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Traditional Leaders Response to Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in Kwa - Zulu Natal, North West and Limpopo Provinces, South Africa. 21st July 2010 Ms Mantshi Teffo- Menziwa, Dr Saiqa Mullick Population Council. Context.
Traditional Leaders Response to Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in Kwa - Zulu Natal, North West and Limpopo Provinces, South Africa 21st July 2010 Ms Mantshi Teffo- Menziwa, Dr Saiqa Mullick Population Council
Context • SGBV is a violation of human rights of women and girls • SGBV is well documented as a key driver of the HIV epidemic for women • Women who have experienced Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) are more likely to have HIV • Girls exposed to abuse in childhood are more likely to be physically and sexually abused as adults • Rape impacts the mental health of rape survivors increasing their long term risk of HIV • Men who rape are twice as likely to have HIV and other HIV risk behavior(Jewkes et al, 2008) • Culture is often given as an excuse for perpetuating gender norms
South African context • South Africa has the highest SGBV figures in the world • A woman is killed every six hours by a husband or boyfriend • One in five women report experiencing IPV • Women experiencing IPV are more likely to have HIV (Dunkle, 2004) • Rapes reported to the police between 2005 and 2006 (SAPS): 55 000 • Four out of ten rape cases are children - 15% of those are under 12 years (Jewkes et al; 2008) • Men report being raped by another man: 10%
Many challenges exist • Insufficient coordination • Lack of a cross sectoral approach • Limited engagement with civil society particularly traditional sector • Need to strengthen capacity in all sectors
National House of Traditional Leaders • Established in 2008 • Recognized as key partners in the implementation of the 2007-2011 South African National HIV and AIDS strategic plan • Comprised of three senior traditional leaders elected by each provincial house in the 9 provinces • Working Committees: Gender, Youth, Children, Aged and people living with Disability and Social Development
Traditional Leaders have influence • Recognized by government of South Africa • Advise government on traditional affairs and influence policy making • Communities recognize their authority • Preside over customary law courts that exercise legislative power in communities • Reach large numbers of community members through community dialogues known as “imbizo or lekgotla”
Objectives • To explore understanding and perception of SGBV among Traditional Leaders • To increase understanding and knowledge of TLs on SGBV through capacity building sessions
Site and participant selection • Three provinces with high HIV prevalence • Influential Traditional Leadership • Established relationship with the provincial department of health • Population Council partnered with an NGO with experience and access to the Traditional Leadership
Kwa-Zulu Natal: Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi Chairperson of the House North West: Kgosi Moshe Ezekiel MabeOur motto: "Thebe Ya Setso" • Literally translated, this means "shield of the culture" referring to the NWPHTL as the custodians of the culture and tradition of its communities.
Focus Group Discussions • Three FGDs with 35 TL provincial groups (10-12 per group) using a structured focus group discussion guide • Three two-day interactive workshops conducted with 126 Traditional Leaders from Kwa-Zulu Natal, Limpopo and North West Provinces
Data analysis • Detailed notes were taken and tape-recorded during the focus group discussions and workshops • Content analysis
Results • Traditional courts are not given an opportunity to deal with SGBV due to poor reporting and lack of opportunity to implement their mandate • TLs are unsure of their powers and how they intersect with other sectors • Documentation is poor at the Traditional courts
Results • TLs want and need further training on sexual and reproductive health issues including SGBV • Misconceptions and myths on health and SGBV need to be clarified “An unborn baby feeds on the father’s sperm” (Female TL North West province) • TLs were not aware of available services and support • Community members and survivors are not aware of their rights
Results • Patriarchy in the Traditional Leadership is still a predominant way of looking at the world • Female TLs seem to have less power compared to the male TLs • The youth exclude themselves from traditional activities
Results • Traditional Leadership supported the initiative to being capacitated as catalysts to demystify the patriarchal environment on SGBV “I believe that what is happening is a good thing. Population Council and Ubuntu together with Hlokomela teach us how we should address this issue of gender based violence. As a woman I am proud to be seen as a key role player in the fight against this bad thing. I will go back to my village and my school and teach my people that this thing of domestic violence is bad and not good for us. I will help my people to understand how to address these issues’ (Female Traditional Leader, Limpopo).
Conclusion and Recommendations • Strengthening traditional court systems that deal with SGBV at a community level • Linking TLs with the justice system, police, health, farming community and improving their monitoring and SGBV programming quality • Need for strengthened relationship with local government, department of health and justice • Support on the recognition of role of TLs as described in the White Paper on traditional leadership and the Framework Act regarding Safety and Security
Conclusion and Recommendations • Capacity building on SGBV to complement the National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) sessions • Enlisting the support of female TLs on SGBV prevention and support for young girls, • Documenting best practices • Improved access to information (IEC) to the community • Continued advocacy to drive social mobilization initiatives
Acknowledgements • Traditional Leaders in KZN, NW and LP • Department of Health • Ubuntu Institute • Hlokomela Training Trust • USAID (PEPFAR) South Africa