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. Curriculum Features. Research-Based, Spiraling ProgramReal-life Problem Solving Balanced Instruction Multiple Methods for Basic Skills Practice Emphasis on Communication Enhanced Home/School Partnerships Appropriate Use of Technology . . Lesson Components. Math Messages Mental Math and Ref
1. Welcome to Paxtang’s Everyday MathFamily Night! Are you ready to go nuts for math?
2. Curriculum Features Research-Based, Spiraling Program
Real-life Problem Solving
Balanced Instruction
Multiple Methods for Basic Skills Practice
Emphasis on Communication
Enhanced Home/School Partnerships
Appropriate Use of Technology
3. Lesson Components Math Messages
Mental Math and Reflexes
Math Boxes / Math Journal
Home links/Study Links
Alternative Algorithms
Enrichment/ESL Strategies
5. Assessment Grades primarily reflect mastery of secure skills
End of unit assessments
Math boxes
Relevant journal pages
Ongoing Slate assessments and quizzes
Checklists of secure/developing skills
6. What Parents Can Do to Help Come to the math nights
Log on to the Everyday Mathematics website or the Paxtang staff websites
Read the Family letters – use the answer key to help your child with their homework
Use the SRB/MRB
Ask your child to teach you the math games and play them.
Ask your child to teach you the new algorithms
Contact your child’s teacher with questions or concerns
Study Basic Math Facts daily
11. Partial Quotients A Division Algorithm
13. Partial Sums An Addition Algorithm
15. An alternative subtraction algorithm
18. Partial Products Algorithm for Multiplication