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Understanding Consumers Online Behavior: What Businesses can Learn from Social Media Activists - By Amy Woermke. Unsatisfied Customer. Positive. Negative. No Complaint Venue / Company Ignores Complaint. Company Solicits Online Complaints. Company Solves Complaint Offline.
Understanding Consumers Online Behavior: What Businesses can Learn from Social Media Activists - By Amy Woermke Unsatisfied Customer Positive Negative No Complaint Venue / Company Ignores Complaint Company Solicits Online Complaints Company Solves Complaint Offline Behaviour on Social Media Actual Behavioural Control Intention Positive Control – Online Rectification of Complaint Negative Consumer Social Media Behaviour Behavioural Beliefs Control Beliefs Perceived Behavioural Control Subjective Norms Attitudes Towards Behaviour Normative Beliefs Positive Consumer Social Media Behaviour Negative Control – Denial, Argue, Remove Message, Ignore Increased Controversy/ Negative Brand Recognition Positive Brand Recognition ESCALATION OF ONLINE MESSAGE Visual Impact Horizontal Credibility Social Press Cognitive Dissonance/ Consonance Social Media Density Social Media – The Power Shift Conclusions As the popularity of social media grows, so does consumer power. It is now possible for people to share information with others around the world and to create relationships that without social media may not have been possible. Businesses must be aware that social media is now used as a new tool for consumers to voice concerns and to expose business’ unethical practices. Global online communities can broadcast a message across the world at zero cost. Even businesses that may not operate globally are being held globally responsible for their actions. Online activists are forcing corporations to make big changes by using social meida. Businesses now need to include the management of social media into top level business strategy. SOCIAL MEDIA CONCEPTUAL MODEL – Explaining Online Behaviors TPB can be applied to understand activist behavior on Social Media. Control – Control beliefs and perceptions are increased through the ease of use social media offers users. Without the increase in the area of control, many people might not develop strong enough intentions to attack companies offline Subjective Norms - Support generated from online communities has allowed normative beliefs to be amplified by external norms which has created strong subjective norms. Positive Attitudes - Many people see social media as a protected form of engaging in certain behaviors, therefore little perceived risk tips the scale in favor of the benefits. ESCALATION OF ONLINE MESSAGE MODEL In developing a social media strategy, businesses can use the following model to ensure online messages are converted to a positive message before reaching a point of escalation. Method: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior In developing social media strategy, focus should be placed on understanding online behaviors; examples of online activism can provide insight into people’s behavior of negatively engaging in social media. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) attempts to explain human intentions and behavior based upon a person’s salient beliefs. Apply the Model to Online Activism Nestle: Give Rainforests a Break Greenpeace attack on Nestle via Facebook and Youtube forced Nestle to announce a zero deforestation policy and a formed partnership with The Rain Forest Trust. Ranking – Strong Perception of Control, Subjective Norms, & Positive Attitudes Toward Behaviors Unfriend Coal Greenpeace’s “We Want Facebook to use 100% Renewable Energy” Facebook Group reached a Guinness record for the greatest amount of comments a single Facebook page has received in a 24-hour period. The campaign forced Facebook to change data center designs to incorporate clean energy. Ranking: Strong Subjective Norms, Perception of Control, & Positive Attitudes Towards Behaviors Social Media allows for escalation of online messages due to the following: Horizontal Credibility- As the message spreads, it compounds the message credibility Visual Impact - People are visually stimulated, and with today’s media clutter, images and videos stand out as an attention grabbing medium Cognitive Dissonance- Misery loves company. Densely connected social media can spread discomfort in minutes. Cognitive Consonance- Finding others who have had positive experiences with a brand can shed light on others who are unsure of the brand Social Media Density- Integrated technology allows messages to spread across multiple online communities Social Press– People turn to social media to review tweets and posts that will confirm information is valid Intel Attack Proving that even B2B companies can feel the wrath of online consumers, Intel faced an online crisis on Facebook when activists began claiming that because Intel purchased minerals from Congo, it was contributing to the raping and slaughtering of over 5 million Congo citizens in the civil war. Even a high tech companies can fail to understand the power of social media. 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