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Kansas Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (KS WRAPS) Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget 1/17/12. Presentation Overview. WRAPS Program History Program Introduction Funding Legislative Post Audit Update Challenges Successes .
Kansas Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (KS WRAPS)Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget 1/17/12 Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Presentation Overview • WRAPS Program History • Program Introduction • Funding • Legislative Post Audit Update • Challenges • Successes Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Evolution of KS-WRAPS Program • Historically water quality issues addressed by multiple programs designed for specific issues • Limited program integration and coordination on a watershed basis • Limited resources available to support stakeholder led watershed planning and management • 2003 WRAPS identified as a Priority Basin Issue in the Kansas Water Plan • 2006: State Water Plan funding provided for WRAPS projects in state priority areas (combined with KDHE/EPA Section 319 funding) • Upon initiation, program grew exponentially • Prior to 2003 had 4 projects – Cheney, Marion, Hillsdale, Melvern • 2006 grew to 25 projects • 2009 grew to 42 projects Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
KS-WRAPS • Program designed for citizens and stakeholders supported by scientists and technical service providers • Purpose is to protect and restore Kansas watersheds • This process consists of: • Identifying watershed issues (reservoir sedimentation, blue green algae blooms, nutrient or bacteria abatement) • Establishing watershed goals • Creating plans to achieve goals • Implementing plans www.kswraps.org Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
KS WRAPS • Leverage resources from multiple programs • Emphasize state level agency coordination as well as local coordination • Focus on watershed planning and management • Target resources for the greatest environmental benefit for the least cost Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
WRAPS Project Map 36 Projects covering ~55% of Kansas Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Stakeholder Leadership Team • Every WRAPS project has a SLT established to form a partnership between citizens, organizations and agencies • Serves as the “governing body” for WRAPS project activities • Has an established membership, structure and operating procedures • 36 teams in Kansas made up of 599 members which include local volunteers, elected officials and local agency personnel
Typical Natural Resource Program Structure – Issue SpecificCommunity Structure WHIP WRP Cover Crop EQIP Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
WRAPS Approach – Integration & Collaboration Achievement of Watershed Goals Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Watershed Planning • Plan Vision – Effectively and efficiently increase the number of water bodies meeting surface water quality standards through targeted implementation of water quality practices • Content – • Water Quality Goal and Sources of Pollution • Watershed Needs (what’s the problem) • Efficiency and Cost Effective BMPs • Targeted Subwatersheds • Short, Mid and Long Term Milestones Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Annual Funding Needs - Inclusive Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
WRAPS Project Expenditures Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
WRAPS Program Budget • Combination of Kansas State Water Plan and Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Grants *2009 Funding Caps **FFY 12 319 Cuts Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Agency Cooperation • The program is overseen by the KS WRAPS Work Group • Multi-agency group made up of state and federal agencies • • Kansas Department of Agriculture• Kansas Department of Health & Environment• Kansas Water Office• Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, & Tourism• KS Department of Agriculture — Division of Conservation• Kansas Biological Survey• Kansas Forest Service• Kansas Geological Survey• Kansas State University• Kansas Department of Transportation• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency• USDA Farm Service Agency• USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service• US Geological Survey Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Agency Cooperation • WRAPS Work Group fosters partnerships between agencies • Provides administrative guidance to KDHE • Aligns program funding with state water quality priorities • Provides funding recommendations to Natural Resource Agency heads • Project funding is leveraged from partner agencies • Assist in identifying and targeted resources to priority subwatersheds • Emphasize Partnership with KDA – Division of Conservation • Conservation Districts key leadership team members • Some WRAPS sponsored by CCD • WRAPS program relies on DOC resources for targeted BMP implementation • CCD knowledge of local landowners • Coordinate funding for BMPs Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
Legislative Post Audit Update • 10PA13 – Improvements could be made to monitor WRAPS funding by checking funding sources between KDHE and KDA - DOC • Recommended KDHE require all WRAPS funding recipients to submit status reports that include all activities completed, regardless of the funding source • KDHE launched a new Grant Management System in July of 2011 • As part of training all projects, we emphasized reporting of all BMPs regardless of funding source • System has a field requiring funding source
Legislative Post Audit Update • Recommended KDHE provide copies of the status reports to the State Conservation Commission • DOC provided BMP project data for SFY 11 to KDHE including landowner last name • KDHE has compiled WRAPS BMP data from FFY 11 including landowner last name • KDHE will complete cross referencing the two data sets by last name to identify any potential duplicates by February 31, 2012 • To be conducted annually • Emphasize local coordination between County Conservation District’s and WRAPS projects
WRAPS Program Challenges: • Funding (Technical and Financial Assistance) • Need for 16 plans is $13.3 million • 18 more plans coming with additional needs • Budget is $2 million • Targeting resources to critical areas • Landowner participation in voluntary BMP programs • Expanding partnerships and leveraging multiple programs to achieve watershed goals • Time – BMP implementation vs. water quality improvement Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
WRAPS Successes • 36 projects covering ~55% of Kansas – includes drainage area above 18 federal water supply reservoirs • Five WRAPS watersheds have restored impaired water bodies to meet KS Surface Water Quality Standards: • Banner Creek Lake for eutrophication (Jackson County) • Clarks Creek for bacteria (Morris and Geary counties) • West and Walnut Creek for Dissolved Oxygen (Greenwood County) • Fall River for dissolved oxygen (Greenwood County) • EPA Headquarters – Best Watershed Plan in the Nation • EPA Study – Kansas Nonpoint Source program highlight Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"
www.kdheks.gov Jaime Gaggero KDHE – Bureau of Water 785-296-5579 Our vision is 'healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments'. The state belongs to all of us - "Kansas Don't Spoil It"