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Ensemble Hydrologic Forecasting. Prepared by D.-J. Seo, J. Schaake, E. Welles, H. Herr, M. Mullusky, J. Demargne, L. Wu, X. Fan, and S. Cong for NRC AHPS Science Review National Weather Service Office of Hydrologic Development Hydrology Laboratory Jan 28, 2004. Introduction
Ensemble Hydrologic Forecasting Prepared by D.-J. Seo, J. Schaake, E. Welles, H. Herr, M. Mullusky, J. Demargne, L. Wu, X. Fan, and S. Cong for NRC AHPS Science Review National Weather Service Office of Hydrologic Development Hydrology Laboratory Jan 28, 2004
Introduction Overview of Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) Short-term ESP Overview Preprocessing Precipitation Temperature Post-processing Parametric uncertainty Multimodel ensembles Long-term ESP Overview Medium-range ESP Data assimilation Verification Collaboration and Partnerships Science infusion Summary References Content 2
Probabilistic prediction is the underpinning of AHPS (see Slide 4) Ensemble prediction (see Slide 5) offers a scientifically sound and practical methodology for hydrologic forecasting across space-time scale The time scale is currently tied to the lead times of available meteorological forecasts (see Slide 6); 1 to 5 days 6 to 14 days Two weeks and beyond These divisions in time scale distinguish short-/medium-range and long-term ESP as currently practiced The spatial scale ranges from a few km2 to the continental (see Slide 7) Attaining seamlessness and consistency across scale remains an outstanding science issue Introduction 3
Initial Conditions Meteorological Forcing Hydrologic System Hydrographs Parameters Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) 5
Spatial Scale of Hydrologic Modeling River Basin with Forecast Points Major River System National Forecast Group Headwater Basin and Radar Rainfall Grid High Resolution Basins 7
Meteorological forcing used; Day 1-5 Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) and smoothed precipitation climatology for day 2-5 (if no QPF available) Day 1-7 Quantitative Temperature Forecast (QTF) As an alternative to the Probabilistic QPF (PQPF) strategy (see Slide 13 ), a pre-processor is used in ESP to generate ensembles from the existing single value forecasts (see Slides 10, 11, 12, 15, 16) An ensemble post-processor is used to account for all hydrologic uncertainties collectively (see Slides 17, 18) See Welles et al. (2003) for status and plans Short-term ESPOverview 8
Schematic of Short-Term ESP QPF, QTF Corrects bias, accounts for meteorological uncertainty ESP Pre-Processor Ensemble traces of precipitation, temperature Hydrologic model Ensemble traces of streamflow Corrects bias, accounts for hydrologic uncertainty ESP Post-Processor Ensemble traces of streamflow Reflects both uncertainties 9
Analyze joint distribution of historical forecasts and corresponding observations Estimate joint distribution parameters Derive conditional distribution given a deterministic forecast – varies spatially Create synthetic ensemble forecasts consistent with conditional distribution from climatology Evaluate results Short Term Ensemble Precipitation Forecasts from Deterministic Forecasts 10
Ensemble Pre-Processor1. Calibration: at each time step, compute the conditional distribution of future observed precipitation given the current QPF From Welles et al. (2004) 11
Ensemble Pre-Processor2. Distribution mapping for PQPF derivation: at each time step, generate adjusted ensemble points given the conditional distribution of future observed precipitationfrom climatology time series From Welles et al. (2004) 12
A PQPF-based approach to generating precipitation ensembles (see Slide 14) Initially pursued in parallel with the Bayesian approach (Krzysztofowicz 1998a,b, 1999a,b,c, Kyzysztofowicz and Herr 2001) as a part of the NWS/Eastern Region PQPF-PRSF (Probabilistic River Stage Forecast) demonstration project Experimental implementation at OHRFC proved very labor- and computer-intensive May hold potential for direct down-scaling of NWP ensembles For details, see Seo et al. 1999, 2000 Ensemble Precipitation Processor (EPP) 13
An example PQPF field (PoP, cond. Mean, cond. CV) An example ensemble trace from EPP From Seo et al. 2000 14
From FMAT (6-hour future mean areal temperature) derive FMAX (daily maximum FMAT) and FMIN (minimum daily FMAT) Derive MAX/MIN conditional forecast distributions given the current FMAX and FMIN (cf Slides 11) Using Distribution Mapping Technique create an ensemble of maximums and an ensemble of minimums (cf Slide 12) Temporally disaggregate maximum and minimum to six hourly temperature ensembles with user determined parameters (see Slide 16) For details, see Fan et al. 2003 Short-Term Quantitative Temperature Forecast (QTF) 15
Example of Temperature EnsemblesShirleysburg, PA From Fan et al. 2003 16
Corrects for systematic model biases Collectively accounts for hydrologic uncertainties; the uncertainty in initial conditions, parametric uncertainty and model structural errors (see Slide 26) The current post processor is based on probability matching (between the marginal cdf’s of observed and model-simulated flows) and linear regression in the normal space (Perica et al. 1999, Seo et al. 2004) ESP Post Processor 17
Post-processed ensembles are very reliable if there is little long-term change in distribution of streamflow The reliability diminishes significantly, however, if significant long-term changes occur in the cdf of streamflow From Seo et al. 2004 18
Explicit modeling of parametric uncertainty (see Slide 20) is needed to capture propagation of long-memory errors and extremely nonlinear errors (e.g., rain on snow) and to simplify statistical modeling of residual errors Quantification and characterization of parametric and combined (parametric and input) uncertainties in lumped and distributed hydrologic models (Carpenter and Georgakakos 2004) Comparative assessment of uncertainty in soil-based SAC parameters with and without local optimization (Kuzmin et al. 2003) Explicit Accounting of Parametric Uncertainty 19
