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Share Your Knowledge

Share Your Knowledge. jaibeermalik.wordpress.com. Shirley Singletary & Colleen Keeton-Sims AIM-IRS Annual Business Meeting & Training Seminar (ABMTS), New Orleans, LA, 8/8/11-8/13/11. What is a team?. http://mizas.net/?attachment_id=20.

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  1. Share Your Knowledge jaibeermalik.wordpress.com Shirley Singletary & Colleen Keeton-Sims AIM-IRS Annual Business Meeting & Training Seminar (ABMTS), New Orleans, LA, 8/8/11-8/13/11

  2. What is a team? http://mizas.net/?attachment_id=20 • First Definition: “A team is any group of people organized to work together interdependently and cooperatively to meet the needs of their customers by accomplishing a purpose and goals.” humanresources.about.com/od/teambuilding/f/teams_def.htm

  3. What is a team? • Second Definition: “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable. (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993)” http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/teams/about/definition.html

  4. “Tuckman’s Model of Team Development” http://www.practical-management-skills.com/what-is-teamwork.html • “http://www.practical-management-skills.com/what-is-teamwork.html Storming Forming http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2007_05/column4/ Performing http://www.beechwoodschool.org/school/news_and_events.html Norming Performing

  5. Three types of teams flickr.com • “Functional or departmental teams: Groups of people from the same work area or department…” (Heathfield, n.d.). • “Cross-functional teams: Groups of people who are pulled together from across departments or job functions…” (Heathfield, n.d.). • “Self-managing teams: Groups of people who gradually assume responsibility for self-direction…” (Heathfield, n.d.).

  6. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Teams • Taxpayer Compliance Teams • Exempt Organizations Team Examination Program (TEP) (Functional) • IRM 4.75.29 • Employee Plans Team Audit (Functional) • EPTA Program • Business Unit-Exams • Compliance/Coordination Teams (Cross functional) • APA Teams • Criminal Investigations (CI) Teams (Cross functional & self managing) • Partner/collaborate internally and with other federal agencies (e.g. FBI) • CI Fraud Detection Centers (FDC) with TAS: Questionable Refund Detection Team (QRDT) • Partner with State & City (e.g. local police) to catch tax evaders (McCarty, May 18, 2011) • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) (Cross functional & self managing) • AIM-IRS Specialty Team to assist low income taxpayers (Miller, Jan. 29, 2010) • AIM-IRS sends a collaborative team to help at various VITA sites

  7. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Teams (Continued) • Top Management Team • Executives of IRS • Workplace Improvement Teams • Engagement Team • Quality Team • Affinity Organization AIM-IRS • Community Services Committee • Dream Team (Atlanta Chapter) comprised of AIM, MOS & ASPIRE • Safety & Environmental Teams • IRS Environmental Team • Safety Teams • Business Unit: Modernization Information Technology Services (MITS) • IRS Computer Security Information Response (CSIRC) Team • MITS partners with Physical Security & Emergency Preparedness (PSEP) use Lean Six Sigma • Business Unit-Agency Wide Shared Services (AWSS) • Real Estate & Facilities Management (REFM) partner with PSEP • Use Lean Six Sigma & Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) specialty or partner teams

  8. Effective teams are productive http://www.123rf.com/photo_8686153_enhancing-productivity-in-the-business-office-art.html • Effective Teams master teamwork by doing the following: • Performing high • Enhancing productivity • Making an impact • Meeting goals • Timely • Getting results • Within budget • By or before deadline

  9. What is Teamwork? http://www.mgcpuzzles.com/mgcpuzzles/corporate_ideas/index.htm • Teamwork consists of tasks assigned to a team and the teammates collaborative efforts on a project or toward common goals.

  10. Teamwork share your knowledge • Teamwork works best • With common goal (s) • Willingness to collaborate • Sharing knowledge • Appropriately • Helps others & you • Inappropriately • Causes confusion http://www.mgcpuzzles.com/mgcpuzzles/corporate_ideas/index.htm rubisara.wordpress.com Share ideas: http://money.cnn.com/popups/2006/biz2/crowdcasting/index.html

  11. Teamwork Pro & Exercises • Others on your side • Win, win situation • Exercise 1 • Exercise 2 • Exercise 3

  12. Teamwork Sharing Knowledge Recap • Team definition • Team development • Types of teams • Teamwork definition • Teamwork is best when shared appropriately High Performance Team: When you share everyone wins http://www.the-happy-manager.com/characteristics-of-effective-teamwork.html

  13. Questions? • Thank you for attending Teamwork: Share Your Knowledge. This ends our presentation are there any questions? jaibeermalik.wordpress.com

  14. References • Team definition. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://humanresources.about.com/od/teambuilding/f/teams_def.htm. • Team definition. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/teams/about/definition.html. • IRS.gov. (2011, May 5). EP team audit (EPTA) program. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://www.irs.gov/retirement/article/0,,id=129221,00.html. • IRS.gov. (n.d.). “IRS Rounds Out Top Management Team.” Retrieved July, 23, 2011 from http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/ir99-103.pdf. • IRS Environmental. (2011, Jul. 5). The IRS environmental. Retrieved on July 23, 20011 from http://www.irsenviro.com/team.htm. • IRS.gov. (n.d.). Part 4. Examining process. Chapter 75. Exempt organizations examination procedures. Section 29. Exempt organizations examination program procedures (cont. 1). Internal Revenue Manual-4.75.29 Exempt organizations team examination program. Internal Revenue Manual. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://www.irs.gov/irm/part4/irm_04-075-029-cont01.html. • IRS.(2011, Mar. 18). McCarty, C. I-Team: Metro teams with IRS to target pimps. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://www.8newsnow.com/story/14265088/i-team. • IRS.gov. (2011, May 24). APA teams: Issue/industry coordination teams. March 2011. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://www.irs.gov/businesses/corporations/article/0,,id=211643,00.html. • Miller, S. (2010, Jan. 29). IRS teams with nonprofits to prepare taxes. South Florida Business Journal. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://www.bizjournals.com/southflorida/blog/giving_guide/2010/01/irs_teams_with_nonprofits_to_prepare_taxes.html. • IRWeb. Accounts in criminal investigations (CI). Internal Revenue Manual.Retrieved July 23, 2011 from http://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/irm.dr/current/13.dr/13.1.dr/13.1.10.dr/

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