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Technological Advances In Experiential Education. By Regina A. Tabor, RPh . October 3, 2014. Disclaimer.
Technological Advances In Experiential Education By Regina A. Tabor, RPh. October 3, 2014
Disclaimer • Ms. Tabor ,Dr. Farrell and Dr. Copeland do not have a vested interest or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education program, or any affiliation with an organization whose philosophy could potentially bias the presentation.
Learning Objectives • At the completion of this program, the participant will be able to: • 1. Identify key steps in completing online evaluations. • 2. Access and navigate through an online evaluation process. • 3. List examples of current technological teaching and assessment tools that may be used to enrich the experiential experience.
Preceptor Evaluation of Student • The pharmacy students midpoint and final evaluation are used as a guide to the preceptor and student for the successful completion of the rotation. • The Texas State Board of Pharmacy has required competencies objectives for the pharmacy internship.
Evaluation Objectives: • In measuring the pharmacy intern’s skills for the rotation in the student evaluation , guidance will be provided to the preceptor for the training and development needs of the student for a successful completion of the rotation and objectives.
Online Submission of Student Evaluations • Easier to keep track of evaluation forms • Allows utilization of information for pharmacy school evaluation of curriculum and students implementation of didactic learning into clinical practice. • Ease of access for the user at work and home. • Multiple users can access the information in the Rxpreceptor system • Preceptors • Students • Faculty
Student Self Evaluation Procedure • There are two ways to access the evaluation form • Email link (this will automatically be sent to each preceptor )for the Midpoint and Final student evaluation. • Logging into RxPreceptor™
Preceptor Evaluation Procedure • To complete the Student Evaluation of your student you may access the electronic form by: • Clicking “Evaluation of Student” on the left hand side of your RxPreceptor screen. It will be under the Evaluations>Evaluation of Student 2. You will select your Student’s Name for the Rotation Dates completed and the Rotation Type (ie, APPE-Amb Care).
Preceptor Evaluation Procedure • Click on the Evaluation section for that student and the evaluation form will appear. • There are 2 evaluations that will need to be completed at the appropriate time- • Midpoint (Complete after 3 weeks of start of rotation) • Final (Complete after 6 weeks of start of rotation) Both evaluations are required to be completed for each student.
Preceptor Evaluation of the APPE Student 5.How to apply scoring- The student will be scored on a scale of 1-5 or N/A for each competency question. The student must achieve a score of 3 or above on each competency to pass the rotation. If the required competency question does not apply to the rotation rate it as N/A=Not Applicable-Task does not apply to this particular rotation.
Preceptor Evaluation of Student • Every question (1-22) must be scored or have N/A in order to be complete for the student evaluation • Each question has a Comment Box attached-you may enter examples of how the student achieved the score and give examples of work student completed on the rotation, projects, demonstrated their competency.
Preceptor Evaluation Procedure • At the end of the Evaluation form you will have 3 buttons. • Save Changes-this will allow you to save what you have done before the evaluation is completed • Submit Midpoint Score-once this is submitted it will be final. If further changes need to be made you will contact Regina Tabor, R.Ph-APPE Coordinator to make any further changes.
Preceptor Evaluation Procedure 3. Submit Final Score-once this is submitted it will be final. If further changes need to be made you will need to contact-Regina Tabor, R.Ph.- APPE Coordinator to make any further changes. Preceptors will receive email alerts for Evaluation due dates for the APPE rotations.
Viewing Evaluations • You may view evaluations completed by your students for the rotation by clicking on the Student Self Evaluation section shown on the left hand side of this screen.
Evaluation of the IPPE Student • How to apply scoring • 2= Knows (Passes Competency)- Student has knowledge/skills of how to perform task. Needs extensive intervention; sometimes instructor must complete task. • 1= Does Not Know (Fails Competency)- Student does not have knowledge of how to perform task. • N/A= Not Applicable- Task does not apple to this particular rotation.
Completing Intern Grading Rubric • You may complete the grading rubric of your students by going to your home page in RxPreceptor™ and viewing your student in the pull down list (Select a Student to View Snapshot). • Evaluations>Evaluation of Students (Incomplete) • Select the student name and rotation dates for the rotation type and look under evaluation ( blue print) for the Intern Grading Rubric. • Email link will automatically be sent to you when the grading rubric is due.
Completing Intern Grading Rubric • Each question on the Grading Rubric will be scored from 10-1 or N/A for the rotation • At the end of the Grading Rubric the total will be scored and based on that score the student will be assigned a letter grade. • A= 9-10 • B =8-8.9 • C =7-7.9 • Failing = 6 or less
Finalizing your Intern Grading Rubric • After you have graded each of the sections of the grading rubric you will then click on the Submit Final Score located on the bottom right hand side of the form. • The student’s Score Summary will automatically calculate the student’s final grade once the submit final score had been entered.
Completing Intern Grading Rubric • The Intern Grading Rubric will be completed and submitted on the last day of the rotation on RxPreceptor™. • Once the Intern Grading Rubric has been submitted on RxPreceptor™ no further changes can be made. You will need to contact-Regina Tabor, R.Ph-APPE Coordinator to make any further changes. • Preceptors will receive email alerts for due dates for Intern Grading Rubric for the APPE rotation.
Preceptor’s Completion of Student Evaluation for APPE Rotation • The completed student evaluations will appear on the preceptor’s screen as: • APPE Acute Care-General Medicine Intern Grading Rubric F • APPE Acute Care-General Medicine M F • M=Midpoint Complete • F=Final Complete
Questions and Help • Please contact: • Regina Tabor, R.Ph. • APPE Coordinator • Feik School of Pharmacy at UIW • rtabor@uiwtx.edu • 210 883-1073
References: • 1.Copeland J. Feik School of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Experiential Education Preceptor Manual, 3rd edition (2010-2011). • 2. Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 15 Chapter 283, Rule§283.4 • 3.Nemire R, Kier K. Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, 2nd edition, 2009, 14:(26).
References: • 4.Bond R, Godwin D. Preceptor Perceptions of the Importance of Experiential Guidelines. Am J of Pharm Educ 2013;77(7):Article 144. • 5.University of Leicester. http://www.le.ac.uk/oerresources/psychology/individualsatwork/unit5/page_04.htmaccessed 9/14/14.