Schematic of future short-term ESP with data assimilation and explicit uncertainty processors 20
A part of the super ensemble strategy (see Slides 22) Unique opportunities provided by the Distributed Model Intercomparison Project (DMIP) Encouraging results from analysis of multimodel ensembles from DMIP (see Slide 23, Georgakakos et al. 2004) Single-model multi-parameter ensemble strategy (cf parametric uncertainty processor in Slide 20) also pursued The Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX) to compare multi-parameter ensembles from different models Multimodel ensembles 21
Ensemble Hydrologic Forecasting: Future Super Ensembles Initial Conditions Meteorological Forcing Hydrologic System Hydrographs Parameters 22
Mean of multimodel ensemble (arrow) is superior to the best single model simulation (cross hair) Illinois river at Savoy All DMIP basins Probabilistic prediction using multimodel ensemble has larger economic value than single model results From Georgakakos et al. 2004 23
Integrates long-lead (14 days and beyond) meteorological forecasts/climate outlooks from NCEP/CPC (see Slide 20) via a pre-processor The pre-processor adjusts historical mean areal precipitation (MAP) and temperature (MAT) time series with respect to the current meteorological forecasts/climate outlooks (see Slide 25) The marginal exceedence probabilities of the adjusted time series are consistent with the CPC forecasts (see Slide 27) For details, see Perica 1998 Long-Term ESPOverview 24
Distribution is assumed to be normal Historical MAT time series are adjusted according to; = Tfcst – Thist where is the adjustment to historical MAT, Tfcst is the distribution-average temperature of the forecast, and Thist is the average temperature from climatology Conditional distribution is assumed to be Gamma Historical MAP time series are adjusted according to; = Pfcst / Phist where is the adjustment factor to historical MAP, Pfcst is the (unconditional) distribution-average precipitation amount in the forecast, and Phist is the average precipitation amount from climatology Long-Term ESPAdjustment of historical time series based on CPC forecasts Temperature Precipitation 26
Goodness of distribution approximation in precipitation adjustment 27 From Schaake
Collaboration among CIRES, Univ. of Colorado, CDC, and CBRFC Assimilates medium-range meteorological ensemble forecasts into ESP Ensembles are from the ‘frozen’ MRF for days 1 through 14 The raw ensembles are post-processed and downscaled to obtain MAP and MAT at the basin scale Forcing ensembles for Days 15-265 are from historical data and blended with Days 1-14 ensembles For details, see Brandon (2003a) Medium-Range ESPMRF-ESP Project
A critical component in ensemble prediction To reduce and to quantify uncertainty in the initial conditions To effect automatic run-time modification To move toward ESP with explicit accounting of individual sources of hydrologic uncertainties (see Slide 20) To be operationally implemented in ESP (see Demargne and Mullusky 2003) Hydrologic data assimilation/state updating State-Space Sacramento (SS-SAC, Sperflage and Georgakakos 1996) implemented in NWSRFS Variational assimilation-based technique (VAR, Seo et al. 2003) experimentally implemented at WGRFC (see Slide 31, Seo et al. 2003d) Assimilates streamflow observations at the headwater basin outlet, potential evaporation and precipitation in real time Addresses some key issues with SS-SAC Data Assimilation 29
Snow National Snow Analysis (NSA) at the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC, see Slides 31, 32, 33) Data Assimilation (cont.) 30
National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC) The NOHRSC provides remotely-sensed and modeled hydrology products for the coterminous U.S. and Alaska for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. National Snow Analyses • National Snow Analyses (NSA) • As part of this mission, the NOHRSC develops, maintains, and operates the experimental* NOAA National Weather Service NSA. • Interactive NSA map, text, and data products comprehensively describe snow conditions throughout the coterminous U.S. : • water content of the snow pack (SWE) (hourly) • snow depth (hourly) • snow pack temperature (hourly and previous 24-hr average) • snow melt (hourly and previous 24-hr total) • snow and non-snow precipitation (hourly and previous 24-hr total) • water losses through sublimation and blowing snow (hourly and 24-hr total) • NSA support operational flood forecasting, water resource management, hydrologic research. Water content (SWE) analysis of the Nation’s snow pack (in cm) for 6Z January 17, 2004. Average snow pack temperature analysis (C) for the 24-hour period ending 6Z January 17, 2004. * The NSA are not sufficiently supported by NOAA/NWS to maintain an operational status. Gaps in NSA products and services can occur at any time. 31
NSA are Based on Modeled and Observed Snow Properties Land Surface Model 5-layer energy- and mass-balance model for snow and soil with comprehensive snow physics 1-km spatial resolution for coterminous U.S. Hourly temporal resolution Forced by physically downscaled numerical weather analyses (RUC2) Daily assimilation of all operationally available snow observations into model National Snow Analyses • Satellite-derived areal extent of snow cover • Ground-based and airborne observations of snow water equivalent and snow depth Cartoon depicting physical processes represented in NSA snow model. • In Situ Observations • Approximately 4000 snow depth and 1000 SWE observations are evaluated each day. • Majority of observations in eastern U.S. are snow depth. • Majority of SWE observations are in western U.S. • Sources include NWS and FAA stations, NWS cooperative observers, NWS airborne snow surveys, NRCS SNOTEL, and several federal and state agency snow survey networks. 32 Map showing differences between observed and modeled snow water equivalent and snow depth, eastern U.S.
