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A pplied M ath and S cience E ducation R epository. AMSER = applied STEM resources (online materials, learning objects, curriculum, etc) assembled and delivered specifically for the use of community and technical college students, educators, and librarians. AMSER: Year One.
Applied Math and Science Education Repository AMSER = applied STEM resources (online materials, learning objects, curriculum, etc) assembled and delivered specifically for the use of community and technical college students, educators, and librarians
AMSER: Year One • Portal development • Outreach to community and technical college sector (NISOD, ALA, Merlot) • In-depth survey of end users • Integration of ~1000 applied STEM resource records from Scout Archives and eERL • Development of vocational program taxonomy • Adaptation of LCC for online use • Collaboration with ATE projects
AMSER: Year Two • Personalization features • Usability field testing of portal • Portal interface refinement • Classroom integration guide • Continued resource integration • Vocational taxonomy refinement • Expanded community/technical college sector outreach • Publication of “AMSER Quarterly Update”