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This session focuses on work scrutiny, marking, and feedback practices in student assessment. Learn to identify progress anomalies, ensure curriculum coverage, and promote feedback that aids student development. Explore constraints and effective assessment strategies.
ISQAM Level 1 Module 3Establishing standards in student assessment, marking and feedback
Breakdown of the Session Introduction (15 minutes) Session 1 Work scrutiny and feedback presentation (15 minutes) Group exercise I – work scrutiny (30 minutes) Coffee Break (15 minutes) Session 2 Group exercise II – work scrutiny (20 minutes) Conducting a difficult one – one meeting (20 minutes) Plenary and Q&A (20 minutes)
Aims for the Session Detailed aims are set out in the programme, but in brief we will consider: What work scrutiny is and what are your roles and responsibilities are in this process. What to look for during a work scrutiny process. Where work scrutiny sits in the information gathering process. Things to think about when conducting a work scrutiny. Actions that need to follow a work scrutiny (including feedback). Practical strategies to enable you to conduct effective work scrutiny.
Themes to consider throughout the Session • The best interests of the students involved must be the priority. • Develop an aim; what are you trying to achieve in what you are doing? • Work with colleagues in your department to ensure that there is a continuous improvement in your practice. • Work with SMT. Give them confidence and assurance that you are fulfilling the obligations of your role and you know about your department. • Remember that feedback is the most important part of any accountability process.
Assessment, Marking and Feedback • What are you trying to achieve during the work scrutiny process? • Identify progress of all students over time • Identify anomalies in progress and reasons for this • Ensure that curriculum is being covered as laid out in department's aims and SOW • Ensure that marking and feedback enables students to reflect on their work and develop their skills and knowledge over time • Ensure that feedback is acted on by students and teachers • Identify and share good practice that enables progression • Give a level of quality of assurance for your department • Learn things about the curriculum that you are currently delivering
Assessment, Marking and Feedback • What you won’t see from students’ books? • Interactions and dialogues that happen in class including questioning, discussion, oral feedback from teacher and other students • Possibly elements of IT work • Work that has been put on display • Oral and Aural work in languages • Performances and related feedback in drama, music, games & PE, DT • Possibly subject based enrichment activities that have been encouraged and promoted by teachers
Assessment, Marking and Feedback • What else do you need to do and know? • Use of baseline data to help in identifying progress of students or groups of students • Use data provided by internal and external testing and assessments to track progress over time • Engage in lesson observation with effective and supportive feedback • Hear the student voice • Use assessment and data to set targets (formally or informally) • Ensure the reports written by your department are honest, useful, evidence based
Assessment, Marking and Feedback • What constraints do you face? • Time • Removal of students books and notes for a limited time • Involving others who don’t want to be involved • Policies and procedures in place that are school wide • Policies and procedures within the department that you have inherited • “it isn’t done like that here” • “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
Work Scrutiny – What to Look For Coverage of curriculum and SOW Variety of tasks used and are the tasks appropriate Variety of resources used Does the teacher and the student have high expectations? Different types of assessment (summative, formative, peer, self) Assessment made against agreed criteria (don’t assume that every member of the department has this engrained within them) Does the student understand the marking? Does the assessment feed targets and aid planning? Do students act on feedback, review and correct work? Good practice that needs to be shared with others
Work Scrutiny – What to Look For How does the work produced change over the school year? Is the work organised and well presented? Is the volume of work produced what should be expected of the child? Are the child’s specific needs met? Are departmental and school policies adhered to (numeracy, literacy, homework, marking, assessment) Is there evidence of students taking control of their own learning? Do books get marked regularly? Do the students demonstrate an interest in the subject via their work Is there evidence of the sharing of good practice across departments and across year groups?
Work Scrutiny and Feedback Exercise (1) Materials provided: Three exemplars (Year 11 Drama and Year 10 Maths) Selection of possible forms to record findings from the scrutiny What you need to do: In groups of 3 look at the exemplars and discuss your thoughts Complete the evidence form Suggest the feedback and actions that could follow from the scrutiny
Work Scrutiny and Feedback Exercise (2) Materials provided: Two exemplars (Year 10 French and Year 10 Maths) Selection of possible forms to record findings from the scrutiny What you need to do: In groups of 3 look at the exemplars and discuss your thoughts Complete the evidence form Suggest the feedback and actions that could follow from the scrutiny
Feeding back to colleagues Be positive but honest in your feedback Decide upon (SMART) targets and share them with your department, ensuring that the targets are designed to benefit the development of the teachers and therefore the pupils Don’t dodge the issues you wish you hadn’t found!
Giving feedback when things aren’t going well Don’t make a judgement based on a small piece of evidence Be sure that you have identified what is going wrong Ensure that (departmental or school) policy is in place and that people have been informed of it Keep SMT informed
Giving feedback when things aren’t going well Carefully plan the meeting including: Agenda Time frames (of both meeting and targets from the meeting) Location What you want the outcome to be Specific targets (SMART) How you will support your colleague
Giving feedback when things aren’t going well During and after the meeting: Deal in facts Be specific and clear about expectations Prioritise issues Agree follow up meeting (time, date, actions) Minute the meeting including all details and ensure copy is given to employee and a copy is filed Keep SMT in the loop and seek support and guidance if things don’t improve
Feedback meeting – Role Play Role play I (bad meeting) Feedback Role play II (good meeting) Feedback
Giving feedback on work scrutiny – a few thoughts When and where: not in a corridor, arrange a time. Recommend a period of at least 24 hours. Give the judgment early in the meeting. Start with the strengths of work, then areas for development. Be crystal clear and specific BUT sensitive. Don't dodge the bullet if there are areas to address. Don't blur key message with minor details. Maximum of 3-4 development points Focus on the teacher's needs Look forward
The plenary Work scrutiny is an important part of the HoD role Use it to learn about and develop your team Plan it (carefully) as a regular occurrence Involve the team DO something with your findings Get involved with whole school or inter-departmental work scrutiny