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Emergency Relief & Early Recovery

Learn about the FATA Disaster Management Authority's efforts in providing relief and recovery assistance to IDPs in FATA, including shelter, food, education, health, and more. Follow the progress of IDP returns and assistance programs.

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Emergency Relief & Early Recovery

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  1. Emergency Relief & Early Recovery FATA Disaster Management Authority FATA

  2. Overview of FATA • Seven Administrative Units (Agencies) • Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, Orakzai, South Waziristan and North Waziristan • Six Frontier Regions • FR Peshawar, FR Kohat, FR Bannu, FR Lakki, FR Tank and FR D.I Khan • 27,226 sq. km area • Approx. 4.2 million population (projected)

  3. Areas of Conflict – FATA & KP

  4. Overview of FDMA • FATA Disaster Management Authority is autonomous Government institution to effectively manage natural or man-made disaster in FATA. • Its mandate involves handling all stages of disaster management, namely; Response, Relief, Recovery and Reconstruction. • FDMA is established since July 2010 under the Disaster Management Ordinance 2007. • FDMA Head Office is in Peshawar, while field offices in all seven Agencies. (www.fdma.gov.pk for more information)

  5. FATA IDPs Statistics FATA IDPs Statistics 1 Family = approx. 7 individual

  6. Overview of Displacement • Military operation against miscreants in all Agencies (except NWA) caused displacement of 1.5 million people. • 0.66 million (44%) people have successfully returned to safe areas of Bajaur, Mohmand, Orakzai and South Waziristan. • Currently, return of IDPs is continued to Orakzai and South Waziristan Agency. • Total of 0.84 million (56%) people are still displaced.

  7. IDP Camps • Currently 10% of still displaced population reside in two major camps; • Jalozai Camp (Peshawar District) = 6,000 families • Nahqi Camp (Mohmand Agency) = 3,000 families • The remaining 90% of displaced population reside with host communities in Peshawar, Charssada, Kohat, Hangu, Tank and DI Khan.

  8. Assistance to IDPs • All IDPs are provided with • Shelter (Temporary, Transitional, Permanent) • Food (Dry Food Ration, Cooked Food, Cash for food, Nutrition supplements) • Non Food Items (variety of packages) • Education (Schools, Child Friendly Spaces etc) • Hygiene (Hygiene Kits) • Health (Free medical assistance and medicines) • Protection (GBV, Child Protection etc) • Cash Assistance (Cash Grants, Housing Compensations)

  9. Displacement & Returns of IDPs

  10. Return Assistance • All Returning IDPs are provided with • Free transportation • 25,000 cash grant on return • Six months food security • Non Food Items kits • Hygiene Kits • Shelter Assistance

  11. FATA – Areas of Return and Reintegration Areas

  12. Early Recovery in FATA Chair of the ERWG: FDMA and UNDP 6 July 2011 ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN

  13. Current Situation • The return of Bajaur and Mohmand IDPs from Jalozai Camp is completed. Total of 9,642 families have returned from both the camp. In total 51,842 families from Bajaur and 12,648 families from Mohmand have returned. • Phase 1 of South Waziristan Return has completed and 4502 families have retuned from Tank and D.I. khan. • Phase 3 of Orakzai Return is continued once a week, every Wednesday. During this phase 8,836 families have returned to Lower Orakzai with total of 21,114 todate, while 12,826 verified IDPs of Orakzai still live in Peshawar, Kohat and Hangu Districts.

  14. Progress Under ERWG • Desk Review for GAP analysis: • PCNA • PRHP • Assessments led by OCHA • Mapping of Bajaur and Mohmand • RAHA • WB MDTF PCs • Inter Agency Early Recovery Needs Assessment • UN Multi sectoral Programme

  15. Mapping Exercise - Donor Agencies in Bajaur &Mohmand Agency 0

  16. TWO MESSAGES ARE CLEAR • ER is a priority in FATA to ensure that IDP’s returning home continue to sustain their lives in FATA • Early Recovery is part of the ongoing humanitarian response and build the basis for peace /stability & development in FATA

  17. Three/Two Complementary Tracks in a Multi-SectoralProgramme/Strategy(Mainstreamed: Gender, environment, communication, DRR, Conflict prevention, HR) Income security Basic Social Services DISASTER /CONFLICT FILTER Disaster recovery/Peace Building Process Track I: STABILIZING: LIVELIHOODS, COMMUNITY INFRA; BASIC SOCIAL SERVICES; QUICK PEACE DIVIDEND RESULTS Track II: LOCAL SOCIO –ECONOMIC RECOVERY REINTEGRATION (where required) Track III: SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT

  18. Inter Agency Early Recovery Assessment Available pre-crisis baseline information that can be used to identify early recovery information gaps, and can inform judgments about pre existing standards in the crisis setting  An understanding of specific vulnerabilities related to women and persons with disabilities, and their capacities to engage in recovery Reliable baseline data disaggregated by sex, age, ethnicity, rural and urban etc to feed into a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system Initial indication of what fundamental early recovery activities need to be undertaken now in different sectors so that recovery planning and implementation can begin.

  19. UN Multi Sectoral Programme 1. Affected communities have adequate access to food and income (in specific Agencies in FATA); 2. Affected communities have improved access to basic social services in selected FATA Agencies; 3. Livelihoods and economic opportunities for crisis affected people in selected Agencies in FATA improved; 4. Capacity of local authorities and communities for peace building and risk reduction strengthened; and 5. Peace building and social cohesion in IDP return areas in FATA improved. 6. Strengthened Coordination for Early Recovery.

  20. Thank you for helping us return home.

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