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Make this data table twice in your science notebook. It will take TWO FULL PAGES so allow yourself enough room . SYSTEMS OF THE HUMAN BODY. THE SKELETAL SYSTEM. Major Organs: Bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. The Skeletal System. Protects,. supports,. allows movement,.
Make this data table twice in your science notebook. It will take TWO FULL PAGES so allow yourself enough room
THE SKELETAL SYSTEM Major Organs: Bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
The Skeletal System Protects, supports, allows movement, produces blood cells & stores minerals
Factoids: Skeletal • The human hand has 27 bones; your face has 14! • The longest bone in your body? Your thigh bone, the femur -- it's about 1/4 of your height. The smallest is the stirrup bone in the ear which can measure 1/10 of an inch. • You have over 230 moveable and semi-moveable joints in your body
THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM Major Organs:Skeletal muscles and smooth muscles throughout the body.
The Muscular System Allows body movement & maintains posture
Factoids: Muscular • You have over 30 facial muscles which create looks like surprise, happiness, sadness, and frowning. • Eye muscles are the busiest muscles in the body. Scientists estimate they may move more than 100,000 times a day! • The largest muscle in the body is the gluteus maximus muscle in the buttocks.
THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Major Organs:Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines
The Digestive System Allows the body to break down food and nutrients!
Factoids: Digestive • HOW LONG ARE YOUR INTESTINES? At least 25 feet in an adult. Be glad you're not a full-grown horse -- their coiled-up intestines are 89 feet long! • Chewing food takes from 5-30 seconds • Swallowing takes about 10 seconds • Food sloshing in the stomach can last 3-4 hours • It takes 3 hours for food to move through the intestine
THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Major Organs:Heart, blood vessels and blood.
The Circulatory System Transports nutrients wastes, and other materials and plays a role in the immune system
Factoids: Circulatory • The body of an adult contains over 60,000 miles of blood vessels! • An adult's heart pumps nearly 4000 gallons of blood each day! • Your heart beats some 30 million times a year! • The average three-year-old has two pints of blood in their body; the average adult at least five times more! • A "heartbeat" is really the sound of the valves in the heart closing as they push blood through its chambers.
THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Major Organs:Nose, trachea, diaphragm and lungs.
The Respiratory Systems oxygen Exchanges & carbon dioxide air between blood &
Factoids: Respiratory • Your lungs contain almost 1500 miles of airways and over 300 million alveoli. • Every minute you breathe in 13 pints of air.
THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM Major Organs:Kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
The Excretory System Removes solid & liquid wastes
Factoids: Excretory • Ever eat kidney beans? They were named after your kidneys which are a similar shape and color! • Your kidneys have about a million structures that filter out liquids and wastes. • About 440 gallons of blood flow through the kidneys each and every day!
THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Major Organs:Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
The Nervous System Detects sensation & controls most functions
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Major Organs:Many glands exist in the body that secrete endocrine hormones. Among these are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands.
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Regulates metabolism, reproduction & other functions
Factoids: Endocrine • Imagine your body without glands. You'd be without all the ooze, sweat, mucus, chemicals and juices in your body which make your body home. • For girls, puberty generally begins sometime between ages 9-13 and for boys, ages 10-15!
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Major Organs:Lymph, lymph nodes and vessels, white blood cells, T- and B- cells.
The Immune System Controls the immune response & fights disease
The Integumentary System (Skin) Protects, Regulates Temperature & Prevents Water loss
Factoids: Integumentary • As an adult, you may have more than 20 square feet of skin -- about the size of a blanket. • You are likely to shed some 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime. • Right now there are over a million dust mites, microscopic critters invisible to the naked eye, on your mattress and pillow, chomping on the dead skin cells that fell off you last night!