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Learning intention. 1. To ask and say what is in your town/village 2. To ask and say if you like your town 3. To say what is near or far from your home. Starter 1.
Learning intention 1. To ask and say what is in your town/village 2. To ask and say if you like your town 3. To say what is near or far from your home
Starter 1. • Look at this list of places in the town. With the person next to you see how many of them you can understand. What helped you to work out what they mean? un stade un parc un marchéunemusée un supermarchéuneécole • Can you work out which are masculine and feminine?
Qu’est-cequ’il y a danstaville? Dans ma villeil y a ...
Starter 2. With the person next to you see if you can remember the French for these places in the town
Aimes-tutaville?Aimes-tu ton village? J’aimema ville J’adoremon village Je n’aime pas mon village Je detestema ville
Starter 3 Which number is you teacher describing?
Près de Near to (10cm) Loin de Far from (10kms) Assezprès de Quite near to (1km) Assez loin de Quite far from (3kms)
vraiou faux • Loin de ma maisonil y a une piscine • Près de monappartementil y a un supermarché • Assezprès de chez moiil y a unebibliothèque.
Près de ma maisonil y a un parc. Loin de monappartementil y a unemusée Assezprès de chez moiil y a un marché Assez loin de chez moiil y a unegare