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More on how advertisers appeal to customers

Explore how advertisers appeal to consumers by understanding and targeting their real and emotional needs. Learn about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Alderfer's ERG Theory, and the AIDA formula for successful marketing strategies.

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More on how advertisers appeal to customers

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  1. More on how advertisers appeal to customers BMI3C

  2. Needs • Marketers must take into account why people behave in a certain manner when preparing effective promotions • There are 2 types of needs • Real • Emotional • A real need affects your physical existence while an emotional need affects how you feel about yourself

  3. Who have we looked at that talked about needs?

  4. Who have we looked at the talked about needs? • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • Alderfer’s ERG Theory

  5. Maslow’s Hierarchy • biological needs • for survival eg. food, clothing, shelter, physical activity, rest • security needs • seek to ensure a certain level of existence eg. property insurance, life insurance • need for belonging • a desire to be part of an identifiable group - family, friends, society eg. fashion, cars

  6. Maslow’s Hierarchy • need for esteem - eg. exclusive clubs, expensive automobiles, latest fashions, prestige furniture, houses • need for self-fulfillment - an inner sense of fulfillment eg. fitness activities, self-interest courses, part-time university

  7. From Appeal to Action • ALL products sold MUST appeal to one of Maslow’s levels and then the consumer is encouraged to buy • This psychological flow is referred to as the AIDA formula • This is the process by which we learn about a new activity and then act upon what we have learned.

  8. The AIDA formula • A = attention • process of turning one’s mind to a particular activity • I = interest • must be obtained after attention is gained • D = desire • it is important that the product fill a particular need and make the consumer feel a need to further investigate the possibility of a purchase • A = action • a want is changed into a need and the consumer responds and takes action by purchasing a product

  9. Success? • There must be a careful blend of Maslow and the AIDA formula in order to achieve success • What sort of needs and desires to marketers use to appeal to customers?

  10. Needs/Desires/Qualities • Material possessions • desire for wealth, influence, pride and prestige, power • Love & sex • human need to attract members of the opposite sex • Self-esteem • desire to be popular & admired • Health • to feel well, live a long time, retain strength & vigour

  11. Needs/Desires/Qualities • Fear • of the unknown? • Emulation • admire famous people • Convenience • like to provide for physical comforts • Sense appeal • appeal to maximum use of five senses

  12. Needs/Desires/Qualities • Excitement • new experiences • Stable home life • universal need for the security of a happy home life • Enjoyment • seek satisfaction through courses, magazines, books, clubs, restaurants, movies

  13. Examples • What type of appeals, needs, or desires are the following ads using?

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