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Engineers Australia Professional Development resources and combined with supporting professional development Program.
Professional Development Tips for Graduate Engineers This Presentation By Engineering Education Australia Suite 202, 21 Bedford Street North Melbourne, Vic 3051 Web site: www.eeaust.com.au Call Us On: +61 3 9274 9600
Getting Ready For Learning……. So you are a Graduate Engineer….. And as in Engineering Graduate Program you are now ready for the challenges ahead in the ‘real world’ of engineering. Saying that, you are still probably hearing those little voices in your head reminding you that:
Learning Massive STRENGTH and Minor WEAKNESS “I have just climbed the top of one enormous mountain and now you are telling me that it is all about to start again….. To make it worse, I have no idea of the terrain I am about to encounter on this next expedition?!?!” The reality is that these little voices are the same little voices that have haunted you as you have taken all other steps forward in your life to date…… Let’s think about it for a minute…… Starting high school? Starting University? Your first Grand Final in sport? Your first girlfriend (or boyfriend)? The list goes on….. Each and every time we come up with ways to succeed….. Why? Because we are engineers….. maybe?!? Actually, the only difference is that now you are an engineer and you have become even more logical in your problem solving and how you approach life in general….. Don’t feel too impressed with yourself because this is both a massive STRENGTH and a minor WEAKNESS.
Professional Development Formula So we are here to play on your logic and enjoyment of mathematics by giving you yet another EQUATION….. This equation could be considered to be the secret of success as you move from graduate engineer to professional engineer. RESULTS = A x B x C Where: (A) = Real Work x (B) = Professional Development x (C) = Reflection
What we are saying is that RESULTS is as simple a formula as ABC….. Because results are reliant on 3 distinct components….. But the trick is that without one or more of these components switched on we will set ourselves up for failure. Yes…… RESULTS = taking action multiplied by continuing to learn new things multiplied by reflecting on our results and being mentored and sharing with other colleagues. All are CRITICAL elements of SUCCESS.
CRITICAL Elements Of SUCCESS (A) Congratulations you have your first real job as a graduate engineer. But in the same breath please let us remind you that RESULTS is not just about getting out there and DOING. It is about an ongoing dedication to learning and reflecting on what you have DONE.
(B) You may be fortunate enough to have joined an organisation that has resources for professional development (maybe even being part of the Engineers Australia Professional Development resources and combined with supporting professional development Program. Some 344 different Organisations are on an Engineers Australia PDP and most of these also invest in graduates Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This is all of critical importance because an organisation needs to develop engineers of tomorrow to ensure the overall development of capability within their organisation into the future.
(C) Reflection and finding colleagues and mentors is the next part of the equation, because you need to start to find out more about what you are doing right and what you could be doing better as well as what professional development is available to you (first from your organisation and second from outside of your organisation). You’ll never know unless you ask, and once you do an entire world will be opened up to you. Are you prepared for that? Are you ready to make decisions that will shape the world and its future in ways you never could have imagined? If so you’ll need to develop your skills and become the best of the best. The world is waiting for you….. Are you ready to meet it?
This Presentation By Engineering Education Australia Suite 202, 21 Bedford Street North Melbourne, VIC 3051 www.eeaust.com.au +61 3 9274 9600