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Do you get nervous with the thought of an Interview? Want to Rock your Next Interview? Here are Top 10 Job Interview Tips to overcome your fear and anxiety.
Introduction Communication is a part of our daily lives. It is one of the most basic skills needed in life, and the most important during aninterview. You can have the perfect resume and credentials, but if you are unable to communicate properly during your interview, you still won’t be hired.Research by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) called Job Outlook 2011, in which employers were asked to rate the importance of certain skills/qualities when hiring job candidates, shows verbal communication as the most important one, followed by a strong work ethic, teamwork skills, analytical skills, and initiative.With the results of the research showing that employers deem verbal communication as the most important skill in their hiring criteria, it is essential for applicants to practice and improve their communication skills. Here are some ways you can improve your communication skills in preparation for yourinterview:
1. Dressing well for theinterview The first thing an interviewer notices is your clothes; they will surely check you from top to bottom. So make sure you check yourself from top to bottom before the interview. Wear clothes and accessories that are formal, comfortable and well fitted. As limping into an interview due to a shoe bite might not make a good impression and neither would an unironed pant help yourcause.
2. Always greet theInterviewers and introduceyourself Always enter the interview room with a warm smile, it shows yourconfidence. Shake hands with every interviewer and introduce yourself properly. Do not attempt a handshake if the table is too broad as you don’t want to risk falling over the table now! Wouldyou?
3. Know your facts andresume Aaammm…. Yaaa…. Aaaa… doesn’t reflect confidence, so make sure you have your strength, weaknesses, past experiences and other such question on the tips of your finger. Don’t underplay or over exaggerate your accomplishments. Having watched DDLJ in Maratha Mandir isn’t that big an achievement as you mightfeel.
4. Research aboutthe company You might have done so before submitting your resume, but make sure to dig deep into the companies profile before the interview. It emphasizes your level of interest and commitment towards the company.Make sure to mention your knowledge about them in generic conversation, don’t act like a stalker and tell them that you know how much turnover they have had lastsummer.
5. Thanks the interviewer beforeleaving Conclude your interview as warmly as you started it, Thanks them for their time andconsideration. One would often prefer a warmer person to work with over an grim one.On that note let us thank you for joining us today, hope we could help you through your interview anxiety. Give us a thumbs up if you liked the video and make sure you subscribe to our channel for more such tips and tricks For more tipsReadourfullBlog https://engvarta.com/top-10-job-interviews-tips/
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