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visualSTATE 4 Workshop

visualSTATE 4 Workshop. Introduction Different analysis methods State/Transition principles, Mealy notation Moore notation The visualSTATE S/E notation Use of concurrency visualSTATE demonstration Navigator Designer, S/E notation Exercise 1: Design of an S/E system.

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visualSTATE 4 Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. visualSTATE 4 Workshop

  2. Introduction Different analysis methods State/Transition principles, Mealy notation Moore notation The visualSTATE S/E notation Use of concurrency visualSTATE demonstration Navigator Designer, S/E notation Exercise 1: Design of an S/E system The UML notation for state/event machines Use of hierarchy Use of variables Use of signals visualSTATE demonstration Designer, UML notation Exercise 2: Design of a small UML system Seminar Content, Day 1

  3. Test facilities using visualSTATE visualSTATE demonstration Validator Verificator Exercise 3: The visualSTATE test environment Verifying a system Validating a system Use of log and sequence files Use of dynamic and static analysis How the final application works with visualSTATE Input to Event mapping Action to Output mapping API Library, runtime functions A final application program Demonstration: A run-time example The Application program structure Compile and link of a visualSTATE application Real time environment ROM-demands Compiler demands Use of real time kernel or operating system Command-line visualSTATE Making prototypes with visualSTATE Maintenance of the application, documentation, C-code generation Other visualSTATE applications Summary Seminar Content, Day 2

  4. visualSTATE Verificator Integration • Exhaustive computation • 7 different checks • Use of elements • Reachable transitions • Conflicting transitions • Activation of elements • State dead end • Local dead end • System dead end • Forward / Backward mode • Backward = no dead-end • check

  5. Manual validation • Simulation • Sending events • Monitoring • Current States • Active events • Guards • Triggered actions • Timers • Variables • Signals

  6. Using Breakpoints • Thorough examination • Predefined “disasters” • Pre- & post-deduct • Debugging purpose

  7. Log & Animation • Record test sequences • Static analysis, use of • Events • Actions • Signals • Internal & External-variables • Dynamic analysis • Test coverage analysis • Non-activated elements • Most frequently used

  8. RealLink • Send events to target • Monitor what’s going on in target • Animate log files

  9. Fundamentals • visualSTATE is based on state machines • Control logic is separated from device drivers

  10. A visualSTATE application

  11. State/Event Deduction

  12. State/Event input Inquiry

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