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Open Expansion: The Intersection of Open Access, Open Data and OER

Embrace the intersection of Open Access, Open Data, and OER to revolutionize research and learning environments. Discover how the "open" movements offer solutions to cost problems and create new opportunities. Dive into the world of unrestricted digital reuse and realize the true value of information in the digital age.

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Open Expansion: The Intersection of Open Access, Open Data and OER

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  1. Open Expansion: The Intersection of Open Access, Open Data and OER Heather Joseph Executive Director, SPARC ACRL 2015 Annual Conference Portland, OR March 27, 2015

  2. A tale of three “open”movements.

  3. Change is afoot.

  4. Source: http://www.openmatters.com/2014/01/new-world-of-digital/

  5. The Internet.

  6. New Channels to Share Work.

  7. New environment for research, teaching and learning.

  8. Digital environment means change.

  9. And LOTS of it.

  10. Access to more, opportunities to do more.

  11. Theoretically.

  12. Opportunities to leverage lower cost distribution mechanisms.

  13. Theoretically.

  14. Despite the promise of the Internet, the materials we most need the freedom to work with remain largely under restrictive access, pricing and reuse policies.

  15. We have 20th century policies governing 21st century information.

  16. “Open” can provide a solution to a problem, as well as be used as a lever to create new opportunities.

  17. Ok. A solution to what kind of problems?

  18. Let’s consider costs.

  19. Costs for 1-yr Journal Subscriptions www.righttoresearch.org Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20050828210650/libraries.mit.edu/about/scholarly/expensive-titles.html

  20. Average Textbook Prices Source: http://www.studentpirgs.org/sites/student/files/reports/A-Cover-to-Cover-Solution_4pdf

  21. $1,207.Average budget for student books and supplies for the 2013-2014 academic year. Source http/:trends.collegeboard.org/college-pricing/figures-tables/average-estimaed-undergraduate-budgets-2013-2014

  22. Library budgets & journal prices

  23. Textbook prices and the CPI Source: www.goa.gov/products/GAO-13-368

  24. “The annual revenues generated by STM journal publishing were estimated at US $9.4 billion in 2011…” Source: The STM Report,http://www.stm-assoc.org/2012_12_11_STM_Report_2012.pdf

  25. “During same time period, annual revenues for textbook publishers were estimated at US $8.8 billion …” Source: http://www.slideshare.net/txtbks/keynote-nercomp?related=1

  26. And we know where that money comes from…

  27. Libraries.Students & their families.

  28. How can “open”address problem of cost?

  29. Current Market:Intermediaries blunt price sensitivity.

  30. Now look at that slide again, just substitute “Libraries” and “Researchers”for students and professors…

  31. Déjà vu…

  32. Creating new models based on “open”removes intermediaries, and ties payments directly to service/good being purchased.

  33. What about opportunities?

  34. Let’s consider value.

  35. OA, Open Data and OER movements all emphasize the need to enable unobstructed digital reuse of these materials, to fully exploit the power - and the value - of the information they contain.

  36. Open Access = Immediate Access + Full Reuse

  37. Text MiningDownloadingBulk DownloadingData MiningSemantic SearchingComputational AnalysisMachine Reading

  38. Because these materials are digital, at their core, they are data…and:

  39. "Data is a valuable national asset that should be available to the public.”President Obama, May 13, 2013 Executive Order

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