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Building Keys For Speedlist 1. Getting Started. Open Speedlist by clicking Right click the blank area to bring up the context menu Click Create New Key . New Key Interface. Key Name Key Description Key Shortcut Key Function (code window) Key Function composers Code window font selector
Building Keys For Speedlist 1 By Adrian Gardener Date 9 July 2012
Getting Started Open Speedlist by clicking Right click the blank area to bring up the context menu Click Create New Key
New Key Interface Key Name Key Description Key Shortcut Key Function (code window) Key Function composers Code window font selector Save button Cancel (close without saving) button
A simple key to start with Give the Key a name and description Type a Galileo command *R Click Send and then OK This adds <SEND> Click Save
Running the key Click the key “Simple Test” to run it Clicking the key transmits the Galileo command to the core by transmitting it via the active window. The SOM is always written first by Speed list to ensure no existing text is wrongly entered.
SEND and SENDEX “Send output to current window” option sends the command proceeding it to the active Focalpoint window. <SEND> “Send output to selected window” option sends the output to window number x as below: <SENDEX,0> Clears popup message box <SENDEX,1> Sends to FP window 1 <SENDEX,2> Sends to FP window 2 <SENDEX,3> Sends to FP window 3 <SENDEX,4> Sends to FP window 4 <SENDEX,5> Sends to a popup message box <SENDEX,6> Sends to Smartpoint (note currently space tokenized)
Prompt Box Click the Prompt button to open the prompt box composer. Enter text to prompt the user Enter an existing or new variable name This will add the following to the code window: <?Please entre a Galileo Command@GalCommand> Breaking it down: ? = prompt box Please entre a Galileo Command = user prompt @=Variable GalCommand = Variable name.
Prompt Box The Exit all on cancel checkbox aborts the whole key if the user presses the Cancel, no further processing is carried out. <?enter some text@sometext, ABORT> The "Optional prompt bypass" checkbox, means that if the user presses the cancel button the key will continue to run Instruction out side of the brackets. [<?enter some text@sometext>] [<?test@tecommand><@tecommand><SEND>] You can select one of the above options only.
Example Simple Prompt Box Key This key example builds on the two items covered thus far and introduces you to the use of variables. Key functional description • Prompt user to enter a host command and send it to the active window.
Simple Prompt Key explained The key should look like the following: <?Enter host Command and click OK@TECommand> <@TECommand><SEND> We know “?Enter host Command and click OK” means prompt use and the text to prompt with. What ever is entered is stored in the variable @TECommand. On the next line we use TECommand thus <@TECommand> whenever a variable is seen its value is substituted in its place. So if a user types *R it is assigned to TECommand and used by <@TECommand>. We know <SEND> transmits what proceeds it to the core on the active window so: <@TECommand><SEND> transmits *R in the above example. What happens if Cancel is clicked?
Group Group allows you to combine messages such as Prompt and Choice. To use group manual surround the messages with <GROUP … > Example <GROUP <?Command 1@c1> <?Command 2@c2> >
Variables Variables are temporary stores of information as we saw in the last example. It is good practice to have variables defined at the beginning of a Key. In the previous example clicking cancel sent a blank entry to the host if wanted a default value we would have declared the variable TECommand and assigned a value to it at the top of the key, which is good practice. <@TECommand,string,*R> <?Enter host Command and click OK@TECommand> <@TECommand><SEND> RESETVAR RESETVAR allows you reset a variable to a new value as below: <RESETVAR,@VariableName,2> Variable types in Speed keys are String (the default) and number.
Comments Comments allow you explain what each section of the key does. Comments are very useful to others and the author who returns to the key sometime later and I would suggest they are used as the key is built. <*This section gets the user data*> <*@TECommand is used to store the Terminal Emulation Command throughout this key*> <@TECommand,string,> <*The following only sends if the user does not cancel the prompt*> [<?test prompt@TECommand><@TECommand><SEND>]
Choose Prompt The Choose Prompt box allows you to present a list of choices to the user for their selection. The content can be static or dynamic by using variables. • Prompt • The text that is shown in the title bar • Keyword and Description • displayed to the user to assist with selection from the drop down menu. • Action • What the selection does, possibilities include: • Sending to the host e.g. *R<SEND> • Calling other SpeedKeys • Multiple Statements…
Choose Prompt Use as repeat…until Causes a choice popup to stay open when a key is run until the user clicks OK or Cancel. An extra button is shown "Apply" which allows the user to keep choosing and applying the action. Assign selected keyword to variable The selection made by the user records the action in a variable for use later if required.
