very common in concentration camps like at Auschwitz , Birkeneau, and Majdanek. The most used gas was Zyklon B or Carbon Monoxide, usually in a chakly pellet form. Women, kids, handicapped, and babies were usually sent to the chambers to die first. They were told they were going to take a shower. The chambers could hold up to 2,000 people at one time. The S.S guards could see them getting killed thru the peep holes. Once the Jews were Dead some guards would steal from them then put the bodies in mass graves. Bachrach, Susan. Tell them we remember. New York. Little Brown& Company, 1994. Print. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/media_ph.php? MediaId=986 Interior of a gas chamber at the Majdanek camp. Majdanek, Poland, after July 24, 1944
Kristallnacht Kristallnacht happened November 7th – 10th, 1938. Many people only think it lasted 24 hours but it was a four day thing. Kristallnacht also known as “Night of Broken Glass” destroyed Jews home, businesses, synagogues, they also killed some Jews. The participants were Nazi SAS or government citizens, thousands of them participated in Kristallnacht. On November 11th a total of 7,500 buildings and 275 synagogues were destroyed. About 236 Jews were killed; 43 women and 13 children. 30,000 Jews were arrested then sent to three camps to work. 5,000 people died at the camps. All together one billion dollars in rebuilding would have to be paid by the Jews later. Deem, James m. The Nazi Terms that Began the Holocaust. Berkeley Heights: Onslow, INC. 2012. Print. http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/focus/kristallnacht/ photo/ S.S guards stand outside a ruined Jewish store.
Nuremberg Trials The Nuremberg trials were two series of was criminals. Rudolf Höss(leader of Auschwitz) claimed to have presided the gassing of 1.3 million Jews. Jold Alfred was sentenced to death and was hung in 1946. The trials found many guilty, usually for one or more counts of four-counts indictment. The trials lasted November 1945 thru October 1946. On September 30 and October 1st the courts last 21 verdicts were found not guilty. Rice, Earle Jr. The Nuremberg Trials. San Diego: Lucent Books Inc., 1997. Print. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/media_ph.php? MediaId=5148 The defendants' box at the Nuremberg trial. Hermann Göring is seated at the far left of the first ... row. Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946
Warsaw Ghetto The Warsaw Ghetto is where the Jews lives before death or before concentration camps. TH Warsaw Ghetto was the capital of Poland. This town was Surrounded by barbed wire and has police watching them. This area was one and a half square miles of half-ruined city streets. The Warsaw Ghetto was packed closely together and cut off from the rest of the world. Half a million people lived here so it was very crowed and many people would starve to death. People would drink out of lakes, also they would bath in them. There were many baggers because not a lot of people had money unless they worked a lot. Keller, Virich. The Warsaw Ghetto. Ney York: Department Of Art History, 1984. Print http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/media_ph.php?ModuleId=10005188& MediaId=735 German soldiers burn residential buildings to the ground, one by one, during the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Poland, April 19-May 16, 1943.