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Karsten Nohl

Class 25: Security through Complexity?. Karsten Nohl. PS6 is due today. Lorenz cipher used in WW II. cs302: Theory of Computation University of Virginia, Computer Science. Motivation. Many applications require certain tasks to be easy for some and hard for others

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Karsten Nohl

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  1. Class 25: Security through Complexity? Karsten Nohl PS6 is due today. Lorenz cipher used in WWII cs302: Theory of Computation University of Virginia, Computer Science

  2. Motivation • Many applications require certain tasks to be easy for some and hard for others • Example: Decryption of encrypted message is easy only when given a secret key Cryptography is concerned with constructing algorithms that withstand abuse. -Goldreich Complexity is a powerful tool to “lock out” adversaries. Basic Idea: Require hard problem to be solved, give hint as key.

  3. NP can be useful • So far, you learnt how to detect “unsolvable” problems (in NP) and solve them anyway by approximation (in P) • For cryptography we want the opposite:problems that are almost always hard, i.e., cannot be approximated in P

  4. [Breaking a strong cipher should require]“as much work as solving a system of simultaneous equations in a large number of unknowns of a complex type” - Shannon, ‘49 Sounds NP-Complete, doesn’t it?

  5. Goal: Encryption • For almost all security schemes we need: • Encryption / one-way functioneasy to compute:hard to find any part of: • Often also required: • Decryption secret key Make this an NP problem

  6. Encryption build on Hardness • Knapsack problem is NP-Complete • Problem of filing bag with best selection of items • Recall: Reducible from Subset-Sum • Enable Encryption: Keep message secret by hiding it in a Knapsack instance bits of encryption key = knapsack instance Decryption possible by knowing easy knapsack instance (secret key) that provides shortcut. message bits

  7. Flawed Security Argument • Subset Sum is NP-Complete • Breaking knapsack cipher involves solving a subset sum problem • Therefore, knapsack cipher is secure Flaw: NP-Complete means there is no fast general solution. Some instances may be solved quickly. (Note: Adi Shamir broke knapsack cipher [1982])

  8. Cipher Design • NP-Completeness is not sufficient for cryptographic hardness Worst-case complexity • Need solution to usually be hardAverage complexity • Captured in new complexity class:All tractable problems are in BPP(which only makes sense if P≠NP) probabilistic: can flip coins

  9. Cipher Design (cont.) • A “strong” cipher cannot be broken faster than exhaustive key search (brute force) • Only possible shortcut:Trade space for time; e.g.: Θ(2n) time Θ(2n⅔) time + space

  10. Results of Insufficient Hardness • All broken cipher have a gap between worst-case and average hardness • Estimating average hardness is often impossible (= finding best algorithm for instances of NP-complete problem) • Next: Analyze cipher, identify complexity, and break it by finding tractable average solution.

  11. Proprietary Cryptography(or: why “security-by-obscurity” never works)

  12. First: Disclosure • Secret algorithm can often be found: • Disassembling software • Hardware reverse-engineering This talk: Breaking a cipher once we found it. IDA Pro

  13. Then: Exploitation • Most secret ciphers are broken after disclosure • Flaws are very similar in all DIY ciphers(and cryptanalyst spot them in a glimpse) “No more weak ciphers. No more paranoia.” Sean O’Neil

  14. The crux of most flaws • Most weaknesses caused by insufficient non-linearity. • At the heart of the problem: LFSRs (linear feedback shift register) 0 12 15 16 17 tmp = x[12]^x[15]^x[16]^x[17]; for i=17:-1:1 x[i]=x[i-1]; x[0] = tmp;

  15. Non-Linearity • System of equations that desribes n-bit cipher can have up to O(2n) terms. • Only O(n) of these terms are linear. Linear ≈ P Non-linear ≈ NP

  16. Mifare Crypto-1 Cascaded structure allows for low degree description after all! :P High degree (20) generator, very non-linear! ✔ fc(∙) fa(∙) fb(∙) fa(∙) fa(∙) fb(∙) … Many taps in LFSR ✔ Still linear ✗ Work with Nicolas Courtois, Sean O’Neil

  17. y a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4] fc(∙) Compute equations for first output bit: a[0] = fa(x[7],x[9],x[11],x[13]); a[1] = ... ... y = fc(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]) fa(∙) fa(∙) fb(∙) fa(∙) fb(∙) Describes cipher as system of equations with 48+r5 unknowns, terms with degree ≤ 4! Before computing next bit, shift LFSR: tmp = x[0]^...^x[43]; for i=1:47 x[i]=x[i+1]; x[48] = tmp;

  18. Almost there … • Describe weak parts of cipher as system of equations • Brute-Force through complex parts:Guess-and-Determine attack. • Solve system of equations: MiniSAT is our friend Solving for 48-bit Crypto-1 key takes 12 seconds; compared to month for brute-force.

  19. Lessons Learned (Crypto) • Obscurity and proprietary crypto add security only in the short-run • (but lack of peer-review hurts later) • Constraints of small devices make good crypto extremely hard • Where are the best trade-offs? • How much security is needed? • How can we best introduce non-linearity?

  20. Lessons Learned (Complexity) • Cannot rely on hardness of problems; gap between average and worst-case instances often significant • This is good news unless you are building cryptography: • Can solve many instances of NP-complete problems in limited time • Mathematicians have done most of the work already: start using MiniSAT

  21. Don’t forget to hand in PS6.

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