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International Women’s Rights Center “La Strada-Ukraine”

International Women’s Rights Center “La Strada-Ukraine”. www.la - strada.org.ua info@la-strada.org.ua. * La Strada Bosnia and Herzegovina  (membership has been temporarily frozen).

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International Women’s Rights Center “La Strada-Ukraine”

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  1. International Women’s Rights Center “La Strada-Ukraine” www.la-strada.org.ua info@la-strada.org.ua

  2. *La Strada Bosnia and Herzegovina (membership has been temporarily frozen) 2004-La Strada-Ukraine became one of the founders and member of the La Strada International Association.Since 2005 - La Strada-Ukraine is a member of the All-Ukrainian network against commercial sexual exploitation of children which includes 26 NGOs in Ukraine. Since 2008 – a member of Ukrainian Helsinki Group 2009 - La Strada-Ukraine became a member of Coalition for the Safe Internet for Children In the beginning of 2010 La Strada-Ukraine became a National partner of TheCode.org in Ukraine In 2010 La Strada-Ukraine became an affiliate member of the European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online (eNACSO).

  3. Main directions Improvement of state policy and researches • researches on human trafficking issues, sexual exploitation of children, violence, discrimination and human rights • lobby adoption of relevant international instruments • expertise and improvement of the national legislation • monitoring of realization of the state programs, etc. • cooperation with governmental, non-governmental and international organizations

  4. Prevention and education • work with at risk groups • trainings, workshops, conferences, round tables for specialists • development, publishing and distribution of informational materials • development, publishing and distribution of methodic materials (manuals, guidelines, scientific materials, etc) • cooperation with governmental, non-governmental and international organizations to develop common strategy of prevention activity in human trafficking and violence

  5. Informational activity • work with media • informational campaigns • production and promotion of social advertising • web-site operation • regular update of news on human trafficking, violence and child rights protection • development and distribution of electronic digests Social assistance • social assistance to victims of human trafficking (medical, psychological, legal, shelter, social guiding, referral etc) and their relatives • social assistance to victims of domestic violence, sexual harassment at working place and other forms of violence • social assistance to children-victims of trafficking, sexual exploitation and violence • assistance in search for people missed abroad and in return to Ukraine • cooperation with diplomatic authorities of foreign countries in Ukraine and diplomatic authorities of Ukraine abroad to provide assistance • cooperation with governmental, non-governmental and international organizations in Ukraine and abroad to provide social assistance

  6. Hot Line operation • Running the National Toll Free Hotline on prevention trafficking in persons and National Toll Free Hot Line on violence prevention and children's rights protection. • Providing consultation and services (by phone and online) on the issues: work or study abroad, marrying foreigners, safe migration, domestic violence and children's rights protection, etc. • Running and updating a database for consulting on the problem of trafficking in persons, domestic violence, children rights protection. • Organising and conducting round table discussions, seminars and conferences for hotline consultants, and conducting trainings on organising and running hotlines. • Preparing and publishing informational and methodic materials for hot line consulting

  7. Some statistics • NHL on prevention violence and children rights protection 30th of November 2004 - June 2011 Total number: 16 071calls • NHL on prevention trafficking in persons November 1997 – December 2010 – 43071 calls

  8. Internet hotline on child pornography counteraction • operation of the Internet hotline • cooperation with national and international stakeholders • www.internetbezpeka.org.ua

  9. Center’s priorities for the current period • Monitoring • Legal case management • Development of the Hot Line • Standards of social services

  10. Thank you! www.la-strada.org.ua info@la-strada.org.ua

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