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Childhood Infections

Explore the highly contagious childhood infections like measles, rubella, scarlatina, and more, with detailed information on symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Learn about the presentation, incubation times, and infectiousness of various viral illnesses.

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Childhood Infections

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Childhood Infections • Highly contagious • Presentation in infancy or early childhood • Relatively high incidence

  2. “the fifth disease” • 1 Measles (paramyxovirus) • 2 Rubella (rubella virus) • 3 Scarlatina (toxin of group A Streptococci) • 4 Filatov - Dukes (rubella variant) • 5 Erythema infectiosum (human Parvo B19) • 6. Exanthema subitum (Human herpes virus type 6) (Roseola infantum)

  3. Other childhood infections 1 • Chickenpox • Whooping cough, Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Tetanus • Mumps • RSV bronchiolitis • Rota virus gastroenteritis • Meningitis (different agents) • Pneumococci, H.Influenza, Meningococci • Enteroviruses, adenoviruses, papilloma viruses

  4. Other childhood infections 2 • Herpes viruses ► HSV 1 ► HSV 2 ► VZV (Varicella - Zoster virus) ► CMV (Cytomegalovirus) ► EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) ► HHV 6 (Human herpes virus type 6) ► HHV 8 (Human herpes virus type 8)

  5. Incubation time and infectiousness • Infection Incubation (d) contagious Measles 10-14 -2 till +4 after rash Chickenpox 10-21 -1 till last dried vesicle Parvo B19 7-12 -7 till +7 HHV6 10-15 -7 till +7 RSV 2-4 -3 till + 12 Rota 2-4 -3 till + 12

  6. Measles exanthema

  7. Koplik’s spots in measles

  8. Chickenpox

  9. Pneumonia caused by VZV

  10. Shingles caused by VZV

  11. Primary stomatitis by HSV 1

  12. Cold sore (reactivation of primary HSV 1 stomatitis)

  13. Encephalitis by HSV 1

  14. Rubella exanthema

  15. Skin after scarlet fever

  16. Tetanus (Risus Sardonicus)

  17. Neonatal tetanus (opisthotonus)

  18. Smallpox (extinct)

  19. Smallpox (extinct?)

  20. Vaccination (Edward Jenner 1796 cowpox/ vaccinia)

  21. Vaccination for Smallpox

  22. Vaccination for Diphteria

  23. Vaccination for Measles

  24. Immunological Memory

  25. Immune responses to viruses

  26. Meningococcal septicemia

  27. Mumps

  28. Rota virus

  29. Mollusca

  30. What is your diagnosis?

  31. Impetigo

  32. What is your diagnosis?

  33. ….and the last slide

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