Choose Prompt The code added by the Prompt box looks like the following: <CHOOSE<Test Choose Key>Selection 1::one<*R<SEND>>Selection 2::Two <*MCO<SEND>>> Breaking it down: <CHOOSE The key type <Test Choose Key> Text for the title bar Selection 1 The text to display, Key word. :: the separator. One the description appears as (One) next the to key word. <*R<SEND>> Action if the key is selected. The sequence is then selected for the next key and finally closed by > If the “Assign to Variable” option is selected =@VariableNameis added before the closing > If the repeat until option is selected the key type is replaced with <REPEAT UNTIL
Dynamic Choose Prompt The prompt text and actions can be made dynamic by using variables. <CHOOSE<Test Choose Key>Selection 1:: This is the one to pick <*R<SEND>>Selection 2::Two <*MCO<SEND>>> The above could be rewritten as: <@myPrompt1,string, This is the one to pick> <CHOOSE<Test Choose Key>Selection 1::<@myPrompt1><*R<Send>>Selection 2::Two <*MCO<SEND>>> Note: variables cannot be used in the Keyword field.
Speed Key Speed key This allows you to call a key from within a key. Simply select a key from the dropdown list The following code is added <%keyName>
Today Clicking Today places <TODAY> in the code, the date entered is in the format ddMMM i.e. 14DEC
GET & GETEX The GET key composer allows the key to read an area of the screen. • The Focalpoint screen is a matrix of 16 rows by 64 characters with any white space returned as a space. • Smartpoint lines are padded to 64 characters but the number of rows is variable. Window (if selected uses GETEX) • Allows the selection of the input target: 1,2,3,4 = Focalpoint. • 6 = Smartpoint. • No selection = GET from active window. • Row = Row to read from. • Column = Start position on row. • Length = how many characters to read. • Variable = location to save the data to.
GET The following key redisplays the booking file and reads the RecLoc <*Display the booking*> *R<SEND> <*GET the Recloc*> <GET,1,1,6, @tt> <*Enter the Notepad*> NP.Recloc <@tt><SEND> Breaking the GET down: <GET, = GET key. 1, = Row number. 1, = Start column. 6, = Number of characters to read. @tt = variable name to store the result > = close of GET key For GETEX an additional parameter is added before the row number thus: <GETEX,4,1,1,6, @tt> this indicates the window number to read from.
SET & SETEX SET reads text from the clipboard. Clicking SET adds <SET> to the code Example Write a key with the following <SET><SEND> copy (Ctrl+C) some text from Word or another application and run the key. The text that is copied is then transmitted to the host. SETEX sets the cursor position and text or text from a variable following it. <SETEX,windownumber, column,row,textToWrite>
If.. Then.. Else IF THEN ELSE conditional branching is standard programing practice and allows for very powerful keys to be built. IF • Select first Conditional shows a list of variables previously declared in the key • Select operation allows the selection of: • = equals • != Not equals • For all types and additionally for number types only • < Less than • > Greater than • Select Second Conditional shows a list of variables previously declared in the key and gives the option to enter a constant. • Then • Allows a code block to be typed which is executed if the condition is true. • Else • Allows a code block to be typed that is executed if the condition is false.
Example IF then Else <@n1,number,0> <@n2,number,0> <IF(n1,=,n2)then<a10marlonjfk<send>>ELSE<A10marlonGLA<SEND>>> In the above example the IF is always true IF(n1,=,n2) so the THEN code block is executed. THEN<A10marlonjfk<SEND> If it was not true the Else code block would be executed ELSE<A10marlonGLA<SEND>
Execute The Execute Key composer allows you to run any external exe. <EXECUTE:,C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe> Programsets the path and application name to run this should be set by clicking the Find Button to ensure no typos are made! Arguments any command line arguments that need passing to the executable.
Clear <CLEAR> Clears the active FP window