NSA Modeling and Data Assimilation Development Major support for development of the NSA land surface model and data assimilation framework was provided by the NASA Earth Science Enterprise Terrestrial Hydrology Program. Support for development of geostatistical spatial analysis techniques for snow observations (related to snow data assimilation) was provided by the GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GAPP, formerly GCIP) through NOAA’s Office of Global Programs. Additional support for NSA development was provided by the NWS Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services and by the Susquehanna River Project. NSA Applications NSA data products are currently being used to support operational river and flood forecasting as part of the NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction System (AHPS). e.g. Ohio River Forecast Center (OHRFC) In 2002, OHRFC tested NSA products to update snow states in their NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS) model. Results indicated up to 70% improvement in forecast accuracy using NSA products. In 2003, OHRFC began using NSA products routinely to support their river and flood forecasting operations. NSA Development and Applications 33
Examples of hydrologic data assimilation at WGRFC The improvement due to parameter refinement is often significant for high flows This improvement translates directly into improved performance envelope for VAR 34
The goal is to develop a data assimilation system for the Hydrology Laboratory-Research Modeling System (HL-RMS, Koren et al. 2004) and its (experimental) operational version, the Distributed Modeling System (DMS) Estimation of distributed kinematic-wave routing parameters in HL-RMS via variational assimilation (Seo et al. 2003c) Real-time updating of distributed model states of soil moisture using radar-based precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and streamflow data via variational assimilation (Seo et al. 2003b) Hydrologic data assimilation research with distributed hydrologic models 35
Must consider; Local climatology, dependence on lead time, season, flow regime, basin size and characteristics Quantification of informativeness, skill, reliability The ESP Verification System (ESPVS) currently under redevelopment Based on Franz and Sorooshian (2002) and others Includes Talagrand diagram, ranked probability score (RPS), ranked probability skill score (RPSS), discrimination diagrams, and reliability diagram For details, see Brandon (2003b), Demargne and Mullusky (2003), Welles et al. (2003), Wick (2003) Verification of ESP forecasts 36
OHD-NCEP Global ensemble (EMC) Regional ensemble (EMC) Specification of uncertainty factor in single-value forecasts (HPC) GCIP/GAPP MRF-ESP (CDC, Univ. of Colorado, CIRES, CBRFC) Verification (Univ. of Iowa, UNC) Collaboration and Partnerships 37
MOPEX Parameter uncertainty Single-model multi-parameter ensembles among different models Development of data sets DMIP Multimodel ensembles Development of data sets See Schaake (2002) for details Collaboration and Partnerships (cont.) 38
AHPS Science Infusion Strategy (Schaake 2002) Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX: see Slide 40) National Hydrologic Long-Range Prediction System (NHLPS) An OHD-led effort to develop a test bed for large-scale long-range hydrologic ensemble prediction To produce probabilistic hydrologic forecasts for lead times a month to a year To focus initially on experimental forecasts of natural runoff Science infusion 39
Goal Develop “engineering quality” hydrologic ensemble prediction procedures for time scales (flash-flood to 1-yr) and space scales (1-km to continental) Organization IAHS (PUB), GEWEX (WRAP), WMO, UNESCO? Initial Workshop ECMWF, March 2004 Develop science plan HEPEXHydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment 40
The current ESP methodology in AHPS; Integrates major scientific components for a state-of-the-art end-to-end ensemble hydrologic prediction system Integrates available meteorological forecasts from day 1 to a year Reflects balance among maturity of the science, practicality, and benefit-cost effectiveness in meeting the service goals Allows generation of probabilistic products across a wide range of space-time scale Accounts for both meteorological and hydrologic uncertainties Summary 41
Areas of improvement include; seamless and consistent assimilation of meteorological forecasts, including post processing and downscaling uncertainty processors data assimilation/state updating reservoir modeling verification see Demargne and Mullusky (2003) for details To expedite science advances and transfer to operations, NWS is actively engaged and playing leadership roles in; collaboration and partnerships science infusion See Schaake (2002) for details Summary (cont.) 42
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