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Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ( MoEYS ). Education Strategic Plan 2009-2013 (ESP) 2009-2013 Presented by :Mr. Ren Kun,HRD Manager, Personnel Department . 31 October 2012. Contents. Background The structure of ESP 2009-2013
Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) Education Strategic Plan 2009-2013(ESP) 2009-2013Presented by :Mr. Ren Kun,HRD Manager, Personnel Department 31 October 2012
Contents • Background • The structure of ESP 2009-2013 • Education policies and strategies
Background – Formulation Process • Circular No 02 of RGC on NSDP 2009-2013 updated • July 2009: The MoEYS sent input to the Ministry of Planning • September 2010: The Retreat between MoEYS leaders and DPs • ESP 2009-2013 Formulation • Keep three main policies as the same • December 2009: Consultative reginal workshops ( Preah Sihanuk and Kampong Thom provinces) • Formulation 5 sub-technical committees
Background – Formulation Process • February 2010: National consultative workshop • April 2010: New framework was approved • ESP and ESSP consulidated • Discussion and consultation with technical departments and ESWG • Final internal ministry discussion • September 2010: Agreement in JTWG-Edu meeting
Background-Responding to Broader National Development Policies and Priorities • Rectangular Strategy Phase 2 • NSDP 2009-2013 updated • National EFA 2003-2015 • Public Financial Management Reform • Public Administration Reform • Decentralization and De concentration Reform • Aid Effectiveness
ESP 2009-2013 Structure • Introduction: education sector development vision and mission • Education Sector Performance 2006-2010 • Strategic Framework of ESP 2009-2013 • Education policies, strategies, core indicators and targets • Programs and sub-programs in ESP 2009-2013 • Pro-poor financial planning and management • Results-oriented sector performance monitoring and review
Educational strategies and policies Strategic Framework of ESP 2009-2013 • Continue improving educational quality • Teacher motivation • Curriculum improvement • Outstanding student motivation • Teacher training and teaching methodology training • Improve learning condition, provide learning materials, libraries, experimental laboratories. • Build dormateries for pupils and students • Increase the number of scholarships for student from poor families
Educational strategies and policies Strategic Framework of ESP 2009-2013 • continue to strengthen its partnership with private sector and the national and international communities to enhance and improve the quality of education services • continue to expand informal education through literacy and vocational programs, establishment of community learning centers and implementation of equity programs • Continue increase budget allocation for education and mobilize more financing to ensure more effective and efficiency of quality education.
Educational strategies and policies • Educational policies • Policy 1: Ensuring equitable access to education service • Policy 2:Improving quality and efficiency of education service • Policy 3: Institutional and capacity development of education staff for decentralization
Educational strategies and policies • Core breakthrough indicators
Educational strategies and policies • Priority strategies for 2009-2013
Policy 1: Ensuring equitable access to education service 12 Strategies: • Expand access to ECE programs for 3 to under 6 year olds targeted on those communes with low net admission rates and high repetition rates in primary schools. • Ensure entry of all 6 year olds into primary school including marginalized groups such as child with disability, ethnic minority, and so on. • Reduce parental costs barriers of all aspects such as informal payments.
Policy 1: Ensuring equitable access to education service • Increase the number of scholarships (cash or food) for student from poor families, especially girls, to ensure their access to primary and secondary. Ensure strengthened support to better poverty/food security targeted primary school feeding and grades 7-9 incentives programs. • Provide technical and vocational education, life-skill education and vocational orientation in general schools. • Expand access to youth development program for marginalized youth.
Policy 1: Ensuring equitable access to education service • Increase opportunities for equitable access to education in higher education through increasing number of scholarship for prioritized students (merit students, students from poor families, female students and student from remote areas) and promoting partnerships among public and private sector and development partner. • Ensure rationalization of educational staff in remote and disadvantaged areas. • Continued provision of new schools and community learning centers or additional facilities to incomplete primary schools.
Policy 1: Ensuring equitable access to education service • Strengthen and expand all kinds of sport infrastructure at all levels. • Enhancing parent/community involvement in all stages of schooling, especially commune councils. • Expand public/NGO/ community partnerships in formal and non-formal education in border, remote and disadvantaged areas as well as increased support for provision of local life skills and vocational training and basic/required professional skills responsive to the needs of the social and labor market.
Policy 2:Improving quality and efficiency of education service 13 Strategies: • Reduce repetition and drop-out rates at all grades. • Improve the quality of teaching, learning and research at all levels nationwide. • Implement the new Curriculum Policy, including Primary and Lower Secondary education curriculum with focus on teaching hour. • Create learning standards for students at grade 3, 6 and 9 nationwide.
Policy 2:Improving quality and efficiency of education service • Improve pre-service and in-service teacher development. • Increase service remuneration and incentives linked to teacher performance and standards. • Increase public financial accountability and educational institutions’ responsibility regarding operational budgets and decisions on programs. • Increase transparency and improve performance monitoring and accountability of teachers, schools and higher education institutions.
Policy 2:Improving quality and efficiency of education service • Improve quality and efficiency of technical and vocational education, life skill education and vocational orientation. • Strengthen and expand school health at all schools/institutions and at all levels. • Improve quality and efficiency of physical education and sport programs. • Increase awareness and support on the importance of physical education and sport. • Increase quality and efficiency of youth development program led to socio-economic development.
Policy 3: Institutional and capacity development of education staff for decentralization • 18 Strategies: • Improve quality and efficiency of planning, monitoring and evaluation of sector plan performance at national and sub-national levels. • Strengthen alignment, harmonization and coordination in education capacity building led by MOEYS in partnership with development partners. • Develop clear regulations for all sector and sub-sectors based on the Education Law. • Strengthen delivery of public service in education sector.
Policy 3: Institutional and capacity development of education staff for decentralization • Improve basis for medium-term financial planning and decentralized financial management and improve Governance and Regulatory Systems • Assure that all schools/institutions become operational and effective in managing and using budget • Improve the application of information technology to modernize and decentralize administration and inspection system, which can reach to the school level. • Increase quality and efficiency of administration management • Increase quality and efficiency of education infrastructure management.
Policy 3: Institutional and capacity development of education staff for decentralization • Strengthen financial and state asset monitoring systems at national and sub-national levels. • Strengthen good governance on management process, compliance and performance. • Strengthen HR-MIS, EMIS, HE-MIS, F-MIS and NFE-EMIS • Build capacity and improve the management of higher education institutions through providing trainings and incentives, carrying out institutional and financial management reforms to provide more operational autonomy to higher education institutions.
Policy 3: Institutional and capacity development of education staff for decentralization • Develop a management structure for TVE and capacity development for TVE staffs at all levels. • Strengthen management capacity of youth development program respond to the needs of youth in the region. • Strengthen management capacity on management and leadership at both national and sub-national levels. • Strengthen education sector performance and impact monitoring system. • Reduce gender disparity in management position at national and sub-national levels.
Programs and sub-programs in ESP 2009-2013 • Program 1: Development of General Education and Non-formal Education, 7 sub-programs • Program 2: Development of Education, Technical training, Higher Education and Science Research, 2 sub-programs • Program 3: Sport Development, 4 sub-programs • Program 4: Youth development, 2 sub-programs • Program 5: Support for Education Management and Good Governance, 13 sub-programs