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General Population Surveys on the web: possibilities and barriers. A Symposium Organised by NCRM/SRN British Academy 3 November 2011. Context. Costs of data collection increasing Response rates declining CATI increasingly problematic?
General Population Surveys on the web: possibilities and barriers A Symposium Organised by NCRM/SRN British Academy 3 November 2011
Context • Costs of data collection increasing • Response rates declining • CATI increasingly problematic? • Internet penetration and operability growing rapidly BUT many problems remain • Can we do surveys more cost-effectively (and accurately) by harnessing power of the web?
Morning session • Matt DeBell, Stanford University ‘Methodology and Data Quality of the ANES 2008-2009 Panel Study: Lessons for Future Internet Panels’ • Marcel Das, Centerdata, Tilburg University ‘Innovation in data collection for scientific research: the Dutch MESS project’ • Bengt Oscar Lagerstrom, Statistics Norway 'mixed mode surveys of the general population: the Norwegian experience’ • Rroundtable discussion about the state-of-art, potential areas of new development and barriers to implementation. Roundtable participants: Matt DeBell, Marcel Das, Bengt Oscar Lagerstrom, Bill Blyth (TNS-BMRB),
Afternoon session • Aat Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demography Institute “Mixed-mode approaches in the Generations and Gender Survey: Past experience and future expectations” • Fiona Dawe and Laura Wilson, UK Office for National Statistics “Building Web Collection Capability on ONS Social Surveys” • Peter Lynn, ISER (University of Essex) "Opportunities and challenges in introducing web interviewing to Understanding Society: the UK Household Longitudinal Survey” • Roundtable discussion of key issues arising from the presentations. Roundtable participants: Aat Liefbroer, Fiona Dawe, Peter Lynn, Gerry Nicolaas (NatCen), Jane Elliot (Centre for Longitudinal Studies).