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Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program

SAFETEA-LU Rollout WebCast. Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program. February 2006 David Hilgendorf, WFLHD ERFO Coordinator. Objectives. ERFO Program Overview Program Benefits Additional Information. Federal Highway Emergency Relief Programs.

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Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program

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  1. SAFETEA-LU Rollout WebCast Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program February 2006 David Hilgendorf, WFLHD ERFO Coordinator

  2. Objectives • ERFO Program Overview • Program Benefits • Additional Information

  3. Federal Highway Emergency Relief Programs • The Emergency Relief (ER) Program was authorized under the Federal-aid Highway Act of 1958 • The Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program was established in July 1977

  4. Federal Highway Emergency Relief Programs • Title 23 U.S.C., Section 125 • Authorizes both the ER and ERFO Programs • Title 23, CFR, Part 668 – Emergency Relief Program • Subpart A - Procedures for Federal-Aid Highways (ER) • Subpart B – Procedures for Federal Agencies for Federal Roads (ERFO)

  5. ERFO Program OverviewProgram Funds • Permanent annual authorization of $100 million distributed by the Secretary of Transportation to: • Federal-Aid Highways (ER) and • Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) • Supplemental appropriations as approved by Congress

  6. ERFO Program OverviewPurpose • Help pay unusually heavy expenses to repair serious damage on Federal Roads and Bridges as a result of a • Natural disaster over a wide area or • Catastrophic failure of a major road segment

  7. ERFO Program OverviewEligible Repairs • Restoration in-kind to pre-disaster conditions is expected to be the predominate type of repair • Only repair of serious damage is eligible for funding • Heavy maintenance is not eligible

  8. ERFO Program OverviewFunding Thresholds • Eligible repairs must exceed $700,000 for each disaster or catastrophic failure • Eligible repairs must exceed $5,000 for each site

  9. ERFO Program OverviewEligible Facilities • Eligible Federal Roads • BLM and FS roads open to public travel • Forest Highways • Land Management Highways • Eligible Trails • Trails designated by Congress under the National Trails System Act of 1968

  10. ERFO Program OverviewTimelines • Repairs must be given priority over non-emergency work • Projects not under construction within 2-years will be withdrawn unless suitable justification is provided • Time extensions are not granted due to lack of funds

  11. ERFO Program OverviewNEPA • All repairs must comply with NEPA • Emergency repairs are categorically excluded from the requirements to prepare an EA or EIS (23CFR, 771.117(c)(9))

  12. ERFO Program OverviewProcess • Notify FHWA of Damage • Participate in Disaster Assessment • Prepare Damage Survey Reports (DSR) • Request and Manage Funds • Annually submit Status Reports • Expedite Repairs • Obtain prior approval for all permanent repairs • Reconcile Funds at Disaster Closeout

  13. ERFO Program OverviewDisaster Closeout Review • The BLM and FS must submit final records for each eligible repair • Contract Documents • Plans, specifications, NEPA documents, permits, contract payments, actual quantities, release of claims • Financial Records • Payroll, travel, per diem, materials, supplies, and equipment rental

  14. ERFO Program Benefits • Helps cover unusually high expenses from unplanned events • Alternate Funding Source FY00 to FY05 • BLM = 2.7 million • FS = 51.0 million • Technical Assistance available from FLH Divisions • NEPA, Design, Construction

  15. Emergency Repairs

  16. Bridge Failure

  17. Road Abandonment

  18. Additional Information • 1½ day ERFO Training Course available upon request • Download ERFO Manual and Forms at • www.cflhd.gov/projects/erfo.cfm

  19. Federal Lands Highway ERFO Program Contacts • Donald Patrick • FLH HQ Program Manager (202) 366-9491 • Sergio Mayorga • EFLHD ERFO Coordinator (571) 434-1547

  20. Federal Lands Highway ERFO Program Contacts • Mike Daly • CFLHD ERFO Coordinator (720) 963-3551 • Dave Hilgendorf • WFLHD ERFO Coordinator (360) 619-7620

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